Why aren't you a radical centrist yet Sup Forums?

why aren't you a radical centrist yet Sup Forums?

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Why haven't you killed yourself yet, OP?

I'm not a faggot

In 40 years Sargon will look like Santa Claus. I could make up a joke about the North Sup Forums but I'm too tired.

most ppl on here won't admit on here that they are
too busy Sup Forumsvirtue signalling about how they are the biggest nazi of all

if you won't go out and kill minorities
then stfu
you are just larping as a nazi

radical centrists
having principals
but willing to change based on actual facts

Sargon is a classical liberal how do you not know thaT ??


radical centrism is the ultimate redpill

You might be fooled by speakers who call themselves "classical" liberals or refer to modern liberals as the "regressive left" in order to distance themselves from the obvious nutjob SJW crowd, but the 18th century liberalism that is called "classical" is responsible for the world's current mess. Classical liberals are libertarians and libertarians are scum.

I figured people would eventually play into the centrist meme.

He doesn't even believe in the free market, so he isn't a classical liberal. He's just a centrist faggot

If you stay a polarized partisan pleb your whole life then you're pretty worthless. Centrists are people who think for themselves with objective perspective rather than with team colors.

I really liked him in that movie with Bruce Willis.

I am, because I'm not retarded
110 IQ masterrace here

yeah and raise somebody else's child? no thanks

Isn't this guy a literal cuck? He even has a wife's son.

>not being a cuck

It's like you people enjoy being obsolete

>You can only be an ideological extremest because otherwise I won't respect you

Your respects is worthless and unwanted.

This, he's not a libertarian. He's a moderate Gaylord too pussy to take any Hardline positions.

I'm already one

>ideological extremest
how will you deal with the islamic problem then retard talk them into leaving?
how will you solve the rampant nigger crime then?
exstreme solutions requere exstreme mesuires.
idk muh horshoe thaory.
so libretarians want to legalize incest and zoophilia what do muslems practice? incest and zoophilia so that means there the same acording to muh horshoe thaory.

I'm a tax paying Libretarian or Rational Neo-Con in other words so i don't care.

Not wanting to be killed is not an extremist position dumbass.

>how will you deal with the islamic problem then retard talk them into leaving?
An Islamic Reformation idiot
>how will you solve the rampant nigger crime then?
>exstreme solutions requere exstreme mesuires.
They literally do not.

Why be on the left or center when you can be RIGHT

Centrism is a simple strategy for defeating the Hegalian dialect and avoiding the baggage that goes with picking a side.
It also allows recruitment from both sides of the divide, people rarely or slowly move from side to side.
It allows the debate of everything where as both the left and right have fixed ideas therefore no dynamism

I'd suggest

Liberal Christian Alliance

Not because I'm a Christian either, though I might describe myself as a cultural christian.
It's the dominant culture responsibe for the modern western world so it makes sense not to try to chuck it overboard

Being a liberal alliance also means accepting people of other faiths who are willing to embrace the ideals of the centrist, even atheists

>Claim to be a centrist
>Supports socialism

Wow, really bakes the beans.

I was a pussy centrist for most of my teenage and early university years.

I realized that centrists are easy fodder for the leftward march. Centrists have no ground to stand on when the left comes knocking with more demands.

I'm now a paleocon

Your opinions can change over time. I consider myself a "centrist" because I lean left on certain issues but right on others, not because I have moderate viewpoints on literally everything. That'd just be stupid. I legit used to be smack dab in the center.

It's a strategy, you don't have to be your strategy.

>An Islamic Reformation idiot
he actualy think he can do this without starting a super jihad are you realy that retarded?.
the education can solve everything meme.
>They literally do not.
it does you moron the building of the wall to mexico the merciless deportation of illigals and the kicking out of islam.

