Refute this

Refute this.

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>Refute this.
alright.. "get a job"



None off it is true. No one is being drug tested for food. Flint happened under Obama, and he ignored it. Travel ban has been struck down every time. Health insurance hasn't changed.
Fake and gay.

Literally on my way to volunteer at a homeless shelter in down willing town toronto atm. Never see any faggots or muslims there, even though its in their neighbourhood.

If you can afford drugs you can afford food.
Flint was caused by back democrat policies.
Entirely possible. Vetting policies developed for a reason.
Many people also lost medical coverage when ACA took over, but that's okay because that was a Dem pet project right?

Refute what, there is no argument.

Also, get a job you lazy cunt.


stop breeding you cunts

>1 nothing wrong with drug testing freeloaders
>2 flint was fucked since Bush, why didn't king nigger fix it?
>3 damn fucking right, fix you own country
>4 tell your parents to get a fucking job

>i was hungry and you said
>i was thirsty and you said
>i was a stranger and you said
>i was sick and you said
>are you a lawful citizen of my country?

The flint water problem has been there through various presidents, how can it be a drumpfs america scenario?

>Refute this.

How much of my money are you entitled to and why are you entitled to it?

Don't do drugs faggot. They cost a fucktonne more anyway.

>I was hungry
>They said to give me a drug test
What's wrong with this? Pee in cup or put a piece of cloth in your mouth for a few minutes, then wait a few days to get free shit.
I can see why Liberals are assblasted by the other shit, but why the fucking drug test?

Because things like security, wealth, and competition matter so we can drive down prices. Also Flint? How is that Trump's fault? Competition spurs lowers prices and increased wages. And its not our problem to take in poor refugees or immigrants who abuse the system making food prices and wages go down.

>addictions to drugs show a weak will
>flint water thing was CAUSED by retarded democrat leaders back when king nigger was in charge
>islamic terrorism is the largest global problem
>obongocare was way too expensive and doomed to fail anyway

travel ban only got struck down because people think it's unconstitutional to protect our borders

>btfo yourself in the first sentence by admitting you were a junkie and thats why you couldn't hold down a job, let down your family, chose drugs over your children's food, and are an all around piece of shit
>tfw you cant even get off the drugs long enough to collect gibs

also sage for being just another "DEFEND THIS POL" thread

>blaming city water problems on the federal government

>Refute this.
Don't you mean "gibs me this and that"?

>get addictied to drugs
>loose job
>become homeless
>shit up someone's city, never improve yourself because being a lazy nigger and doing drugs all day is better than quitting and getting a job


right? if they want free shit they should have to follow the basic rules
imo they shouldn't get anything for free


>Refute this.
Ok, where's the argument?

>being expected to take responsibility for you life is a bad thing

>i was hungry and high and said give me a portion of your paycheck or go to jail
>i want water and you need to give up some of your paycheck so I'll have it, or go to jail
>i don't know you and you're mad you can't live in my house
>you are sick and if I don't give you a portion of my paycheck to pay for it I go to jail

All of these are right. If you can't afford health insurance then that's natural selection at work. Oil and safety for us is more important than a third worlders water and health (nice moral relativism BTW), drug tests take literally 5 minutes.


>trump wants to bring back coal jobs
>wants to build a solar panel wall on the border

If I'm going to be supporting you financially you should at least be sucking my dick.

> drug test
Am I missing something because that's a pretty sensible thing to do?

FPBP as usual

The only caption this picture needs is "gibsmedat"

we should have a general for refuting stuff like i posted up in most of us only post this to make sure you guys still can counter it


I agree with all these things. It doesnt mention the fact that water was trucked in free of chargeto flint. People SHOULD get a drug test before getting welfare. Illegals SHOULD be stopped and health insurance IS NOT A RIGHT.

Stoners take opioids.
Opiods kill stoners.
Problem solved!

