
Will this be a lesson to them or will they try similar propaganda again?

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archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>That's it boys the goyim aren't buying it anymore, pack it up.

A lesson that internet votes can be faked? Sure.

>implying they won't double down next time and completely fake the thumbs up/down count

It was the Jews, of course they won't stop. Not until we gas them all. That tag was funded directly by a Soros backed organization, but people still people will question where the propaganda comes from. It's not aliens, it's not lizard people, it's fucking Jews.


they are too dumb and arrogant to realize this kind of propaganda only creates more national socalism.

(((they))) will continue and it will burn them like last time.

>Will this be a lesson to them or will they try similar propaganda again?
Man, they seem all in at this point.

When Trump won I celebrated for two reasons:
a, he's /myguy/
b, the left will now be forced to look itself in the mirror and reevaluate things and change according if they expect to ever make gains in American Politics again

I was soooooooooooooooooooooo wrong about point b.

Would you bang that Ahmedinna Sup Forums?


b-b-but not all jews!!!

>using a website made by a Jew
>expecting them not to use your posts against you

They didn't learn when they did #ProudToBe, what makes you think this will be any different?

The Jews that refuse to acknowledge the wrongdoing of the more powerful Jews are also culpable. The Jews are a threat to every race, including their own. It is in the best interest of all peoples that they be wiped from the face of the Earth.

It looks like she's on her back giving me bedroom eyes ready to take it, honestly. I don't know what the intended takeaway was but that's all I see in that pic.

I sincerely just think they had no idea so many people weren't on board with importing refugees.


Would you fuck her?


Assimilate or die.

Yes, but not have children with that arab bitch. Let's Taharrush Gamea her!

This. They will not come to their senses. Instead they are pushing the boundaries of leftism ideology at an even higher speed. I m kind of afraid where this ultra-radicalization of leftists will lead us.

They will do it again. Just like how we thought we taught them a lesson with the LGBTBBQ video
The best we can do is thumbs down and spread our opinions in the comments

The vid's got 130.000 likes, of course they'll do it again, don't you remeber teh #ProudToBe vid ? Thee like/dislike ration was even worse and they disabled the comments, yet they kept pushing their SJW agenda.

>taking refugees


tfw my country is not even in there.
>captcha requires me to point out busses of peace

Theyll keep attempting to shove it down our throats.
a backstep from them would mean inadvertently redpilling a lot of people into realizing that there is an (((agenda)))

>131.000+ Likes
>Not one positive comment in the section


Jews have been despised by every tribe they've ever cohabitated with: they don't learn from their mistakes.

(((they))) are going for round 2 !!


To be fair to the Cucktholics, the Vatican is only a tiny-ass city within a city.

Stuff like this gets negative responses all the time, but they keep doing it. These people live in a bubble and to them the negative attention is just from those evil right wing white people, so it doesnt matter.

A lot of the bullshit is done in advertising, where the negative reception doesn't matter, because women are the spenders of society and they love shit like that ever since they collectively decided on self destruction.

Doesn't she have HIV?

>David Miliband President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee
>Born in London, Miliband is the elder son of immigrants, Belgian-born Marxist sociologist Ralph Miliband and Polish-born Marion Kozak, both from Polish Jewish families

Every time

just fart rape her and handjobs, then

goooot mornennngggggg

>comments disabled

Financed by SOROS, there will be no end to this bullshit as long as that demon exists.

>will they try similar propaganda again?

Does a bear take poops in the woods?

Every country is there, I think you are in the second level, mate.

post the fucking link
they have canceled my dislike what the fuck

I didn't want to have the last row with one less than the others. It was either going to be the Vatican or Israel (because at least it's first world). lol

They are just going to double down more, radicalizing Leftists as they do it.

Archives: archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Very unlikely. They instant they cease to try, they surrender entirely. Instead, the public needs to learn more about JewTube's practices of deleting and bolstering likes/dislikes/views

They are just going to Frank down more, Frankalizing Frankists as they Frank it

Every country Islam invaded was facilitated by the jews. From Spain to The Glow in the Dark niggas in the CIA.


>meme flag
>TRS speech
free bump

I see Slovakia but not slovenia, unless my autism has reached a critical level.



that was a nice little "reporting for duty"


Who made this shit tier chart for fucks sake.

And yet Romania appears twice

God rest your souls Germanbros

Where is my country? Also we should be on the second list.

What music will be on loop in your head when things get violent?

Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions.