Why should I have children, Sup Forums?

Give me one good reason.

- You will waste 20 years of your life raising them which could have otherwise been spent enjoying yourself
- Your personal freedom is severely restricted due to obligations and lack of money
- You have to re-live highschool by watching your kids go through it
- You will age by like 10 years and probably break up with your wife due to the stress


Degeneracy and the death of your race: the post.

dont fall for the "making children" meme.
Just let us kindly outbreed you

Edgy nazi: the post.

Other people can do the breeding. I just want to enjoy life.

>- You will waste 20 years of your life raising them which could have otherwise been spent enjoying yourself

Are you that fucking jaded that you couldn't possible comprehend enjoyable moments with children? Birthdays, Christmases, vacations, memorable moments and everything sweet about raising a child. If you've done your job right, by age 16 - 18, they can become mature enough to be a close friend as well as your son/daughter.

>- Your personal freedom is severely restricted due to obligations and lack of money

You live in the UK you twat. You get plenty benefits to help raising children. Even if you live a single, childless life, you still have ends to meet and bills to pay. This point is moot.

>-You have to re-live highschool by watching your kids go through it

Nice projection, nerd.

>- You will age by like 10 years and probably break up with your wife due to the stress

Of course you will age 'by like 10 years', because raising a baby into a child takes 10 years, you fucking moron. Stress? That shit is everywhere. But if you aren't a self-absorbed cunt and can genuinely enjoy the happiness of making others happy (your wife/kids), then they, in turn, will make you happy.

Basically, all you've proven is you're shit husband/father material. And it's unfortunate that you are pretty much the definition of nu-male--you're what the white race has to offer in this generation, and it's no wonder why we're being outbred by pakis.

Grow the fuck up, and learn to be a man.

If everyone thought that no one would.

>You have to re-live highschool by watching your kids go through it

Why is this bad? Personally, high school was pretty awesome. I have great memories.

> I just want to enjoy life.
With child you would not be happy...why?

You want to enjoy what others made through sacrifice but you are willing to sacrifice nothing yourself.

Helicopter ride for this guy.


Be my guest you evolutionary dead end, maybe when you die alone the thoughts that you didn't leave anything that will make you live on, you'll realize how much of a woman tier-meme that is

*alone with the

Someone would actually like to have sex with you???

Also you must have a sad childhood to have this mindset

My biggest fear with raising children is having a daughter. You're literally devoting countless resources and time to raise some mans future wet hole and get NOTHING for it. Add current year into the mix and she the man will probably be some refugee.

Grow up and take your ONE natural responsibility in this life! Procreate! And make it a white baby (or if in a pinch marry Asian)

this, probably you have to wait till the grandsons, if she doesnt turn up to be a "daddy issues" bitch

>You will waste 20 years of your life
>You will age by like 10 years
Age only 10 years in 20 years? Sounds good.

Fathers job is to shoot... I mean scare away those who are not worthy to breed with your daughter. Niggers, shitshins, lefties etc... make sure you have a hole large enough to accommondate them all.

What would be the downside?
Noone ever got hurt by not beeing born.
Society in general even the world itself is heading into ultimate destruction. There is no goal for humankind no goal for youself no goal for the children you might send into this empty world.

because niggers and mudslimes will destroy everything that we created for humanity.

If you dont want kids then dont have them, i have a kid and im going to have more.

I have two daughters, one is now 23 and dating a white male engineer, a huge sigh of relief after being exposed to the mind virus during college.

The other one is younger, but she's getting constant microdoses of the red pill. She's not going in blind.

Well, supposing you are a catch and can have children just what the fuck do you think you are going to do in your old age? Who the fuck is going to listen to your shit stories about posting on Sup Forums back when it was cool or shit depending upon your point of view?

I'd love to have a family, but I'd think twice about it if I wasn't wealthy. The stress is largely financial. Decades ago you could run a home, 2 cars etc off of the husbands income. The wife took care of the kids and the house and made it so your soul crushing grind at work was bearable.

Now, your wife works full time too, your children are raised by complete strangers, and you are both too exhausted to cook and clean your house properly as well as look after the kids. So it becomes a chore that you resent, and feel guilty for resenting.