Becausr they know the drug test would catch a bunch of probable voters and prevent the benefits buying their votes. So, they choose to fight on the hill where the dialectic is "testing people is mean and you're a bad person for suggesting it" because that emotional argument has weight with a ton of bleeding hearts who only need a single picture of a crying brown kid to agitate them into a flying rage. They choose this argument to fight on because they know if they gave to the logic of "just drug test them lol" a ton of people would be disincluded from the program, and the public at large would have no sympathy. There, the dialectic would need to be "why are you denying drug addicts food" which doesn't have quite the punch. It's the same strategy as fighting Voter ID, they head the implementation off at the pass because they know the moment you start checking people's addiction/immigration status, you're gonna see they're illegitimate, something liberals and trotskyites can't stand.

All these crybabies, rules, and regulations on top of all the taxes and permits, I'm unwilling to start a business or reinvest into the economy.
People are delusional and the direction society is going isn't in my interest.
I have a few hundred thousand bucks hidden in encrypted wallets because I don't want you to steal that money from me so you can do drugs while I'm feeding your 7 kids, while importing refugees because you think they deserve my money money just as much as you do.

>all pics are from when obama was president

really kicks my heavybag

>2 Thesselonians 3:10 -" For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."

>cant afford food, somehow can afford drugs
>trump water, dated 2015
>ignoring laws created dozens of years ago
>chinese hospital sympy pic
see you next thread

get a job, nigger

1. Good
2. ????
3.He's right
4. This meme needs to die, Trump wants a bigger healthcare system. He's not a real republican he just wants his name on it.

FPBP. Dont forget about paying taxes.

>I was thirsty and you said: Oil for us is more important than ater for them.

Well yeah, what would you rather have?
Your streets full of pic related rioting, pillaging raping and murdering like te scourge that they are, or a Mercedes Benz?

defend this

>a refugee can get a job
>a bed ridden guy can get a job

first two were white tho

>Refute this.

Happy to.

I was lonely and you said "fuck off".




oh for christ sake, i see the termites have feed long and well.

now you are actually starting to believe the 2020 campaign bullshit of "trump doesnt represent his party's agenda"

>I tried to abuse the welfare system for drugs and you said: We can stop this with drug testing
>Oil is literally what brings you the bottled water to save you from dying of thirst
>I'm statistically more likely to be a terrorist than any other stranger you could let in but you should let me in first anyway because the liberals say so
>I can't afford to take care of myself so I'll steal from others to do it

>obtain gainful employment
>flint was fucked long before trump t. michigander
>fuck off we're full
>you're a child. seek donations from people who will willingly subsidize your healthcare. you don't need government for that

>Can't pass drug test, can't eat
If you didn't buy drugs, you'd of been able to eat

>Thirsty, but no water
So go somewhere else and get better water. Pull it from the lake.

>He could be a terrorist
You probably are, don't want to risk it. Go somewhere else

>Sick, take away health insurance
Doctors cannot refuse service

>separation of church and state
>but only when we want it!!!
Really repeals my obamacare


Flint water crisis, under Obama. Migrant "crisis" under Obama. Failing healthcare Under Obama.

Go kill yourself faggot


Wow. Dumpfgh BTFO. I'm definitely voting #WithHer now.

The first two are retarded.You want food? Stop doing drugs. Weak will addicts should starve anyways.

The bottom ones are also retarded. It's not the responsibility of a successful nation to play baby sitter for the citizens of the rest of the world while their leaders dick around. We take care of our own, fuck everyone else.

We'll if you had a job in the first place you could afford healthcare and a plane ticket to Europe

Theres nothing to refute. Those are emotional appeals and those are best left to women while the men do the talking.

>Doctors cannot refuse service
It does happen that overburdened hospitals can't afford medicine and equipment.

Then the patient has to enjoy sweet death because the system was ruined by people that wouldn't pay their bills.

Your mom lays on her back all day and can still support you.

"Her" has been kicked out for being a shitblasting nutjob.

The two on the left are self apparently justified. The two on the right are retarded strawmen

My friend Griffin lost his coverage under OC. Surprise surprise he died of a heart attack.


and ?

dont have to, im fine with all of those

What is it?

