Anti-Terrorism Bollards

Why isn't Europe doing this?

Australia hasn't even had a vehicle attack yet.

>Anti-Terror Bollards Have Popped Up In Melbourne And Sydney Overnight

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Because Bollars don't stop bombs, guns, knives, or muslims.

>Bombs, guns, knives, or muslims.

Unfortunately no, they do stop vehicle attacks though which I was clearly referring to.



These placeable bollards are worthless, a truck or even a large car easily move them with enough speed.

They need to be those large steel reinforced concrete bollards that are 2/3s underground to be worthwhile.

>Australia hasn't even had a vehicle attack yet.

Think again cunt.
Melbourne's had a few low death count muzzie enrichments and two major attacks shut down in the planning stage.

Also those block are ugly AF.

> vehicle attack
Bourke st mall, 7 killed by half muzzie guy. Official line is he's got mental health issues.

>Australia hasn't even had a vehicle attack yet.
Uhh yeah we have and we aren't going to wait around for another

try driving your car after smashing in to that. not to mention you'd be going way slower after and people would know you're coming

Our police had a "suspicion of a planned terrorist strike", so bollards appeared around Temppelinaukio Church in Helsinki couple days ago.

No one knows if there was an actual Truck Of Peace about to happen of if this was just a show to ram the upcoming surveillance law through in the Parliament.

You'd think they would have put in some nice looking ones aye

>Australia hasn't even had a vehicle attack yet.
wew, how dare they protect themselves before they've been attacked

ignorant abo cunts

Britfag here, we gottem in London

How recently were they erected?

They probably smelled a coordinated attack. Just wait and see.

>Australia hasn't even had a vehicle attack yet
And now they wont.

Shortly after the Westminster Bridge attack. They're now on all main bridges

How does Tower Bridge open then?

Checkmate atheists.

translation = i have literally never left my house and my only conception of a vehicle is from games, and i also think that they are solid objects that can smash into concrete and remain unscathed

also im a commie so its no surprise i lack experience in anything

Opening a bridge would effectively stop any truck, too.

It can't stop it

The easiest of all targets is still wide open unfortunately

For any Melbourne bros that commute watch yourself if you leave flinders st station via Elizabeth St,. no bollards, only a few cops and are like 100+ people mass walking over the intersection at once every few mins.

Stay safe Sup Forumsacks

We have had a vehicle attack tho

Some dude in Melbourne lost his shit, wasn't a muzzie but same idea

because we shouldn't fucking need them, Trucks of Peace are a symptom of a larger problem, putting a band-aid fix won't solve it.

not surprised, Lindt Siege is not classed as a terror attack either, yet a bikie shooting two other bikies is considered a mass shooting.

yeah that was a fucked....a fucking pram ended up ontop of the car