Philando castile , was he reaching?


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No. Cop was just racist.

Yes, He was a dumb nigger.

Yes, although that doesn't warrant the death penalty.

Forensics presented during the trial show he was not reaching for a gun. The charges were still dropped.

No one cares.

Sage this shit

No, fuck you

Also had legal gun permit to carry- any gun owners not defending Castile are also racist like the white cop that killed him.

>wah muh raycis

Who cares? Another day , another dead nigger. Good

Check this niggers facebook. He has many statuses calling out (((them))). I hate niggers but this nigger had a legit permit to conceal carry and answered the Jewish Question..... Pol what do?

No, forensics during trial proved he wasn't.

Cop should go to prison to attone for his crime. Racism or not, he is supposed to be impartial and uphold the law. Instead, he shot a compliant, law-abiding citizen. Its a dangerous precedent for everybody.

I don't claim to know a single thing about forensics, but how the fuck can they determine if he reached for the gun or not

This happened when BLM was in full swing. I imagine the cop was nervous as fuck. Still, this shooting does seem to be the cops fault as opposed to pretty much all the other shootings.

Yeah. Does that mean he should have died? Hell no.

Here's another fine example of (((cops))) protecting and serving.

>>wah muh raycis

I actually wouldn't call it racism it's more like negrophobia

Have a sauce?

No one cares
Go cry about dead niggers on r.eddit

>I don't claim to know a single thing about forensics, but how the fuck can they determine if he reached for the gun or not

They watched the video?

>Defending police state cuz muh niggers

When they're gone, you're next. Let that sink in.

If nobody cares, why are you here talking about it?

>I don't understand this complicated subject people get PhDs in
>I'm going to draw conclusions anyway

Why not spend five minutes looking it up on google?

Man was killed in cold blood

When they're gone?

No, the cop was nervous and unfit for the job thanks to the trash tier 'murican training.

> Wound-up cop screams at you to stop reaching.
> You continue moving, reaching, or in some way not remaining utterly motionless.
> Cop continues to scream several warnings.
> You keep moving.
> Cop shoots you.

Don't blacks understand english? Are they really 50 IQ animals? What part of "STOP REACHING!" did he not comprehend?

As a non american can someone explain this to me.

This is too true, it's because they train cops with the mentality that everyone is going to try to kill them. That's why they're so trigger happy.

RIP Fried Chicken Man
I know you're down there in black heaven
Sippin grape kool aid
Smiling up at us all

A properly trained cop, would have asked him to put his hands on the wheel.

Police kill more white people than niggers, you retarded faggot

go fuck yourself, you dumb nigger

They also say stop resisting when they have boot on your face. There's no winning with cops when they draw a gun on you. Doesn't matter if your black, white, mexican, asian. The commands mean nothing, because they never give you ample time to react.

Click on the source for forensics. Doesnt tell you anything. Dont believe it just because they said it.

This, but also it's something CPL's should know without being told.

The claim isn't that he was reaching for his gun, by that he was reaching for his wallet after being told "not to reach" and the cop had no way of knowing if it was for the gun or not

Wasn't this the one where the officer was Asian or something?

We weren't there, so how can we judge? But the dashcom video sure made it seem like the officer shot a bit early in the process.

Did a nigger fuck your girl you liked? You sound pathetic

nice bait, cop wasn't white and gun owners/ccw holders know to keep both hands on wheel and follow instructions if yo're going to mention a weapon.

Peter Liang in New York?

You sound like a butt hurt nigger

A comment like this means more when it comes from a Black person such as yourself..

literally says "he was reaching for his drivers license or was trying to unbuckle his seat belt". Why the fuck are you moving around anyways? that's the dumb niggers fault

>Philando castile

He was killed just ten days shy of his 33rd birthday. He would have been 34 in 3 weeks.

Well you nigger radar is way off, because I'm white.

Yes he reached and ignored the direct commands of the spic cop.

But, the spic was so amped up he wasn't acting in a reasonable manner.

