Violent crime increases in right-to-carry states


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>Marching through walmart with an AK-47
what a fucking retarded nigger he is

People in violent areas tend to carry guns

wtf i love guns now

>he doesn't walk around Wal Mart brandishing his AK-47, clearing every corner before heading down every aisle
Must just be an American thing.

Sounds good.

>frighten grannies

>Violent crime increases in states with neighboring black-majority cities
I don't even NEED to see the sources to take this shoot in the dark.

Czech Republic allows concealed carry but has no niggers. Maybe you should look at it instead.


Dont assume that they arent lying. That's all they have.

Did the (((study))) control for racial demographics?

Incorrect, try again.


No. RTC laws get passed in nigger haven states where it's needed. RTC licensees weren't the ones committing crimes before the laws passed, and aren't committing them now.

2/10, work on it

>lots of niggers and spics committing crimes
>white guy buys gun
>lol look violent crime is caused by white people with guns in nigger/spic dense areas
>obviously white people with guns fault
Mfw libkikes actually believe this

No it doesn't

So more people can defend themselves from retarded niggers and more retarded niggers get shot?

TFW Granny is packing a bigger piece than you.

You mean shoot at the dark

This shit was retarded, their methodology was retarded too.

> clearing corners in walmat

It is rather amusing that none of these idiots have the courage to publish studies examining the racial disparity in violent crimes.

>tfw penis inspection day at Wal Mart

Cause and effect.

Maybe those states should fight crime better and maybe those numbers would go down then.


>frighten grannies and moms

This is what you get when women are permitted to be outside the home.

>Correlation does not imply causation
>ingnoring that crime went up almost everywhere in the United States

This is why we can't have nice things, mmmk?

>forgetting about those handy dome mirrors
They'll see you before you see them nigger.

>he didn't smoke the place up upon entering the front doors
What is this, amateur hour?