Why can't white men grow hair this thick?

Why can't white men grow hair this thick?

>inb4 muh testosterone

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look everyone, another GREAT thread!!!

go in any woman based forum/youtube/magazine/etc about thin hair.

first step is to dye it.

dyeing hair damages it and makes it thicker (more straw oike texture)

that being said...yeah Asians have thick hair....so what?

also means that their hair sticks straight out exposing their scalp

>not politics-related

I have hair like that. You are talking bs

My hair is thicker than that, the only problem is that its ginger.

and it sucks btw. I need tons of hair gel and hairspray to style it even a little bit.

But they do lol?

Lots of German men i know have thicker hair, and i do too.

Many just straighten it because it tends to start getting curly when it grows longer

Higher testosterone levels lead to hair thinning. On the other hand, the xenoestrogens found in Soy products consumed in Asian regions reduce test levels.

is this an actual problem for people ?

they do, when they are like 14

what are you, a faggot?

We do, it gets curly.

I can and do

I had that hair when I was like 14, stop lying, faggot


>be white
>have thicker hair than chinky

I'm not a fucking turk or other shitskin. 100% germanic

Who cares? It is just hair. What are you, a woman?

No. But you post anime so you are gay


at least they look like a man, not like a 13 old. and btw, korean popfas dye and style it for hours. look at this, does the hosts' hair look natural to you?

Asian man are as attractive as fucking a cactus, and they grew fag beards. As a white female I'd never date an asian miget.

I have super thick and straight hair, I'm probably a Hun rape baby