So I'm about as Sup Forums as one can be yet well... im mtf trans...

So I'm about as Sup Forums as one can be yet well... im mtf trans. For some reason this causes instant hate and I wanna know why. I'm literally the opposite of an sjw and yet im constantly compared to them.

What gives guys?


Allot of people who are anti sjw conflate some subjects as non issues due to allot of SJW talked subjects being indeed non issues.

Considering how gender dysphoria is indeed a proven scientific thing, it is indeed a mistake to conflate trans people with SJW faggots.
In fact most trans people aren't even leftists I think.

>Considering how gender dysphoria is indeed a proven scientific thing

It's a proven mental disorder.

Indeed it is, best help those with mental disorders no?

Wew, somebody deserves a blowjob

And here i thought Britain was full of idiots

>as Sup Forums as one can be
Pick one you mentally deranged faggot

Of course its a mental disorder numb nuts. Wow you get a cookie.

But seriously transition is the only cure with any marginal success rate. You can't psychoanalize this condition away.

Says the country cucked by mudslimes. Why do all you euros let your nations become one big caliphate? Don't you have any pride for being white?

It's not a cure. Calling it a cure is like telling a schizophrenic that his head voices are real and saying he's cured

Kys faggot.

Its as close a cure as modern medical science has available, there have been trials of drugs, electro shock, sensory deprivation, testosterone injections, and even actual torture and none of that helped make the feelings of wanting to be a girl go away in anyone. Go play apples and somewhere else because all you are motivated by with this topic is your feewings anf according to you feewings are for girls.

Meant to type apples and oranges. You can't just conpare gender disorders with other mental illnesses or easily dismiss it as a choice. I didn't wanna be a fucking tranny.

if you're trans you need to support jews
don't bite the hand that feeds you we took you outta the institutions we can put you right back.

You probably are as Sup Forums as the rest of us. But unfortunately you are sick. There can be no exceptions on the Day of the Rope. Sorry.

>literally the opposite of an SJW
Sup ForumsaCks probably disapprove because mtf seems like giving up and going to be part of the female gender who are biologically more emotional, less likely to work hard, and seem to be flighty and have low morals.
If you claim to be a Sup Forumsack then you would know that here, women are viewed as people who must be controlled so they don't become degenerate idiots. That is why you wouldn't get respect, you're willingly joining the ranks of those who are viewed as the intellectually inferior leftists degenerates.
So do you have a logical reason for wanting to crossdress, get surgery, act like a female, etc? Or just because you "feel" you should? Let's hear your side

>if you're trans you need to support jews
What? Jews are literally the cancer of the planet. A bunch of liars and wealth horders hell bent on mind controlling the white race via over 70 years of blaming us for their mass extinction. Fuck every cocksucking hooke nosed heeb in the fucking face with a shotgun.

The SJWs co opted LGBT basically.
It's the reason I don't tell people I'm Bi.

Zip zap zibbedebybap

Because you're looking for affirmation for your identity.

Don't you see you're already one of the mindcontrolled?

Your entire life is centered around your degenerate fetish. You demand that other people humor your mental illness by calling you/treating you like a """""woman""""".

You are the farthest thing from "Sup Forums" one can get.

>mtf trans
>wonders why he gets hate
the reason is because your "transition" goes against the very fundamental ideals that Sup Forums holds. you threw away your identity and became what you should be striving to collect, you started wearing your dream girl as a skin suit as a way to stop actually improving yourself, you threw away your chance to have children of your own, you threw away any respect people may have had for you, replacing it with fake concern and the adulation of jews and brainwashed kgb sleepercells.

You get instant hate because you're a tripfagging attention whore. You even need to bring a fucking LGBT flag to pol.

I don't give a good goddamn about whether you want to wear women's clothes, fill your body with fake hormones, or even cut your dick off if you think that'll make you feel better.
Just leave me out of it. Don't try and make me call you a woman when you're not. Don't expect my tax dollars to pay for your surgeries. Don't go around encouraging kids to follow in your footsteps.

