Can somebody redpill me on the Fire situation in Pedrogao Grande in Portugal?

Can somebody redpill me on the Fire situation in Pedrogao Grande in Portugal?

I mean, what is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

>thunder causes fire
>wind spreads the fire
> forrest and surrounding village burns
> 60 people die

>ask for foreign help
>Based Galiza comes to our rescue
>firefighters get stopped at the border while the country burns
dog bless Portugal :DDD

>people look for someone to burn at the stake
>goverment promisses reforms
>muh equipment
>muh fireman don't have shark skin boots to kick fire in the nuts
>celebrities make some "charity" in an attempt to revive their careers
>""""""""journalists""""""""" flood the area to ask random people for their opinion on the matter

I'm not sure about what caused the fire, if natural causes or if some guy did it to start shit ou was paid by the lumber industry (burned wood is cheaper)

Basically there is no fire prevention in Portugal.
Too much continuous areas of trees, specially near small towns

you can't just come and decide you'll fight the fire. There has to be coordination

>you can't just come and decide you'll fight the fire
They were invited you dipshit

Wait, is the government in the right or in the wrong?

>Some people say the fire was caused by a thunder, others say it was arson
>Portugal has almost no prevention measures in place. Opposition takes advantage of it. However, the opposition is as bad as the current government because they were in power 2 years ago
>~60 people dead according to the media, but rumors surfacing there might be more
>people rage at the paper industry in Portugal claiming that eucalyptus are very flammable relative to native trees, but the forest owned by the paper industry rarely burn and are actually clean and have all the proper prevention measures in place

You are fine now, we send a couple of planes and all that, that's from 2 days ago

Something I forgot:
>You have several testimonies that people were sent by the police to the road where most people died

>you can't just come
If we can we send help to any place that ask for it, we send firefighters and sometimes part of our army wich is trained to save people to lots of earthquakes and big fires arround the world > Ecuador, Haiti, Nepal in the last years ...

The goverment is both.

They are too fucking incompetent to do anything and even if they tried the other parties would find a way to fuck them to get some votes.

thank you based jamone
you are our greatest ally

In the news here the fire is over since yesterday evening, stay stronk, heatwaves are hard

The fire in Pedrogao Grande has been extinguished, yea. There were a few other smaller ones ongoing, I'm not too sure how they are right now, but temperatures really calmed down the last couple days, so they're probably getting them under control soon. Last week was pure hell. But then again, you probably felt the same over there.

>what is going on?

It can be taken as extinct in the next days.

thank you for your help

did you just ask for a quick rundown?

Just came here to thank to our Spanish vruders!
Thanks for the help!

A major fire happened due to unusual climacteric conditions that combined almost unnatural high temperatures with thunderstorms. Some trees were set alight which caused a major fire to spread.

Given that proprietors and people from rural areas dont give two fucks about cleaning their land, it spread fast leading to the deaths of a few dozens of people.

Bottom line is: shit happens. If people want safety then the government must consider the proprietors accountable for the cleaning and vigilance of their lands under the penalty of heavy fines of the threat of jail. That is all.

>*or the threat of jail

>which will never happen because the wood industry exports enough eucalyptus to pay for the required lobbies.




This is bullshit

it's fucked up

It looks like a dystopian scene. I'm wondering when and where the zombies (or some mutated atrocity) are going to appear.

>30,000 hectares
>this is considered large
Meanwhile, in California:


these fuckers have no idea what a big fire is

>be surrounded by burning eucaliptus
>use garden hoses + buckets to """"""""fight"""""" the fire
>refuse to evacuate cuz of muh possessions
>die in a raging inferno
whole country is shocked

>First photo of victims
>Black husband and mix-raced baby died, coalburner wife survived

I kek'd a bit but yeah was a sad situation

>these fuckers have no idea what a big fire is

Why are you part of nu-pol?

It was just brought to attention because of highest causalities IN shortest TIME to national and international MSM media specially by 42 causalities in that national road that media nicknamed "death road".

damn, son


If you had imported some of our indians they could have made a rain dance and nothing of this would happen
>“No dia 30 de março, quando o incêndio completava 63 dias, chegam a Roraima, levados pela Fundação Nacional do Indio-FUNAI, os pajés Caiapó Kukrit e Mati-í, determinados a realizar uma pajelança para atrair chuva para Roraima. Na noite do dia 30, os pajés dirigiram-se à beira do rio Curupira, que banha Boa Vista, e fizeram um ritual de chuva. Retornaram ao hotel, afirmando que no dia seguinte choveria “muito”. De madrugada choveu muito, apagando 95% dos focos de incêndio.
I was alive back then and it DID work

any good videos to come out of this thing? It would be cool to see the fire tornado


Nope, no one in the road was """busy""" recording the fire.

