What's up with all these gay mosques popping up suddenly? WTF

Is this some kind of reformation through sheer insanity?

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I dont know but I love it - cant wait for kebab to remove gay kebab and get failed for life for hate crimes.
Peak degeneracy

It's a good thing
Lefties doing all the fighting while we sit back, relax and side with the winner when it's over, then backstab him

Hopefully the left will eat itself

The Jews power knows no equal. Submit

it seems to me to be the same situation and motives when they renamed Christmas into "Holiday"

Islam is getting westernized.
Soon it will go back to their homeland and isis will be checking their privilege and getting pegged by their women.

40D chess

* open queer mosque
* pissed akbar bombs it
* muh islamophobia
* soviet state erected

you would think they would just go to church or marybe start their own shit. Kek are they actually reading the koran? This shit is the oppression Olympics and they want to make muslims the most opressed

bombs away ?

>invade Europe
>get your religion cucked
Justice is being served

knowing the amount of mentally ill lefty types hopefully they all just start slaughtering eachother.

They're probably using a translation done by jews or something.

it's part of the Islamic Black Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning Lives Matter movement

Muslims can but fuck little boys up untill they reach puberty. Its called Bacha Bazi and the little boys are paid for it too..



a true oxymoron

u mad bro?


My mom said I can be a Trans-Muslim if i want to!!! Stop the Hate !!!!! You islumaphobes!!


>progressives think Islam is tolerant, Mohammed was a feminist, etc
>they ask Muslims about this
>Muslims use taqiyya and give people the idea that Islam is indeed tolerant and modern, in an attempt to gain converts
>progressives lap it up and hilariously end up subverting Islam with SJW shit

The Jew is trying to convince people Islam is (((tolerant))) in the way ex-Christian neo-atheist Europeon rabble have been programmed to understand it. So now when Mohammed decides to run a train on a twelve year old and chop her head off in front of live BBC cameras, the kikes will point to the gay mosque (populated mostly by delusional whites) and say "SEE, GOYIM! YOU CANT DEPORT DISS BWAVE DIVERSITY! DEYS ASSIMILATIN'!"

Subverting culture isn't hard. It just requires money, time, and dedication. Oh, and nepotism.

did you coordinate posting pics of radical kids because kek

I think there’s a resurgence of Islamism because at this point in time Islam has not yet learned how to be tolerant, and I think we’re going be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place.
Islam is not going to be the intolerant society [sic] that it once was in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Islam to make. They are now going into a tolerant mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Islam will not survive.

>sheer insanity
Yes. Reformations are always accompanied by purges. If the basic cognitive dissonance between being a faggot and being muslim wasn't enough, they would have to be crazy to put themselves in the path to disaster.

It's a front to make sure that European degenerates don't suddenly turn on Mudslimes.

lol spectred

Kek, why has no one released a hebrew'd version with politically correct sections on pegging and queer emancipation

>Judaism reforms because it constantly loses power, forcing many jews to be less orthodox
>Christianity reforms because of the curropt rule of popes/priests in the middle ages

>Islam reforms because a bunch of millennial post gay pictures in Twitter

this will backfire hard on the jews

as if that's something new