Try to rope me, my husband is an mma fighter and tought me enough to fuck over even tall niggers, plus i collect firearms.

Well honestly yeah it seems like that but thats a pretty shitty view on women. But i agree, every western girl in our age group is a spoiled fucking rotton rude brat. Not me though because i was brought up a male I'm pretty fucking morally sound.

>im mtf trans

You're nothing but an attention-whoring sodomite degenerate. Riddle me this queer freak: how do you know you "feel like a woman" if you have never been one and thus have absolutely no frame of reference of what actually being a woman feels like.

SJW = anybody we don't like.

We don't like mentally ill men who mutilate themselves.

Please commit suicide in a manner that is convenient for the people ho have to deal with your corpse.

The people who know you are already put out by having to deal with a broken monster, which is exactly what you are and you realize this sad fact in the back of your mind every time you pass a mirror.

Don't make this worse for them by dragging the horror out by continuing to live, or making a mess on your way out.

post your butt Jessica

>And here i thought Britain was full of idiots
To be honest, It's more balanced than it looks.
The ratio of intellectual honesty/those without such is around 60%-70%/40%-30% overall from my perspective(a similar ratio to people I've met face to face).
We are still a scientific nation after all, it's just we have a silent majority, and have zero representative parties that would stand a chance of getting a majority.
Most people don't want to lose their jobs or aren't immune to losing them which doesn't help either.

I dunno, i look, sound, act, and live as a woman. I'm fully transitioned, married, and pass fulltime. Everyone assumes im an average girl. Also had a federal court ammend my birth certificate and all my documents so its as if I was never a dude.

You can't bump your own threads newfag nigger.

Also you're a degenerate sub human who goes against nature and the human basics of humans existence, you give into your selfish unnatural desires that destroy the family unit. You're a disgrace not only to your peers(Sup Forums) but a disgrace to humanity as a whole. No amount of red pilled autism will change the fact that you are the enemy.

Hey faggot. It's the same principle as no women on the internet. No one gives a shit about you or your faggotry now fuck off you attention seeking bigger. Go blog about it or something and stop shorting up the catalog.

>who goes against nature
You go against nature too, using the computer is unnatural you fucking shoe wearing, car driving, medicine taking degenerate


New phone hasn't learned me yet.

Against your biological function you literal faggot. You're an abomination you disgusting freak.

No amount of lifestyle and paper work can change the fact that biologically you're a man with a chopped-off dick and wearing a dress.

>le mental disorder meme

It's not even that, it's a plain attention whoring fad, much like emos and hipsters. Funny how after the (((((media))))), (((celebrities)))) and (((corporations)))) made being a tranny so trendy the number of queers shoot up by the millions.

Because like any sjw you're just another mentally ill faggot, an ugly spawn of dysfunctional society that normalizes illness instead of curing it. Please consider suicide.

No. The use of tools to further ourselves, our genes and our tribe is absolutely a fundamental aspect of human nature.

What you have done is the very opposite of that.


Lol wow. Do you even hear yourself? I pass, im basically a girl, shit i don't even bring up being trans in my real life ever. You would walk by me and have no clue.

Maybe ur hate stems from something more serious... are you jealous??

I don't care that you're a degenerate, I'm just not going to call you normal.

>What you have done is the very opposite of that.
Actually no, I'm ahead of the curve. Women in western society are spoiled rotten, i literally haven't worked since i started living fulltime as a girl. Its the easiest existence ever.

You can't give birth so you are not a real women, regardless how well you pass.

Who says being trans is normal? Its abnormal as fuck and prolly a result of all the nuke testing in the 1960s

Now you're using the same tactics faggots on the left use, omg you're a homophob you must be secretly gay!

You're new to Sup Forums and want to fit in, lurk or leave. The only people that will accept you here is other abominations such as yourself.

