Italy BFTOs migrants again

Where where you when Italy arrested a migrant just for joking that he was ISIS?

Source in pasta:

Basic Gestalt:
>(((Refugee))) on a bus gets asked the ticket from the controllers.
>He doesn't have one, jokes about being ISIS and not needing one.
>Gets arrested for terrorism.

Other EU "countries" are pure cucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Mario, you're a racist. Now go suck the Pope's cock!

boss move Italy

>fyi bottomfeeding migrants
jokes are funny

an immigrant tried to rape a 16 years old girl but she knifed him.
fucking immigrants,er should genocide them.

6 right wing ***************extremists************* beat a kid and called him a communist scum for wearing a cinema america t-shirt and being a faggot

Are the other countries even trying to get uncucked

>6 Pecorari all'Esquilino
Wonder where they found parking for their tractor

cool but not worth mentioning
treating immigrants like they deserve should be usual routine
not having any should be the goal routine

What is a good Italian breakfast senpai?

Coffee and a cornetto.

Coffee and a croissant

cappuccio e brioche

in absence of anything better leftover dinner should do the job

Bacon and eggs

So italian


kys traitor


fuck this guy

i love you all,spaghetti bros

Bacon and eggs is literally the most italian thing you can have for breakfast
Prove me wrong
> it is usually referred to as a full English breakfast (often shortened to a "full English" or "fry-up").[1][2] Other regional variants are the "full Irish", "full Scottish", "full Welsh", and the "Ulster fry".[3][4][5] It is especially popular in the UK and Ireland.

For real guys! I always said this, Rome is extremely uncucked, we are flooded by shitskins and niggers thanks to our government but at least you can be openly racist and defend yourself! Rome is a dangerous city now, and people are stopping with that political correctness crap. Just took a walk in trastevere yesterday night
>disgusting nigger in African outfit harasses me and my friends
>We tell him to fuck off and that we don't talk to non Italians
>He leaves visibly angry but not capable of doing anything since the place is full of people
>For a moment I think the west could actually make it
>5 minutes later American students arrive completely drunk vomiting on the ground carrying a huge inflatable penis on a public road. Talk with one of them, first thing she does is apologizing for trump
>Remember the west shall never make it

You haven't proved me wrong
I'll be more extreme: bacon and eggs is the most Italian food ever

Hopefully the West will die soon enough
There is nothing to preserve

kek,young english and american tourist are trash.

Deportations are useless, bring back the cross.

This. They are fucking cancerous here in Florence as well, those fucking Americagne

fuck,you are a genius,for the amount of cross nedeed we would put disoccupation to 0%,all the niggers,faggots,communist,arabs,chinks,traitors crucified on via appia.
simply glorius

Boy have you seen the fucking Red Pub at midnight during weekends? To be burnt down instantly.

>on via appia


I live by that road.

This is just sad guys.... All I want is to take a peaceful walk during a summer night in my Beloved city Rome without being harassed constantly by Africans asking for coins while playing bongos and American whores pissing and throwing up in backalleys.... Why everyone is an enemy? What happened to the west....
I want him back guys, I want him back so fucking bad

Mussolini was a cuck.

I understand why. It's because the Americans that travel to Europe happen to be overwhelmingly Liberal and according to their ideology, all of Europe is just one big gigabeast that's lacking any clear deviation from one another therefore they don't understand the concept of paying homage to culture, traditions, and so forth but instead do whatever they please in a trashy manner.

It's really disgusting and gives America a bad name, yet nobody calls this phenomenon (in the U.S) out because you'll be shunned as unpatriotic.

I always wanted to visit Italy because muh heritage and the fact that my ancestors left Post-WW2 so I always wanted to experience it first hand but, I'm not in the financial position so shit happens I guess.

Man i'll host you if you really want to visit.

Who are you calling a cuck?

in my opinion squadristi wouldn't be ebough to clean this shit,not even the inquisition.
a global virus should happen to clean this shitty world.

