"Free Will is just another spook, Fucko"

"Your perception of reality is entirely subjective and based solely on the machinations of an environment you have no control over. The universe transitions from state to the next based on immutable laws and rules, it is the height of delusion that you think can can influence these things."

This Peter Jordensen guy is great.


Other urls found in this thread:


"Some people say a bird in the hand is worth two in the but but you can't sell futures in a bird not in the bush. Futures form the basis of a sound economy, something to think about before you start trying to holodomore the financial sector."

"In 2008 on Wall street they put up signs telling traders it was wrong to steal"

He isn't stating free will is a spook. What he's saying is that there are two aspects to the universe.

Objective: Physics, Morality
Subjective: Free Will, Spirit

You can of course break the objective rules with your subjective experience, but you will suffer the natural law consequences of the objective laws of the universe.

More detail on this:


"The idea of free will is just the byproduct of a sytem that evolved naturally. It's an illusion that is now part of the system. Think of it as an equation complex enough to experience itself"
-Peter Jordensen, 2017

So do you have an argument to refute this or something? It seems like a good potential discussion, I'd unironically love to hear your thoughts.

>Falling for bait this bad

"There is an inherent order within the universe-system. An order which is immutable and sustained from the onset of creation until now. To think you have any control over this order is madness."
-Peter Jordensen.

Burger is right. OP is completely missing the point. Sort yourself out

ackshually, i think this Jordensen guy is on too something.

JP is boss!

Looks like WE GOTTEM BOYS.
>JBP LITERALLY parroting your rhetoric that you've been plastering on Sup Forums and arguing over it with the dialectlets
Literally in control here, lads.

Those opinions are spooks.... who put them in your head? You? Or the universe?

>links a 9 hour seminar


not sure how it is bait. It does seem that jordan peterson is saying free-will is a spook. And rightly so. free-will is silly


Awesome. Truly the philosopher of our time

>doesn't believe in free will
>is a Christian

So he worships the absolutely most vile version possible of the Jew God, the one who knowingly makes people into sinners in order to have the pleasure of burning them forever at the end of time.

I'm appropriating your rare Jordensen meme, comrade.

That's fine. I don't believe in personal property anyway

tell that to calvinists. And actually, it makes sense. If our original sin was passed on for our parent's truly independent decisions what kind of God is that?

also You can't have "god's plan" without it being infalliable, meaning determinism is true. If God's plan doesn't come into being, he is not omnipotent, and if it does as was prophesized, then determinism is true. Not that hard to understand.

will and free will aren't the same things.

Amazing how people can claim ownership of something that came about a result of actions and influences beyond their control.

It's like, sort yourself out Bud, You are just an illusion of yourself how can 'you' own anything you bloody abstract concept.

Free will is an incoherent postulate, yo.

>I can't prove or disprove free will
>therefore I believe it doesn't exist

It's the god argument all over again.

Looking at Peterson's quote you presented, then we are all at the height of delusion all the time.

I believe he is a lecturer, the people watching him believe he's a lecturer, he believes he is a lecturer too. So by the act of doing and others believing he is part of the environment of others and influencing it.

The immutable laws go out of the window as soon as someone asks themselves "what if I did this".

What if we took it further, and that the subjective level of reality was due to the means of perception, not just sensory but through consciousness. For example, I can make two computers come to the same conclusion to a problem using very different methods. What if our perception, on a conscious level, was radically different. So much different that should you swap perceptions the universe it's self could not be recognizable, yet the outcome is agreed upon by all whom take part.

Who's to say that changing our perception, even the smallest fraction, could open new possibilities and a new way of influencing the world around us.

tl;dr The way we operate free will is through perception, not through force.

>tell that to calvinists

I do. I tell it to Muslims, too.

>what kind of God is that

It's the Jew God. Most Christians and Jews make beieve that a human can something called "free will" in a Universe created and ruled by an omniscient being, in this way they are able to rationalise the absolute evil of their god by saying "well, they DESERVED to suffer for all of time for their 'sins'". At least the Calvinist accepts that his god is satanic, but still chooses to worship it.

I agree with this revolting subhuman G*rm. Even in a Universe without an all-knowing being, free will makes no logic or physical sense.

>The immutable laws go out of the window as soon as someone asks themselves "what if I did this".
No, it was just inevitable that they'd ask that, just as their answer will be inevitable.

kek this is great

>casting spells on social justice warriors to steal their crops.

Got my start on the BBS in the 80s. Kids today don't know how to prepare bait and deploy it properly.

