Walls and fences do not wo-

>walls and fences do not wo-

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IIRC that's still somewhat faulty logic because most of US's ill eagles come by air and even that doesn't matter because they're all getting legalised LUL

a) this is Hungary
b) how is it faulty logic?

it's different because they can go through other countries

>number of Helvetii entering Cisalpine Gaul
>number of Picts entering Roman Britain
>number of Ottomans entering Achaea
>number of Spartans entering Athens or its port
>number of Gauls escaping Alesia
>number of Saracens infiltrating Krak des Chevaliers
>number of East Berliners dying on the escape attempt
>number of times Germany frontally attacked the Maginot line
>number of British ships in the Hudson
>number of songs written for the survival of American forts

B-but walls don't work!!!

as long as CIA has business with drug cartels, a wall never will work

dumb asses

The wall is to prevent UNDOCUMENTED immigration and to prevent people who have been deported from coming back. It's impossible to stop overstays, but at least there's records of their existence.

Pretty true. Even if most illegals come by air, a country willing to build a wall most likely has more strict immigration policy post-wall to account for those that don't cross on foot. Trump's strict policy, even without a wall, has sharply reduced immigrants crossing at the border, and it has Mexico saying that for every one illegal deported there are 13 that willfully deport themselves. The point is that a wall is probably also a sign of strict immigration law beyond the wall.

Our eagle population is quite healthy, at least until the Natives get to them.

Why would it be different?
If there is a physical barrier, how could they go through in such large numbers?

Yeah, people really understimate the power of signal politics despite their power being proven again and again. Just Trump being elected cut the illegal influx by a significant amount, and a wall would be an even stronger symbol.

If you know they're in your country surely its easier to fuck them off back to brownland

walls always work thats why people have been building them since civilization began 13000 years ago.

The only reason we stopped using them for fortifcations is because of cannons, migrants do not have cannons.

based Magyar

What happened in the middle of September?

you jews shipped them over by the 100 000s.

No, I mean there was a dip where there were less migrants than normal and then it returned to normal

How did the wall go up in a day?

Apparently they closed the border then, but the migrants started sneaking around shortly after

They didn't listen to your jewish cohorts.

Pretty sure that's the time the military police showed up and started whacking those niggers.

From wikipedia:

Because they don't want to go to Hungary. They want to go to Germany or Sweden or the United Kingdom.

They can go through Austria just as easily, and that's what they do.

Just haven't built the right wall.

No. The wall works.

Especially if you arm if with machine gun turrets.

Yeah, you'd pretty much have to guard all EU borders for that to work, but it's not like it wouldn't be a wise investment.