So we have a nigger nigging and a spic over-reacting and then flipping his shit after a lethal discharge.

He was in the right but it was in an undeniably grey area of the law. His dismissal is warranted and correct.

The officer who shot him, Jeronimo Yanez, was a white hispanic just like George Zimmerman

Ok, nigger

And he did this right after he was told not to reach for it.

He who smelt it, dealt it.

Ah that was it. I knew it was something minority-ish.

The cop told him to take out his ID, he was given conflicting orders and the cop choked then shot him
this is just a typical example of bootlickers sucking up too authorities

Who cares? He was told not to do something and he did it anyhow. Let that be a lesson to you all, faggots.

When you take the class for the permit they tell you to inform the officer, then keep your hands on the wheel until he directs you otherwise.

You smell like a nigger

To be fair, there's an established protocol to dealing with police while concealing. If there's a state where you're required to report it, then you do so. Hands on the wheel and announce every movement you make. No matter how jumpy the cop, a few simple rules make it near impossible to get shot accidentally by the cop. As for blame, I really can't say. There's incompetence on both sides.
>guy who frequents the same range as I nearly got shot with his own pistol. The cop frisked him and fired as he pulled the cw from the holster.

>When you take the class for the permit they tell you to inform the officer, then keep your hands on the wheel until he directs you otherwise.

So basically the gentleman of African descent didn't pay enough attention to his lessons, then?

Perhaps he will serve as an example to the others, one hopes?

This so much.
>Be black & high as fuck
>Get pulled over
>Say "I have a gun."
>Reach in direction normally associated with concealed weapons
>Mind-reader cop knows you just reaching fo' yo' wallet and doesn't shoot yo' ass.
Go buy a lottery ticket nigger.

Heeda hafta bin

dindu nuffin

That's not at all what happened but okay retard

Are you disputing the actions taken?

Because this seems to jibe with the newspaper accounts.

What happened differently?

>... and why resort to ad hominem ?

pretty much from what I saw.

The cop told him to get out his ID and philando specifically said "I'm not reaching for my gun I'm grabbing my wallet" and then the cop says don't reach.
So which is it? The cop gave conflicting orders then shot philando

>"I'm not reaching for my gun I'm grabbing my wallet" and then the cop says don't reach.

A fine time to freeze one's actions, shouldn't you think?

To your point, the officer did seem to change is direction after Philando said what he said. But perhaps an officer made nervous by the Black Lives Matter rhetoric can be forgiven for not believing a man of African descent who says he is not reaching for a weapon, whilst reaching behind him.

Is this not worth at least some consideration?

No it's not what happened and thank you for making my point.
He got shot because failed to follow concealed carry training.
>Hands on steering wheel
>Inform officer of concealed weapons
>Be still & wait for instructions
>Follow instructions

Yeah, reaching for that ass

doesnt mean that the police force and him are trained to be racist

If the guy had a ccw I seriously doubt he was reaching...I think you're reaching, though.

>gun owners/ccw holders know to keep both hands on wheel and follow instructions if yo're going to mention a weapon.
what more can you do than
>communicate calmly that you are legally carrying
>being told ok, just get the license
>saying that the license is in the glove compartment with the gun
>being told it's ok, just get the license
>get shot



No but repeating "hol up hol up imma get you" was stupid. If niggers spoke proper English, he'd still be alive.

chink cop fucked up.

blm wont pick this up because he actually dindu nuffin.

His girlfriend confirmed he was reaching


He literally didn't do anything. The cop should have to support his kid

>what more can you do than
How about not reaching when told not to, you dumb fucking nigger apologist?

Yes. Maybe he was reaching for his wallet and maybe not.
>Say "I have a gun" while reaching in direction normally associated with concealed weapons is asking to get shot.

Did anyone else marvel at the strength of his female companion in not sobbing or wailing when Philando was bleeding out?

She seemed to more-or-less calmly carry on with her self-assigned task of recording the incident as life slipped from his body.