If you are going to do kids, you need a good income and a proper wife. One that will be happy raising children and taking care of a home.

Was your wife of the same opinion, i.e. would she care if your eldest brought home a darkie from college? How did your girl avoid the whole mindvirus infection anyway, did she go through a phase? Or did you just gently reason it out of her?

It's something you could never fully understand and no one could fully explain. It is fulfilling your true purpose and it is wonderful.

>I have two daughters, one is now 23 and dating a white male engineer, a huge sigh of relief after being exposed to the mind virus during college.
You're right. Never mind that blue eye every now and then. He's an engineer and can provide. Maybe you're grandchildren won't be fuckups... maybe.

>trying to explain to a child to have a child

the problem also is having to deal with a bitch like all women , the mother

>Why should I have children, Sup Forums?

Proliferation of your genes, which is the goal of all life.

If you're too much of a cuck to breed, your wife's boyfriend can do it for you.

May you enjoy your video games and mastubation into your 80's.

I found the limits of where she was willing to go, and she rolled backwards from there. I had a conversation once that went like this:

Me: how about these crazy people who literally think they are animals born in human bodies
She: I know rite
Me: Its really not that different than men who think they are women
She: Hey wait a minute that's a real thing

She was never big on "racial justice" by the grace of God. More about the homos, but as she transitions into adulthood, and has kids of her own, she's going to drift further away from the poz, it's already happening.

Eliminate your bloodline from the gene pool. See if anybody cares faggot.

Because children will give your life meaning that you won't find anywhere else. Problem right now is that feminism has reduced the number of women that are worth having a kid with and if the relationship fails for whatever reason those kids will be taken from you but you still have to pay for them.

The guy is 6'3" and has a gun collection. a little socially clumsy, not in great shape, and not necessarily woke but pretty based on paper.

because children are fucking aids
you can slave to feed, clothe and educate them and watch them grow up to be disappointing adults that either get cancer, be addicts or get run over as a train
breeding is bacteria-tier activity

>disappointing adults that either get cancer, be addicts or get run over as a train
Why do you think you would fail that hard as a parent? Up your game m80

I'd love to have a wife and children, but I seriously believe that 100% of women cheat. I don't want to be humiliated.

dude children make you happy sounds stupid but its true at the beginning its crazy but later its amazing.

im glad someone posted this

That's mouth-watering. I miss my girlfriend so much.

also this

>You're literally devoting countless resources and time to raise some mans future wet hole and get NOTHING for it.

isn't that what the father of your wife did?

You're not 16 forever.

I cannot wait to have kids. You should be jumping at the opportunity! My wife and I both work and live in an area with a great economy. Lots of people around us having kids so when we have ours it will be nice. I am just wondering how it'll be raising mixed children. I will red pill them from a young age.

The thing is user, kids are actually a blessing depending on the way you raise them. Yes, there's always a possibility things could end up badly, but if you talk to most grandparents, almost ALL of them never regret having kids.

After a while, money becomes meaningless in life (unlike what (((they))) would have you believe.) raise them religiously and conservatively and you'll end up happier than you are now.

Enjoy being an evolutionary dead end while niggers inherit the earth.
Remember every good time you had with your parents(assuming you had decent parents)? Don't you want to experience that from the other side?

Yeah, watch them grow up to be the kind of disappointing adult who doesn't have children.

No gaurantee of this happening. A lot of elderly folks with kids who are alone. Not cause they were shit parents but just kids grow up and lead a life of their own.

Please die. I will fuck your wife and have 10 children where you should have had 2. I'll raise them to despise your weakness and they'll go on to revitalize a nation.

I thought the Chinese looked down on this kind of thing.

You were a child once

The only purpose in life is to pass on your genetic material. That's it. Survival of the genes.
Now find a warm blooded female of a breeding and legal age and get going.

Here here! God save this post

Then the smartest thing to do would be to become a sperm donor

Just kys

Just posting to sage this shit anti white shill thread

Degenerate, materialist, hedonist faggot. When you die your bloodline that has gone unbroken for billions of years will end but its okay because "I had fun #yolo."

babies are annoying as fuck.

stupid, loud, stinky, and gross.

always puking, shitting or pissing. all while screaming as loud as possible.