Italian hospitality is absolutely outstanding

He's planning to resell your kidney, beware.

italian cookies/biscuits and coffee

that's what these lazy, unhealthy people eat

italian education everyone

beware,the eternal anglo has come!

Respectful and decent young Americans are more than welcome, maybe even encouraged to visit my city. But I am starting to think they don't even exist. please stop shipping drunken chads and whores throwing up in the street. And what's worse they are the only one giving coin to those fucking bongo niggers and shitskins. They are the only thing allowing them to survive now, we wouldn't have them if it wasn't for you fucking tourists. All of this holds for England and Australia as well, get your shit together.

English food is trash

Take a look at what Gentiloni said to Juncker yesterday - we're literally doomed.

Squadracce and marcia su Roma when?

i'm ready,even now.
the problem is the police,they are efficent at protecting them,they are fighting the wrong battle.

poland stronk

Italians have a higher life expectancy than Brits though.

Juncker is a jew and Gentiloni is the most disgusting kind of cucked faggot able to exist, he bent to Soros one month ago without even having the decency of hiding it.
Don't you worry camerata, ritorneremo and they will all fucking pay, the public opinion is shifting at an incredibly fast pace...

As far as I know both are childless.

>he thinks that bitch represents the majority
It's so cute how unaware foreigners are about what life is really like in america. You truly wouldn't know unless you live here. America is fucking great in my experience, and before you tell yourself "America is fucked" you might wanna recheck who we just elected as president. The era of tolerating trite is coming to an end. We're fucking crazy and pissed off too. Nobody who cares about their own self preservation is doing anything against America. Plebs, the lot of them

We're all too aware of how postmodernism is regressive cancer. America has been paying attention to the failings and incompetence of Europe and Britain. We've been taking notes

We unfortunately have to judge based on what we get here, and boy is it cancer.

We have to turn the both the police and the army by our side.
Btw aren't they usually right winged?

Police and army in our country is literally the last surviving piece of nazi-fascist europe. If you join and you're not a fascist they would probably kill you while you sleep. They are only hiding their true power level.


Super right wing, they would turn in a second

let the west die, the south will fix this mess

some days ago the leader of forza nuova denounced soros.the news got unnoticed and probably nothing will happen,it is still a good news,tough.

Real america has never been tried.

I hope you're right but as said and based on my own experiences - I too live in a touristic city - the Americans = cancer meme is true.

>Terrorist attack in France
>PrayforParis, NotAllMuslims, etc.
>Terrorist attack in England same

>Terrorist attack in Italy


john, i hope with all my heart that what you say is true

i know they are bascically fascist,however they have to do their duty.
i don't know what would be required for them to do a coup.

>terrorist attack
>in Italy
pick one

I don't know and I wasn't attacking your country as a whole. What I meant was that what you ship here is literally cancer, you destroy our cities, you destroy your ancestral homes. 95% of the americans that come here are not welcome, if you want to throw up and piss in a public street, destroy 2000 years old monuments(link), go around completely drunk with a 1.5 meter inflatable cock do it, just not in my fucking city.


God I want them to reignite thier inner Roman so bad.

It would happen instantly in my opinion, even some lefite friends I have said that if they saw a terrorist attack to some monument or piazza here in Italy they would support mass deportation.

Good, good.
Now I'm going back to study - we've got to also try to change - worst case scenario: destroy - the (((University))) from the inside.

This country allows us the freedom to be as ignorant or as curious as we want. For every 1 ignorant postmodernist degenerate there are 5 other people observing and shaking our heads in disappointment. We prefer to love and let live, keep to ourselves, that sort of thing. We've been modest and polite for too long and admittedly it has enabled postmodernism to spike. But again, look at who we elected as president. Postmodernis is losing in America. All their PC shit does is polarize anyone with a half intillgent brain away from their movement and narrative.
Rome never fell

thread theme


>the west
What has the (((west))) ever done for us?
apart from calling us non-whites and fucking up our country and economy, spreading globalization and multiculturalism (see the killing of Gaddafi)
Now we must pick up tons of animals from middle-east and africa just because the zionist subhumans keep destabilizing the world
>daily reminder that the real "west" died in 1945

a big terrorist attack in Italy can only lead to a full west crusade against the shitskin