What about it?
Same happens in the peninsula every fucking summer.
Fire starts by accident, or because of a retard, summer climate helps the fire, spreads, burns shit tons of plants.

mfw i've told this story to many people, but no one believes it..muh coincidence

Police says it´s fire, head of firefigters says it´s criminal hand. A process was opened because of his statements.

Politcal oposition to governament want´s to burn them on this fire.


About 60 people died

And twice as much injured.

"I owe to Providence the grace of being poor:
Without goods that are worth to me, I am not bound to the wheel of fortune, nor have i ever needed profitable places, riches, ostentations.
And to earn, in the modesty to which I have become accustomed to and can live in, the daily bread, i do not need to get entangled in business or other compromising solidarities.
I am an independant man.

I have never set eyes on political clienteles, nor did I seek to form a party to support me, but to pay their support by defining the political orientation and limits of government action.
I never flattered men or the masses, before whom so many bow in the world today, in subserviences that are a hypocrisy or an abjection.

If I defend their interests tenaciously, if I take care of the claims of the humble, it is by their own merit and the imposition of my conscience as ruler, not by partisan connections or electoral commitments that hinder me.
I am, as far as I can be, a free man.

I never used insult or aggression so that worthy men would consider themselves unable to cooperate.
In examining the sad periods that preceded us, I always endeavored to demonstrate how poor the qualities of great men were against the relentless force of the errors they were obliged to serve.
And it is not my fault, if after twenty years of a luminous experience, they themselves continue to present themselves as entirely responsible for the previous debacle, since they are content to proclaim the goodness of their principles and the correct application to the Portuguese Nation.
I was human.

I think I have gained, thanks to serious work, my academic degrees and the right to perform my university functions.
Forced to lose contact with the sciences I cultivated, but not with the methods of work, I can say that I have found them again from the angle of practical application.
And leafing through the books less, I strove for years of study, meditation, intense action, for a better understanding of men and life.
I was able to clarify myself.

I have no ambitions. I do not wish to rise higher and I understand that in due time another must come to take my place, to offer the Nation's service greater capacity for work, to tear new horizons and to try new ideas or methods.
I can not boast, for I have not fulfilled all that I desired; But I have done enough to not be able to say that I failed in my mission.
Therefore I do not feel the bitterness of those who deserved or undeservedly did not see their efforts crowned and curse men and luck. I do not even remember receiving offenses that induce me to be less fair or impartial.
On the contrary, in this country, where public men are so slightly appreciated and depreciated, I enjoy the rare privilege of general respect.
I was able to serve.

Possibly for some, the transitory or permanent association of material interests, the Nation is for us above all a moral entity, which has been formed through centuries by the work and solidarity of successive generations, bound by affinities of blood and spirit, and to which nothing repugn to believe A specific mission in the human whole is assigned in the providential plan. Only this weight of the sacrifices without account, the cooperation of efforts, the identity of origin, only this collective patrimony, only this spiritual communion can morally underpin the duty to serve it and give its life for it. All for the Nation, nothing against the Nation - it is only a political motto to the extent that it is not accepted by all. And in fact it is not.


This sweet country, which is Portugal - small in Europe, large and dilated in other continents, as a tree that, feeding on the Lusitanian sap, spread long branches to different suns and sheltered the most diverse populations, all equally Portuguese - This small country can not, in the 9th century of its history, doubt its reality of nation. This reality, in which we include independence, organic unity and the civilizing mission, is a presupposition or starting point to which the whole discussion runs away. And from this corollary: whoever is not a patriot can not be considered Portuguese.

What a laughable voice! Even priest speak better than him! I would be arrested by PIDE just by laughing at his stupid voice and Lisbonish-Beirao accent!

>Politcal oposition
What, the PSD? How do we know it wasn't Passos's coal-burning that started this fire? WE DEMAND ANSWERS!

Can you explain to me why does this have to do with the thread abou the fire?
Or a rod pierced your skull causing permanent brain injury?
>t. Hue detected.

flagfags are the worst cucks

Passos just destroyed all his ancestors legacy, what a douch, but costa is even much worse.

He was a priest fagg.

Got bored.

Yep, hes becoming a big boy and leaving it´s shell, lets hope hes not impotent.

it's only coal-burning when a white woman does it
he's a oil driller

The fire is burning Góis.
It's clearly pure coincidence.

or a traitor...