You will always be our enemy.

>as Sup Forums as one can be
No. And your lack of will to life disgusts me. Please go chop your balls off and never merge yourself back into the ongoing genepool.

Post tits too faggot.

>Ad hominem
>Appeal to nature
>Slippery slope
>Appeal to authority

Because you're a man. A man who wants to cut off his dick and larp as a woman.

But for me, it's not the act of cutting you're dick off that makes me hate you. It's this whole
>I should have been born a woman
>trans MTf pronouns are important
Bullshit. Call it what it is, that's what I'm going to do. Come live in reality with the rest of us and you'll see less hate.

I don't really care to be honest OP. I consider you a weird fuck but I think the same of a lot of people who aren't trannies. The only thing I do care about is: in dating and relationships, at what point do you mention it? Also, you said you have a husband. Do his family and friends know you used to be a dude?

Plenty of real women can't give birth, my mom cant even give birth anymore because cervical cancer. You telling me she isn't a woman anymore?

Tits or gtfo

....i haven't told him yet ;_;

Yeah it's stupid. If anything trannies share the core view that a person can identify a goal of self-betterment then take steps to objectively get there on their own without whining about victimhood or gibs.

Trannies are bro tier.

Does your partner know about it?

Yes she is, she gave birth to you you ungrateful little fuck. You will get fucked in the ass till you are 30 and then replaced with fresher meat.

Are you fucking serious? He can't tell the difference between a pussy and an inverted dick either?

You have the right idea friendo
+1 internets

My vag was done by the top specialist plus i labiaplasty after too so i mean my vag has almost fifty thousand US dollars in it. I'm honestly just gonna take my secret to my grave.

I know how you feel. As a long time /d/ickgirl and Sup Forumstard myself, I also get nonstop fucking hate from everyone. I hate all these wannabe neo nazi reddit fags on this shit gamergate era containment board.

>My vag
*inverted dick

Alright, it's your life. It's gonna be a major shitstorm if he finds out though. Now tits pls.

Jesus, you trolling?
So he got married to you in front if all his friends and family and now he might have to tell them all he actually married a bloke in a dress?
You've destroyed his reputation forever and made him a laughing stock...
Plus if he really has loyalty to you after yiu tell him, he is wasting all his sperm on a walking flashlight and wasted his best years not finding a healthy female to reproduce with...

He doesn't want kids. We both believe humans are fucking cancer. All our money gets spend on vacation and our off road toys and firearms. If you wanna be a fucking breeder all i can do is laugh lol.

Did you tell him you were infertile as to not let him on thinking you could have kids rather than adopt?

>mentally ill
It all checks out I suppose

When he finds out and divorces you remember that it's not because he's a transphobe, it's because your dishonest.

So basically you have ruined this guy's entire life cuz now he won't be able to have kids, top kek. trannies never change

Ah, already got my answer, fair enough to that.

Post your 50 thousand dollar vag plz

>tfw I'll need to DNA test my ltr's now to make sure they're not really a dude.

Then why don't you leave?

You are mentally ill person who has fully embraced their illness and will soon kill xerself


White people falling for the 'useless breeder' meme are quickly being replaced by browns and blacks that don't fall for it.
Once Mexicans run your country what do you think will happen to tranny rights that allowed you to live out your fantasies?

This, or at least titties. You paid for all this stuff and you seem proud of it and it's an anonymous board, so why not show it off?

Not all mental illnesses coincide with specific political opinions. Yours does. You're an exception. Congrats.

As to why you're disliked, it's simple. Loud minority, or, in your case, loud majority.
Not all trannies are helicopter-worthy commies and leftists, betraying their culture and race in daily basis. Yet the majority are, so those few with natural, yet combated tendencies to destructive behavior are looked down upon, since it's easier to brush off all of you instead of looking for One Good Nigger, One Okay Tranny, One Sane Leftist out of thousands.