(((((they))))) know that attacking Italy is a suicide, that's why we are safe from that shit

wtf i love italy now


They are loyal to the state as a whole. There are plenty of people in the army/police that already defy rules to make life to globalists and immigrants harder. The army and police are some of the few things I can very honestly say are perfect in this country. If things would come to civil unrest and revolt, I am 100 % sure they would be on our side. I go to a university in Rome in front of the Carabinieri national HQ, just look at the building, it says credere, obbedire, combattere( believe, obey, fight) + other fascist era mottos. pic.

Indeed, westcucks/whitecucks are just as bad as eurocucks.

Its probably all our libshits that travel and think they all are so "cultured". We are trying to clean our mess, I promise you.

you already started with Trump, don't let him fight alone, remove every libshit from your country

You win neighbour

and anglos eat lunch for breakfast, so much better

Reminder to stop calling them liberals. They are postmodernist who like to use fashionable buzzwords such as liberal. Their words are empty and mean nothing. Don't validate their fantasy by using their superficial words. Use honesty, objective perspective, and facts because that's what amounts to holy water to them

where were* mario

Very good point and true. Libshits I guess is my pet name for them. But will change tactics some... you made a great argument.

guys,we are on the verge.soon we will have to chose.
ahead of us,lies the path of our destiny.
i have my way already clear.
we will either become france/sweden cucked.
or we will start the uncuckening.
either way,we have to act.patience is fading,rage and hate are rising.
if i have to die,i will die fighting for my ideals.
ricordate di ardire sempre

Yeah, I'm sure that was a joke and not a threat.

>Travel to foreign country
>Spend all your time getting drunk going to the beach
>Night ends either getting drilled by hot latino or pissing on the street
>Go back to your home country
>"Omg I'm so cultured I have been to X and Y they have a really deep and fascinating history you know"
>Visited 0 monuments and learned nothing
>Probably tried to steal a flag

My god this feels so good. I love our armed forces they are the most based, dare I say the only one left in the whole west. Manganello and olio di ricino way of life. Fuck Bologna.
Yes, but I think we must all stand together and purge from within and out united as europeans. We cannot win alone, we need all our european brothers and they must uncuck themselves.
I believe with all my heart. You white americans are fine, at least the 80% of you. But I'm worried because you are starting to get to the point where you will not be able to decide anything. You are too few. In 20 years time you will be a minority in your own country and you won't have the democratic majourity anymore to change shit. Act quickly, as we should.


As an American with Italian friends, you have my support. I've always liked Italians and your food, but if this is the stance you guys take against postmodernism, well. I'd kiss you on the mouth if it wasn't gay



it explains a lot, sometimes I pity my family who lives there

I fucking hate them so much. So much so that if I had to choose who to send away first between anglo-saxon liberal tourists and niggers, I would choose anglo-saxons. Also because niggers couldn't survive anymore since Americans are the only one buying their shit in the middle of the street and giving them coin.

I love me some gabagool

cornetto and cappuccino

my nigger of white complexion

American nigger culture isn't pretty but it sure is popular. It's like potato chips you know. Super easy to pick up and munch on but it's not healthy for you beyond very modest servings.

A little bit of ayyyy never hurt anyone. Nigger culture doesn't promote self control though, so "a little bit" is hardly ever the case.

Makes me proud of my Italian heritage.

i was feeling nostalgic and i went to see some dragonball videos on youtube, i also watched the american version, EVERYONE IN THE COMMENTS WAS TALKING LIKE A NIGGER
now i don't know if it's because niggers really like dragonball or if it's because american kids speak like niggers, but it really got me worried

>but I think we must all stand together and purge from within and out united as europeans

Nah, it's a one way only street.
Basically we'll be sent to either perform operations that directly harm us like our coperation in the balkan wars / lybia conflict or cover someone else retreat facing horrendous losses for someone who call you shitskin over your back and would openly hate you when the common threat is over.
We need to stand for ourself and nobody else.