>Islamic Reformation idiot
good luck with that , beacuse is the arabs who are the problem not the religion

cry more retard

Because I don't want to look like a fat Jonathan Frakes.


education will somehow change their degenarate culture education will somehow solve the complete destruction of the nuclear family education will SOMEHOW cure and reverse the giant drug abuse that goes on in the nigger community.

he uses an ad hominem becuase he cant counter my arguments.

By declaring as a centrist, you can say

We are willing to debate all ideas, we are willing to take the best ideas from the left or the right.

Then you can have the argument and win it, by adopting a position that is fixed discourse is inhibited and polarization is inevitable.
This is what the left are guilty of, absolutism, narrow mindedness and childish rhetoric.
We can beat them easy from the centre

he's a fascist tho

He's not. He's a "social liberal"

stop being jewd into saying

I am this or I am that

Fight each issue on it's own merits and don't allow yourself to be put in a box


How's that debating with the muzzies working out for you on Cuck Island?

>degenarate culture
>complete destruction of the nuclear family >giant drug abuse that goes on

Literally nothing wrong with any of this

The Isle of Cuckoldry is quite a small box you have put yourself in.

he is a ((((classical liberal))))

Sargon and all the "le radical centrist skeptics" need to be fucking gassed. The only thing these people are able to do is string up SJWs, who are the absolute lowest hanging fruit.

They don't even have any real conviction of anything. They take a stance of permanent centrism and impartiality because "muh horseshoe theory" and because actually holding a belief would open themselves up to criticism in any form.

Their entire thought process can be boiled down to "we're okay with the destruction of society so long as you do it quietly. " For example, the skeptic faggots are absolutely okay with anti-white and other cultural marxist policies, so long as they don't overtly scream "fuck white people" while implementing these policies.

>Literally nothing wrong with any of this

so the single moms arent a problem the abuse that these hildren will suffer trough isnt a problem?
so the dialy voilence in there community's arent isnt a problem?

so the dialy drug abuse and gang wars arent a problem?
are you trying to shitpost?

>imagine being such a massive cuck you care about anyone other than yourself lmao

I see Islam as a totalitarian ideology, it's a problem

As liberal christian centrists we can allow muslims to join but they must agree with our core principles. This way wee avoid the bigot pardigm.
It will mean that muslims would have to address the core issues or reveal themselves as the zealots they often are

and remember, this is a strategy, no stategy is perfect, it's a means to an end

Oh look it's older boxxy

>collectivistic jargon

why should I care? why should anyone?

You've been memed my friend, they're all falalcies

because I'm not a massive pussy?

Because to adhere to a single principle, ideology or idea is to be a slave to it. To be "principled" is to perceive only part of a thing from a single, narrow vantage point, never examining it completely. To truly claim knowledge of a thing, one needs to observe it from many different vantage points and be able to contrast them while not adhering to a single one. No single principle has all the answers and to restrict oneself to just one is to narrow one's horizons rather than to broaden them. This is the final red pill.

>you should not take care of the society youre derectly benifiting from.

then remove youre healcare dont pay taxes and live in the wild to be truly independent my ancap friend.

have you ever lived in a ghetto before have you ever seen drug violence before?
it destroys society.

why should I care? why should anyone?
if youre ancestors said that too we would still be living in caves and you would not get the chance to shitpost.

Because it's the biggest political meme that got out there in the last 12 months, say.
It's not even a political position other than saying we're not what the other (two?) positions are.
I'd rather know what decisions are supported by someone than him saying >whatever the others don't support.

>How many strawmen can I set up and knock down in a single post: the post

You are posting in a bait thread you retards. Sage goes in all fields

Because centrists believe in nothing, and are willing to lie to the public because they believe in nothing.

They are the primary reason why we got to this place in time.

It represents the divide and rule principle, it defines the parameters of the argument, it is a jewish trick

This is why all totalitarian ideologies lack creativity, where is the great art coming from, muslims, post modernists, communists etc etc
you see it in films, books, everything, it's creatively bankrupt

If there is no truth then ther is no art

left right left right left right

All politics is corrupt shit for the elite

Divide and conquer via politics is a tool used by the elite to make us believe we have a stake in the game.