Because your lifestyle is unhealthy, and you are making an identity out of it here, where you can otherwise be anonymous. People here are idealists trying to shift the overton window.
Your question is almost the same as me coming here and asking "I smoke weed every day and have a hippy peace flag and identify as a pothead, why does that piss people off here, why do you hate me?"
And acting surprised that people don't like it. Plus you have a lot of Christian extremists on this board too, who will see you as an unrepentant and proud sinner based on what you've done and how you identify, as they would me for identifying as a pothead.
If you're going to be an outlier in society, you just have to accept that there will be a negative stigma attached to you.
>inb4 you can just stop being a pothead and you'll avoid any stigmas
And you can just pretend to be a legit female if you pass well enough, and avoid the stigmas too. Yup you have to reveal the truth at some point in getting close to a person but so would I. Getting close to people hurts. That's why we don't like doing it.

>Marginal success rate

yeah 50% suicides after transitioning. i would call that marginal. Needs to be higher.


pic related

is there any way to get rid of autogynephillia? id like to have kids when im older but i have no attraction whatsoever to actual females.

What are you getting at

I don't hate you. I think it's wrong if you were to pretend to be a girl and not be open about your being trans with a potential sexual partner though. You don't seem like a liar.

I do hate this culture of putting sex out in the open, especially if it';s some sort of strange sex like in the butt ot between two girls. THat stuff should be private. I don't care about your fetishes. Enjoy them to your hearts content. I care about your fetishes being celebrated in public and turning the whole thing into a virtue signalling circus.

Hey its not like anyone has a choice. You are the weak faggot not doing anything. My husband works for ice and busts illigals all fucking day.

>I just choose the side that creates the most butthurt
For real, I never even knew the difference between left and right or any political parties in USA or Canada until Trump ran and it became impossible to ignore.
I literally voted for whoever homeless, hippies, and non-whites didn't like the most, which was Harper and the conservatives every time lmao.

First of all there's a nine in ten chance that you don't have clinical gender dysphoria and are just a fag.

Secondly, people who DO have the disease are co-morbid for half a dozen other mental illnesses, which is the main reason they kill themselves so often.

But most importantly, the only aspect of "transition" that has been shown to be effective at all is HRT, and yet these degenerates insist on changing their names and crossdressing and using women's restrooms when all it does is freak people out.

Mental gender does not exist. Take your shots and shut the fuck up.

Ok that looks pretty fucking real. Can your pussy get wet too? Now we need to inspect your tits.

Yes i can get wet, check cell grafts.

Wow. Worth it. Does it get wet and can you orgasm from it??

Women shouldn't do stuff like this posting. Don't degrade yourself for anons.

And there it is, you DON'T have gender dysphoria, you a god damned autogynophiliac. You pretend to be a woman because it turns you on

>Completely passable tranny
>Husband is an mma fighter that works for ice

I smell a larp.
Sounds like your fantasies.
/Lgbt/ raid perhaps....

Its the rules, go fuck yourself leaf

Nope, i can't make this shit up lol.

>no timestamp
10/10 larp

Wow like all trannies they are just men larping as women who talk and act like no woman actually would?

You're passing the boner test desu. What cup size did you get? Can we get a pic? You've already showed your pussy anyway.

Timestamp or bullshit

You have a mental disorder that leads to suicide on an astronomical level
>But seriously transition is the only cure with any marginal success rate.
1. For Thousands of years no one could do this and there weren't mass suicides in the name of feeling like the wrong gender.
2. What success rate? Post OP trans have one of the highest suicide rates in the world.
The whole set of treatment for this is akin to the Lobotomy in terms of medical and scientific value. In some 20-30 years what is being done to you WILL be looked back on as cruel

>So I'm about as Sup Forums as one can be
>im mtf trans
Into the ovens with you

2017, i don't own a pen or paper, i could draw on myself with lipstick but im not gonna fuck up a $50 dollar tube just to please retards.