>inb4 "just like you lolz"

id rather take all the money i would have pissed away on raising the little shit and put it towards something useful/fun like a very nice house, lots of exotic vacations, nice car(s), hobbies, drugs, the best sex dolls money can buy.

THATS the life, nigga.

the problem is modern women, do you really want to deal with a shit salad for brains bitch?

All women cheat though. Why set yourself up for embarrassment?

Who has allowed women to become this way? Shitty, weak fathers.

Why don't you break the cycle instead of looking for excuses.

Coward. Why don't you just chop your balls off now? Or did you already do that?

Didn't bother answering my post. All women cheat. Why would you want to humiliate yourself?

get me a bitch who is not like that so i can have her raising my kids and take care of the house like my grama used to

And look at him now. Fag's got a point.


I can't.

If you had a son, you'd be seeing yourself in 20 years. If you had a daughter, you'd need to deal with whatever your country is turning into as her boyfriend would be your son in law.

Your women are more interested in righting the wrongs of the past, fucking up the ladder or welcoming migrants. So, I doubt that having kids would even surface in your life anyway as these girls have better priorities.

14 words faggot

I did. You're a dickless queer who is terrified of women and is convinced that he will never be able to control or consistantly attract his.

>Your personal freedom is severely restricted

No it isn't. Just the contrary, you do new things you didn't do before, and it is also more enjoyable to do them with kids. This notion you are saying is completely wrong.

Guarantee you've been cheated on.

> dealing with absolutes.
> All women are whores.

You're over exaggerating the argument so that you'll hear the answer you actually want to believe but are too lazy or too fearful of making a reality. Stop watching porn and learn to be a good husband and father. Life was never about you. It was always about your kids. Even before you were born...

You shouldn't. Englandistan is doomed.

Kids are a waste of time and money.

>Muh death of our race
I'll be dead before its even a problem so i don't give a shit.

You maybe understand why you should have kids when you get old enough and see you wasted your life chasing jew phantoms.

Still waiting for someone to refute 's appeal to individual freedom. We're not living in collectivistic times anymore. Altough I wish we were, we're not, and likely won't be ever again. We're far down the path of individualism. All there is left to do, is to do what you think is right for yourself. Other people and the future can go fuck itself, the world has taken its course, nothing will change that. Why burden yourself with kids when you can have a life of doing whatever you want?

Give me one good solid argument. I've heard them all, and nothing is convincing.

>Appeal to "saving the white race
most white people are braind-dead retards who cheer for multi-culturalism and their own demise, so let em have it and realize its doomed once its too late. They'll learn something, they refuse to learn now.
>Appeal to some form of socially constructed duty towards society
How can society expect me to rise a bunch of kids when that same society takes 50% of my income away? Why should I let the state influence my life decisions?
>Appeal to growing old alone
I can have friends, lovers or a wife, can I not? Old people's children spend limited time with their parents anyways.
>Appeal to failing your biological purpose
I decide my own purpose, fuck off.
>Appeal to dying alone
Again, we are by default going to die alone, everybody in the history of the world has died alone.
>Appeal to furthering your bloodline
Again, ill be dead and forgotten in 3 generations and this emotional plea is insane.

And trust me, I will have kids with my beautiful, blonde white gf, but not for edgy nazi purposes.

Nice projection, cuckboy.

meant for

Studies have shown that 70% of women have affairs relatively quickly. That number goes even higher after a few years. It's simply not worth it.

You shouldn't. Your faulty genes should die. Do not breed, you fucking mistake.

>he thinks avoiding challenges brings happiness.
>he doesn't know challenge is the only true source of happiness.
>Will die alone with nothing but Pokemon toys at his side.
>His Mexican nurse laughs at him, an old dying child.

You've already died. Killed by comfort. S.

>Give me one good reason.
>I decide my own purpose, fuck off.

Then why make the thread?

MUH Jew studies tho

Again you're a spineless coward, and since you will never risk emotional discomfort you will die alone and unmourned having left nothing.

>I'll be dead before its even a problem so i don't give a shit.