>Drug test those who would ask for food.
Maybe you could buy food if you weren't buying pot, you stupid stoner.
>Oil is more important than water
Fracking was done under the Obama administration to combat high oil prices that were a direct result of the wars Obama started. Don't pass this off on Trump.
>He could be a terrorist. Don't let him in.
Obama also had travel bans from the middle east. Both presidents were right to do so.
>Take away his health insurance.
Now you know how I felt when Obama took away my insurance.

they have a different problem.

basically a condemnation of your overcapitalistic society.

the more socialist countries are much better places to live despite americas unbelievable wealth.

fucking lol

Bottom left is not a 'his'

First of all, they are assuming a lot about people's gender there--lot's of "he" language that is very exclusive. We should strive for inclusive movements at every turn.

No politician in the capitol is a real republican except maybe Rand Paul. Trump isn't a real conservative in any sense. he's a closet centrist or democrat light.
-Glass Steagall
- Wants a big healthcare system
- more entitlement programs for women

His republican side is
- immigration
- Taxes
- He did have a unique view on the war in the middle east till the he realized his opinion doesn't matter at all on that situation.

Kill yourself

Capitalistic society allows for advanced medicine and all the excesses people want.

Socialism makes the money and advancements go away.

The few "socialist" European countries have been turning into shitholes. I don't see how your point is valid. Even Canada is letting surgeons work who don't know that they have to wash their hands before surgery.

Show me some links of people dying because of overburdened hospitals then.

If a hospital is overburdened, that's not the fault of a lack of insurance, that's a fault of the government being too involved.(At least, managing poorly). Maybe if insurance companies could compete across state lines it would offer more competitive pricing.

Meanwhile, most folks my age and status, our premiums are too high. For fuck sake the cheapest plan I can get is $425/mo with a 6k deductible. May as well not have insurance at that point. Before Obamacare it was $52/mo with a substantially lower deduct.

Trump's a Paleocon

Venezuela, the entire country.

A republican changed where Flint got it's water from.

Obama's America was the same.

>single mothers who can't keep their legs shut and afford to take care of a bunch of kids should be subsidized for their shitty decisions.

Please fuck off.

1. Drug addicts do not deserve welfare. They deserve the consequence of their own action.

2. Both water and fuel are important in our life, and Trump is not the side pushing to add floride into the water supply.

3. They need to fix their backward culture and that is mot our problem. We have enough problems with spics killinh dindus already.

4. Some parents are irresponsible of taking care their own kids. The responsible ones should not carry their burden.

Thanks for advertising that you're a retard

Flynt started with ibana and a mostly. Blackbcity council, trumps budget has infrastructure, this image is crap

Wine wine wine. that's all I hear.

>muh Hillary

>drug tests for food stamps
Don't buy fucking drugs if you're hungry.
>fracking ruined our drinking water
Which happened under Obama.
>he could be a terrorist
Damn right, we have immigration policies that have been in place since before Trump became president.
>taking away health insurance
The country was just fine before Obamacare

>Niggers shoot each other
>Niggers can't read
>Niggers can't take care of babies
>Niggers keep shooting each other
>Niggers don't bag it
>Niggers only trust niggers, who they can't trust
>Niggers love fried chicken
>Niggers being niggers
>"White man be keepin' us down and sheeiiiit"

>cherry picking: the image.
Give me a few moments. You will be told.

Let's hop in the ol time machine then!

>Drug test those who ask for food.
fair enough, if you have money your spending on drugs then have the balls to ask me to provide for you fuck off and die.
>I was thirsty ...
state level infrastructure is a state level issue if you have a problem with flint take it up with the democrats who have controlled MI for almost a century now. as for oil if the Oil stops flowing the economy and thus the nation dies.
>I was a stranger
Not our citizens, not our country, not our problem. also Muslims are culturally incompatible human garbage.
>Take away his health insurance
Obongocare increased premiums by over 100% in some cases loading an earlier save state from before which is admittedly a shitty system is actually an improvement.


wow there's so much fail in that meme I don't know where to begin, so I'll just state that OP is a fag and leave it there.

>No one is being drug tested for food.

>At least 15 states have passed legislation regarding drug testing or screening for public assistance applicants or recipients (Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin.) Some apply to all applicants; others include specific language that there is a reason to believe the person is engaging in illegal drug activity or has a substance use disorder; others require a specific screening process.

>making bad life decisions means society should bail you out

>states pass legislation
>blame Trump
Sounds legit.