>negro brain
>had marijuana in his system
>no respect for authority

>saying that the license is in the glove compartment with the gun
>being told it's ok, just get the license
glad to know that the average racist Sup Forumsack cant read

To be fair i would have panicked when someone pointed gun at me and might have done something stupid like that

idk why he did anything but keep his hands on the dash. if i tell anybody i'm armed and then move for my pockets i would expect them to seriously worry. if he was also baked and not thinking clearly enough... he deserves it. to even move a little, hell-- at all--- after telling a cop you're armed is so fucking dumb. you know every cop is going to make you get out and slowly get your wallet before this interaction is over.

this isn't about racism.

if you're carrying you should know better.

Did you even watch the dash-cam video? He yells "dont reach for it!" Several times before drawing.

The outrage of niggers and Europeans over this is just too much. None of them know how police officers operate, what protocols they should follow and so on, and then complain when an officer guns down some asshole.

He was not complying with the orders the cop gave him, which, in the US, is enough for LEOs to use force (non-lethal weapons and protocols that is). During a traffic stop, if you do not comply with the orders you're given, the cop can -and in most cases will- ask you to get out of your vehicle and/or detain you, or even use their taser if you're resisting.

As for the gun, just tell the officer you've got a gun, and always keep your hands where he can see them. And if he asks you for your ID or for something else, then announce clearly what you're about to do, simple as that.

If you act like a dumbass, then expect to be treated like one, and if the officer is put in a situation where his life might be threatened, he won't hesitate to shoot.

I'm really surprised my fellow gun owners aren't standing up for him. I chalk it up to him being dumb when it comes to how to handle yourself around law enforcement if you're carrying. But at least he went through the proper channels and filed the correct paperwork to own a gun in the first place.

Try to enter the mind of this nignog just minutes before he was shot. He was probably more scared than the cop and made a stupid mistake of reaching in the process.

>Was he reaching?
Was he a nigger?

>Try to enter the mind of this nignog

Why would you say such a thing?

Yeah, I'm sure the officer thought, "I'm gonna go have lunch, then shoot a guy and destroy my reputation, career and possibly life. Sounds like a good plan today."

Whoever thinks cops look for people to shoot are obtuse as fuck. Nobody wants this.

liar. "fellow" gun owners know better. fuck off.

>smoking a joint and not understanding perfectly what a panicked cop is yelling in your hear is enough to get shot 7 times
I'm no longer even surprised by the retardation of you americans. The saddest thing is that you think this is normal police behaviour

Ok i just saw it and yelling several times wouldn't be a good description. However i understand why the policeman panicked and the nig seemed either high as kite or planning to do something malicious.

Nobody cares. The cop should have shot the witnesses too. saged and hidden, stop talking about this nobody.

> can I see license and registration please?
>ok officer, here I am getting those articles you requested now, I should tell you I have a gun btw
>Welldon'tbringitoutthendon'tbringitoutDON'TBRINGITOUT *BANGBANGBANGBANG*

the officer changed his instructions about a second before he started shooting him.

It's fucking ridiculous.
it's a total panic killing and he shouldn;t be a cop if he's gonna instantly panic as soon as a cooperating member of the public tells him that he is armed.

definition of manslaughter.

Since when did Janez and a spic face = chink?

Girlfriend Diamond Reynolds testified that he was trying to unbuckle his seatbelt so that he could get out his wallet and driver’s license when he was shot.

Prosecutor Jeff Paulsen presented evidence Castile’s right shorts pocket was where he carried his gun.

Where is seat belt buckle? Right next to gun! Reaching in any direction after announcing that you have a gun is asking to get shot

That's not how niggers work.

A panic killing is still legally justified.

He was black. That's good enough for me.

She's her own piece of shit as well. Plus, what kind of seat belt clicks on the right when in the passenger seat?

eat shit white boy

>Grab your wallet please
>by the way officer I have a gun in my car
>Stop grabbing then

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that mentioning you carry a deadly weapon changes a situation.

glad you cunts get shot everyday lol