The reality is that no matter how you lean, you still just a puppet and will never benefit from their decisions if you are not part of their click directly

Centrism is exactly the opposite of "adhering to a single principle, ideology or idea". Being a centrist means starting from "no opinion" and critically thinking about the given issue until you come to a conclusion that settles well in your mind. Not "I'm a conservative therefore I am against abortion" or "I'm a Liberal so I support gay rights".

This guy is by no means a centrist.He pretends to be one.

ad hominem

and wrong. We all know why we are where we are and it's not centrists and as I have said before

I'ts a strategy not an ideology

There is no clearly defined belief in the centre so no, the people of the centre believe in different thing because it's not a cult

untruths must always be exposed

if you have no political idioligy what valeu's do you have what do you stand for?
even the radical centrist have an idioligy as the stand for certain things that can be diveded and conqeured.

theres no such thing as a indifrent person.

There's no such thing as centrism. Politics are relative. What is considered "centrist" varies wildly depending on time and place. All "centrism" means is upholding the status quo.


>you should not take care of the society youre derectly benifiting from.


>then remove youre healcare dont pay taxes and live in the wild to be truly independent my ancap friend.

If it were up to me it would all be on a voluntary basis so

>have you ever lived in a ghetto before have you ever seen drug violence before?
it destroys society.
Again, collectivist fallacy.
It doesn't destroy ME so I don't care

>why should I care? why should anyone?
if youre ancestors said that too we would still be living in caves and you would not get the chance to shitpost.

Baseless assumption, moreover even if true it doesn't translate to a moral obligation for me to do the same

Centrism is exactly about adhering to an ideology. This is why Carl Benjamin and those like him refuse to acknowledge truths that both the radical right and left offer for the simple reason that they're proposed by the radical left and right respectively. Centrism is a fear of the left and the right and an appeal to moderate non-opinions, nothing more.

>arabs are the problem not the religion.
It's both. Religion that says them to conquer the world and their nigger-tier behaviour.
We must not reform islam. We need to subvert it.

>critically thinking about the given issue

so thats why most radical centrists ignore the abhorently high hiv rates in the faggot community and ironically use the not all argument?
thats why the believe in evolution but denie that race and genetics has any effect on the person?
radical centrists are just as irrational the just dont want to admit it as the often only go for low hanging fruit like sjw's instead of tackling and debunking bullshit.

>Carl Benjamin

Sargon needs to build an alternate system. Just destroying SJW ideas is not enough.


>muh gay sex
>muh recreational drugs
>muh vidya
>muh low taxation
>muh food

WTF cares about the rest? You only exist for a limited amount of time like lmao doods grow tf up

> Religion that says them to conquer the world and their nigger-tier behaviour.
they created islam , if their religion is telling them to conquer the world is beacuse they want to conquer the world ,

>Centrism is a fear of the left and the right and an appeal to moderate non-opinions, nothing more.
Exactly. It's just holding up the status quo no matter what.

Not indifference but rather small communities that act for the few people that have a voice.

Left/right/center politics causes a divide along unatural lines.

In a community, each voice is heard and a more organic politics evolve that serve the greater benefit of a small number of people = more aligned with the needs for small communities to progress and benefit from.

The larger a political ideal, the more the needs of a given people becomes diluted and not taken into consideration...You lose valuable micro progress and strive to create a more homogeneous (inbreeding style) politics that help only the elite and their chaps

>Centrists all believe X because I said so!!


The guy in OP's pic.

>It doesn't destroy ME so I don't care

say that the next time you get shot by a gangbanging thug.
and when youre brother dies of an overdose of illigal drugs.

>It doesn't destroy ME so I don't care
if you dont care and dont care to contrabute to society and help your fellow man why dont you go and live somwhere where law doesnt exist or create youre own land?

why do you then care about islam.? as inplied by youre post?
why do you even care to debate people on the internet if nothing matters?

