Daily reminder that THESE are the 'people' who are responding to your threads

Daily reminder that THESE are the 'people' who are responding to your threads

mostly correct

THESE are the totally-not-racist civil nationalists and libertarians who are totally-not-leftist-in-the-modern-sense-but-not-conservatives-maybe-call-me-a-classical-liberal-or-a-centrist!

nice one OP

bullshit they are larping nazi faggots who want to meme in white nationalism from the safety of their basements

Looks like they are having fun

purity spiraling is jewish d&c

bring back visible sage

Fuck off you nigger, we are white.

Was on Lauren southers jewtube page earlier. This pic sums up how cringey these freaks are.

>Isles fan

Idk if I should feel sorry for her

That's like having feminists worship you

Notice how the black man didn't sieg heil...

That being said.....


So? I'd rather that you stopped shilling your agenda here you aussie pig fucker.

Don't forget to buy her book. Quick, before liberals ban it!!!!!!!

I don't know why.

Bunty King doesn't have time to go on Sup Forums

So did you get triggered by a comment in another thread and then posted this to rationalize your skewed world view?

>daily reminder

So you wish they look different somehow?
You're Australian. YOU look like this.

>Nuh..im Austra..
No you're not even close.
The closest your kind will get to aryan is Australia being confused with Austria due to spelling and pronounciation.

>But...I got german ancestry, I think...?

No you don't. Your people are former thieves and good-for-nothings expelled from Britain.

>being expelled from Britain.............

What ever you may condemn on this pic, remember to us aryans, you all non-germanics/skaninavians look like that.
At best. I'm not kidding. But you're kidding yourself crime-commonwealth.

I hate that uncle tom nigger so much. It's like his only purpose in life is to have his tongue up the white man's ass at all times.

Just to illustrate Germanbro's point.

You're all greasy mutts to us.