This mentality perfectly represents why childless people should have no say in matters that affect a nation's future.

this is beautiful

>death circling the void.

Man, that picture makes me feel uncomfortable. Saved!

It's the way God deemed it to be. The rest of these posters still think hedonism is the way to go

You shouldn't OP.

So we should just get married anyway, knowing full well that there's almost a 100% chance of her cheating?


>implying you have any kids

Thats exactly the point: Why should larger societal issues bother me, when I can't change them? They shouldn't. Therefore, the only logical solution is self-determination. I want a family, but not to save the white race. I wish more people wanted a family, but sadly, they don't- My question is therefore, why should they care about society's demands, when they also have a right to self-determination? What are you gonna do? Force people to breed?

But why should he care about a problem that is not his problem? He doesn't even hold not the slightest solution to that future problem, so why waste precious time on earth worrying about it? The answer is, he shouldn't. Its a waste of time.

Nazis are so busy telling others what to do with their life, that they will never realize, the more you force people to do something, the less likely they will be to do it. Let people find the fulfillment in having a family that they see fit for their own life, instead of appealing to them with a 100 year old political movement's idea of preserving a race that hasn't even been defined properly. Collectivism is fucking dead and overwith for a reason. People don't give a shit. Hitler didn't give a shit. He needed a nation of coherence, discipline and order suited for expansion wars. We live in different times now.

Virgen otra vez

>knowing full well that there's almost a 100% chance of her cheating?

I like how you don't trust all females. 3.5 billion people, and in your mind, all on them can't be trusted.

That attitude says more about you than it does women. When you reach that level of misogynist, it means your behavior does something that makes women not want to be committed in a relationship with you, not this attitude you have that 3.5 billion people will be horrible to you for no reason.

>cringe the post

God you are beyond pathetic. You dont deserve to have kids you garbage numale scum. Go die on a beach somewhere from a drug overdose.

>muh bloodline
literally no one fucking cares

There are no good reasons for people like you. Please do society a favor and don't reproduce.

>Other people can do the breeding. I just want to enjoy life.
t. white race

>You will waste 20 years of your life raising them which could have otherwise been spent enjoying yourself
Being a parent is enjoyable too you know
>Your personal freedom is severely restricted due to obligations and lack of money
True but you kind of take it on the chin
>You have to re-live highschool by watching your kids go through it
High school was great
>You will age by like 10 years and probably break up with your wife due to the stress
What wife lol

>Implying that people who have given in to nihilism, who have no lineage, who have absolutely no stake in the game, who vote on matters that will affect my grandchildren's grandchildren aren't literally unfairly dictating what other people should do with their lives.

Wew, laddy.

It's a coping mechanism for bETA males to excuse their lack of a love life.

>Im not the problem, it's every woman on Earth that's to blame.

Most MGTOW types are pathetic and weak manchildren who probably shouldn't breed anyway.

>people who have given in to nihilism
Self-determination is not nihilism

>who have no lineage, who have absolutely no stake in the game, who vote on matters that will affect my grandchildren's grandchildren
Voting is smoke and screens, mere illusions of choice. The only real choice in life is self-determination. I don't give a shit about your grandchildren. I vote and make decision that benefit me.

>enjoying yourself
Well, you can find a job, marry and start enjoying your hobbies, let's say you do that all at the age of 23. You can do that for 40 years, until you get pension. So you enjoy said things for 40 years, do you expect that this will satisfy yourself in anyway. If you and your wife would do nothing more than sex, vacation, some romantic things etc. do you think you will stay together and enjoy yourself more than in an open relationship? I think this would lead to adultery much quicker. Let's say all of your Family members stopped reproducing and lived your Lifestyle, what would happen when you all are dead. Nothing. No one will remeber you, no one to carry on with everything your Family was and no remembrance of you except if you become a hero, which you probably won't. So what. Humans are meant to reproduce. We need to destroy current social welfare system, child rights,tax system, feminism, abortion rights, (sexual) education and the modern Society, including it's degeneracy and misunderstanding of Family values. Then it will be attractive to have Kids again.

>Other people can do the breeding. I just want to enjoy life.
That's exactly the mindset that's driving the birth rates low. You're part of the problem.
Really fucking selfish of you.