The illusion of free will and true free will are indistinguishable from one another. There's no point in agonizing over it.


god cannot exits because he cannot be omnipotent and omniscient at the same time.

Calvinism does not prove determinism but actually demonstrate that god is bad concept fromt he start

That may be true! However, the fact remains, you cannot know something has happened unless it has been observed.

Free will is an illusion.Your subconscious makes the choices for you.

Yeah I tend to agree with this.

you cant delineate between the two. To be omniscient is to be omnipotent vice versa.

Sure, but we do have control over the disorder.

Original sin forges human environment. You are living in a noosphere now, not in nature.
Anyone stating otherwise is a retard, even if it`s Peter Jordensen.

>"Your perception of reality is entirely subjective and based solely... "
Can I get a source on this quote?

No because you cannot know everything which can happen and have the capacity to change it simultaneously.

There's really nothing to disagree with. Say you learn that you have no free will whatsoever. You are a a meat ship piloted by the universe. Cool. You are going to spend the rest of your life on your preordained track if this is true, so what changes?

>Morality is objective but free will is subjective.

GTFO of here with this bullshit.

So wait. The universe has immutable laws, but my perception of reality is totally subjective? How are you arguing for objectivity and subjectivity simultaneously? Nobody believes that people aren't biased. We do believe that there's an objective reality, and it's in our own best interest to see past our bias.

Jordan Peterson is a hack. Watch him try and defend his religious belief; he's in total denial about the fact that his religious belief is totally juvenile and indefensible. He embarrassed himself twice in a debate with Sam Harris.

Omnipotence necessarily includes omniscience, sure, but omniscience, i.e. the ability to know anything and everything, can certainly exist without an ability to *do* anything and everything.

He never said any of these quotes you're attributing to him.

"I'm a faggot" - OP

How does that contradict? The universe has immutable laws, yes. Your view of reality is informed by your understanding of it and judgements made, based on the information you collected with your physical faculties. The end result is a unique way of perceiving and interacting with reality.

is that a sex offender lives matter sign behind her?

tha fuk?

I get your point. But if there is a fixed amount of probabilities and outcomes based on laws and you can traverse time you literally can.

I don't think everything is infinite. Laws of nature constrain possibilities which would mean events are fixed.

He isn't at all. Just listen to him talk about the non-deterministic nature of being, the choice between good and evil and consciousness and you can tell he very much believes in free will (and believes very strongly in realizing it).

Listen, bucko.
((M A G N U M D O N G))
And that's THAT!

It's not a quote of him.

It's not real.

if the universe is finite it means that there is something out of it too.

*jordan peterson takes a dump*
>that's that
*toilet clogs*
>goddamn fucking lobster hierarchies!

good shit why have I not heard of this before

it's OC

Who put the spooks in the universe? Pandora's spook box, or me?

He's religious you stupid cunts

not gonna lie, former free will voter here. it's fucking hilarious watching the illusion crash and burn. but seriously, we can't let these people believe that they have free agency.


Dear OP,

This is the universe, and I have an important message for you.

Later today you will kill yourself.

It is not your choice but rather your destiny.

There is nothing you can do about it since there is no such thing as free will.

I just thought you should know. But what does knowing even mean...

Happy fate.

Yours faithfully,


>the universe lives in Australia

we are the universe larping as humans.

I think you're thinking of Jordan Peterson. This is a Peter Jordanson thread

True. Kind of cool really. Billions of years of chaos distilled into an arrangement of self aware atoms that is currently shitposting from a rectangle we put together to interact with each other within the area we are able to transmit and receive radio waves from metal poles wired to the web of copper, glass filaments, and switches that connect information hubs made from conducting elements that read and interpret magnetic poles on discs and sticks. Let's me send you this collection of pictures that display in sequence.


he says nothing that hasnt already been said.
its just that he says it on youttube

theyre not mutually exclusive positions.
free will being an illusion does not cancel out philosphical choice, because its simply part of the nature of being.
essentially free will is caused by not knowing the future, which humans do not know, unlike an omniscient god that logically does not experience free will

i guess its a kind of resignation to the human condition and nihilism.
theres no logical reason to reject nihilism, you just do it because you want to find meaning or something

>Your perception of reality is entirely subjective and based solely on the machinations of an environment you have no control over.

That's completely self-contradictory and the opposite of what he would say. Yawn.

>the opposite of what he would say

Never mind, this is amazing

>ID: Gekd
Get kek'd


>our perception of reality is entirely subjective and based solely on the machinations of an environment you have no control over

That sounds like a schizophrenic, trying to justify their mental illness.