>WTF cares about the rest? You only exist for a limited amount of time like lmao doods grow tf up

if everybody tought like you there would be no.
>basic medicene witch you benifit from.
you need to grow up my ancap friend the world doesnt revolve around you and you only.

>ancap meme


You guys need to stop treating culture and race as two separate things. Culture is a manifestation of race. For example, american niggers and niggers in africa have wildly different cultures, and yet they are both cultures that venerate thuggery and violence while looking down on anyone who tries to be successful and smart. Why? Because niggers are naturally predisposed to violence and tearing down each other.

Same with islam and arabs. Islam is a violent death cult religion. But the reason why this violent religion developed is because the people who created the religion are violent. It formed within the context of a violent sand people. You can only "reform islam" in the sense that other races that have adopted islam can reform it. For example, the bosniaks and kazakhs who are technically muslim but aren't anywhere near as violent as the arabs. But you CANNOT reform the arabs who practice islam, because their penchant for violence and jihad is intrinsic. The religion is just a manifestation of this.


As a member of the LCA

I support state involvement in infrastructure but liberal capitalism with everything else.
I also support the examination of private banks issuing national currency. It seems to me the current situation is far too opaque and the public desve to know the truth about how money is created

I am open to all ideas about how we conduct the business of society

You see how we open the field of debate unlike the leftards and rightards who are reduced to attacking each other

so you dont believe in the non agresion pact?
almost every single radical centrist i ever talked to and watched believed in these things and had clear motivations.

Because that's the already prevailing dogma that I don't like

Some extremists say 2+2 is 4.
Some extremists say 2+2 is 6.
Centrists know that 2+2 is 5.

you forget that humans are inherently tribalistic and have clear goals and motivations and will follow those who promice them that its just the way "democracy" works.

keep making the same error

It's not an ideology
It's a strategy


>ame with islam and arabs. Islam is a violent death cult religion. But the reason why this violent religion developed is because the people who created the religion are violent.
i agree , this is what i wanted to say

No one cares about this bullshit centrist sophistry. An "eternal devil's advocate" is useless.

I don't care about my hammer, I use it to bang in nails

>Islam is a violent death cult religion.

i wonder why?
The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup, was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza.

you pretty much gave them political immunity as youre economy now relies on it
also not to forget the arming of jihadis like bin laden to ""fight the soviets""
you kindof created youre own enemy there burger.

>don't disagree with me, it's useless

>he actualy think he can do this without starting a super jihad are you realy that retarded?
Those will be terrorists and they will die.
Islam gets reformed so it stops producing terrorist.

Why am Star Trek characters politicking?

Also fpbp

as i said here how can you stop if youre goverment wont stop snooping around in the middle east and arming terrorists?
islam and the middle east shoulde have been left alone to develop but sombody just had to provoke the beast huh?

i will give them this tho the soviets also had a large part in it.

>tfw centrist libertarian

Odin's paradise is lonely, brothers.

Interesting story

When I was studying in the US and Canada, I made friends with a native fellow from a Mohawk tribe. Even on the Canadian side, the houses all had American flags....I was puzzled.

My friend explained that Mohawks in Ontario, Quebec and New York state fly the American flag because American democracy was based on the Mohawk way of rule.

Each small tribe had a leader. Each leader was representing only his tribe and all would meet to take decisions as a people. The round table of chiefs was presided over by the eldest females of every tribe, a supreme court system.

Even the first Jesuits that lived amongst the natives were impressed how sophisticated their political system truly was.

This system had functioned for 10,000 years and they were still striving.

Same thing as the natives in Brazil. Although they are very different people, the natives of the Amazon still exist, have been going on for 10,000+ years even without the of outsiders.

Something must be right with the tribal system for having survived longer than any other system of politics

whatever it takes to arrest the (((progress))) that is being made against decency

> youre just giong to smugly proclaime everybody is an idiot if there not "englightened" centrist like you.

how about we both debate this?