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>implying they didn't like it

Sorry I thought you were pro antifa or some shit. I don't like you image. Try harder to make normies realise they're the evil.ones without bad mouthing natsoc.

Hitler did a small amount of things wrong.


>finger fuck antifa


>“Without warning,” it continues, “[the officer] grabbed Mr. Horse’s testicles and yanked on them. He then put his finger into Mr. Horse’s rectum, through his underwear. As [the officer] pushed his finger into Mr. Horse’s rectum, he ordered Mr. Horse not to flinch.


So I guess USA isnt so doomes as I thought

what the fuck is wrong with american cops

>didn't change gloves


Absolutely nothing

>Michelman says it’s unclear how widespread forced rectal exams were...

I'm sure they've had wider.

wtf I love cops now

USA is truly the home of the faggots

we need the norway user to archive it ,

>t. physically butthurt antifa

shit disregard I am a moron


I'll be waiting, you useless cunts here in Portugal had 1,7% in the last elections. They will be squashed like ants or they will be deported to USA wher is socially accepted to be a corrupted fag

They deal with niggers and pieces of shit like antifa all day. What's wrong with YOU?

>Theres no way this is real
>Reads article




come on, it can't be real
please tell me that it's real holy shit

Yeah, pol may praise this but let's say all these antifa died. Then we'd just be left with sociopathic rapist cops. When nigger does not another undo, or some shit like that.

>implying that it would be a bad thing


>be american
>cop shoves his finger up your ass

owo i wish i was protesting the inauguration now .~.

fucking hot

Crime was lower in the 1950s because cops could do whatever they wanted. The additional "rights" that SCOTUS found in the 1960s and 1970s raised crime so much we needed to do the Drug War to lower crime again. The Drug War is not about reducing drug use, but instead about the mass incarceration of criminals.

Rectal probing is normal procedure when looking for drugs. If you see a crowd of kids with red eyes and lots of energy it's a must.
You wouldn't believe what you can find in a butt

I want to rectally probe August.

That is hilarious.

A policeman friend of mine once probed Angela Merkel's butt and found 28,000 SyRian refugees.

felony rioting =/= protesting

they went full retard, and suffer the consequences of acting like the rest of the herd.

Hiding behind "I'm a lawyer, dont arrest me" or "i'm just a reporter!! I totally didn't participate, you cant prove i dindu nuffin", ultimately will fail when you get caught red handed.

That headline

>arrested after protest

Most disingenuous thing I've read in some time

Hngggg fucking this

>At least five people were rectally probed, the lawsuit says.

You know who else is gonna get rectally probed? Eric Clanton.

>antifa raped to death
Where is the problem?



Fags probably enjoyed it.

sometimes im sad that i live in the safe zone of the bufferzone the official Boring TM country, apart from the jewed politics nothing seems to go on. News outlets are so dry they report on the grass growing and local social drama. Sure we had that one night years and years ago where the ussr themed ruskies went berserk over some statue but thats all the action we get.

I would get on the berkely antifa action but I live on the east coast


Is this supposed to be a euphemism for niggers? But you're right about the drug war. The only real reason it still exists is to arrest gang banger niggers and spics when they can't prove their more heinous crimes.

These cops were just screening for prostate cancer. I thought these antifa faggot wanted the government to give everyone free healthcare.

quem ? o pcp?

ele tiveram 7.6% dos votos

This means: Esti not a real country


>As [the officer] pushed his finger into Mr. Gonzalez’s rectum, he ordered Mr. Gonzalez not to resist.

Lembrete que 80% do eleitorado do PCP vai estar morta daqui a 20 anos

Lembrete que o Costa vai absorver os restantes nas proximas eleições

>seria de implicar que ums jogems nao ficariam com o partido comunista so para nao fazer nenhum da vida e viver a cuista dos contribuintes.

mas ya e o mais provavel que isso aconteca. o uqe disses-te