I think it says "sex offender lives here"

>Your perception of reality is entirely subjective and based solely on the machinations of an environment you have no control over

What is "Schizophrenia" ?

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real.[2] Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that others do not hear, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation.[2][3] People with schizophrenia often have additional mental health problems such as anxiety disorders, major depressive illness, or substance-use disorders.[10] Symptoms typically come on gradually, begin in young adulthood, and last a long time.


"Doctor" should diagnose himself. He's coo-koo

Christ you people are retarded. The whole point of the video is that he's been edited to say the opposite of what he thinks. It's a joke video.


>Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real.[2] Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that others do not hear, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation.[2][3] People with schizophrenia often have additional mental health problems such as anxiety disorders, major depressive illness, or substance-use disorders.[10] Symptoms typically come on gradually, begin in young adulthood, and last a long time.

Sounds like Millennials and their faggoty fucking "autism"

No, you're a schizophrenic.

Millennials are all mentally ill retards.

Let's all laugh at Millennials

Pleasure island, that's where you want to be. Pleaure is what defines us.

Pleasure island is the best place to HAPPEN to be.

The fuck, this "Doctor" and "PhD" in PSYCHOLOGY, just going to railroad the whole fucking field and past work and definitions of mental illness so he can make some youtube vidoes for retarded kids???

Fuck this hack loser.

Your spook is a spook

wtf this is legit better than jordan peterson
this guy should do this to all his lectures holy shit im fucking dying

Canadian PhD and Doctor, rewrites definition of reality, changes his field for ever and throws out all past work of previous Psychologist, to make a point in some faggot youtube video for adult sized children.


None of you losers can defend him. It's fucking ridiculous what this FRAUD is saying.
He's throwing everything his field taught him, out the fucking window and redefining everything to suit himself.

Sounds like a fucking KIKE and a fucking BABY KIKE (aka Millennial/GenZ mind whacked retard)


>The term ‘schizophrenia’ was coined in 1910 by the Swiss psychiatrist Paul Eugen Bleuler, and is derived from the Greek words ‘schizo’ (split) and ‘phren’ (mind). Bleuler had intended the term to refer to the dissociation or ‘loosening’ of thoughts and feelings that he had found to be a prominent feature of the illness.

Some Canadian faggot fraud loser liar pretender needs to make a youtube video for Sub IQ retard children in adult bodies.


COME ON FANBOYS AND PAID SHILLS, Defend this fuckwit "professor"

>being baited this hard.

>there is no free will
>larps as a Christian

Fuck this Harvard cia asset. I hope he fucking dies in agony.

>>being baited this hard.
Not any sort of defense for the bullshit coming out of your heros mouth
Try harder fuckwit.

This is a "bait" thread too??
This is a thread, to actually TRASH Jordumb Peterson and his pure bullshit "psychology"??
Had me fooled with all the cock sucking going on

harvard niggers btfo

he doesnt say anything remotely controversial

i doubt you even disagree with him

you're just a hysterical little bitch who can't handle things

sort yourself out

Shitskins are not welcome on pol. Neither are lolbertarians.

You are a cancer.

>t. the universe, not free will, caused me to tip my fedora

No idea how he got a job at Harvard.
They literally stuck him in a basement for 5 years and sent him "weirdo students with deep issues" that the other psychology profs didn't want to deal with.
When his contract was up, Harvard didn't rehire.
He hasn't taught in America since.
Waltz right into PhD Professor at U of T at the fresh faced age of 35, after 5 years at Harvard.

No teachers college, no teaching experience, here's a job at Harvard. Here's a Professor gig at U of T

user, thats peterson leaf.
He was touched by his peterson looking pa as a babe.

He's an intelligence asset selling Jungian ideas and kabbalah to stupid goyim with a predilection for spirituality. His function is to sterilize Christianity's affect of making people despise jewry, and to sterilize the spiritual aspects. This is why he sounds more like an agnostic-atheist larping as a Christian.

He's also part jewish, as he admitted on one of his live sessions.

Ayy, go back to planet Tumblr, unless you are one.

>Your perception of reality is entirely subjective and based solely on the machinations of an environment you have no control over.

Spot the mind fucked retard millennial.

Here's a hint, it's (you), retard.

Reality is reality. You can't redefine it as some bullshit nonsense talk.

Fuck you're stupid. Have you considered suicide??
At least you're a 4channer and won't reproduce and spread ur stupid genes