Why are Millennials so soft?

The millennial generation literally has a decline in testosterone, why is this?


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estrogens in literally everything they eat and drink and breathe.
Pretty soon women are going to look like busty amazons and men will all be submissive traps.

The sample they use is full of the weak ones

Stop generalizing

All of our parents are upper middle class and so we never learned hard work.

Do your own research you fag.

When's steveo gonna get Chris on the wagon, boys? It's sad seeing how far down the rabbit hole he's gone and he needs help.

Because in an increasingly service and office work based economy ruggedness is no longer a necessary survival skill

plastics leach chemicals into our food that mimic estrogen.

stop eating shit food that comes in plastic containers.

All first world countries have experienced this. Its literally because the more you physically "suffer", for lack of a better word, the higher amount of testosterone you have. Hence muh safe space


google it

Doesn't masturbating reduce testosterone?

We're the first generation with the internet at our fingertips. Never been easier.

I am a millennial. I also own a house, have a wife and a kid on the way, a college degree, no debt aside from my mortgage, and a stable career in business. My parents are multi-millionaires but self made. My dad was a community college dropout who joined the marines, got his shit together, and went on to apply himself and kick ass. Growing up, even though we had the money for such things we did not have cable TV, or a decent TV in general. We did not have an allowance, we had to set up neighborhood businesses cutting grass, washing cars, pulling weeds, etc. to make money to buy things we wanted. We were not simply given most things unless it was a necessity for our lives and education. We had a few toys and things like that, but again - when my brother and I wanted an SNES in elementary school we spent an entire winter shoveling snow and an entire summer cutting lawns to get it. If something broke around the house or needed to be upgraded we did not hire someone to do it for us. As a kid I learned to repair drywall, install cabinets, paint, replace rotted exterior wood and trim, install wainscoting and chair railings, move basic electrical components (outlets, fixtures), change oil and brakes as well as other routine vehicle maintenance. My brother and I built some decent treehouses and learned to do things ourselves.

I didn't know anyone from my age and economic class growing up who was at all like that. Everyone had things given to them. Newest video game system comes out? Parents just drop it on their laps. Toys, movies, everything. Allowances. All of my friends had allowances, and in some cases ridiculous amounts like 20 dollars per month or more. They all uniformly had cable TV and spent a large amount of time watching it which I didn't. Something breaks around the house? Hire a guy. The car needs a tune up? Take it to the dealer.

Doom explained it 5 years ago.



It's like soy additives, certain types of plastic and estrogen from birth control in the unfiltered water supply are disrupting men's endocrine system.

Yes, but then production ramps up over a 7-day period to way higher than normal.
Ideally you'd ride this wave and fuck a woman on day 8, to reap the most benefit. With porn however, you can easily fap 3 times a day and you'll never build up that test production.


I remember being in cub scouts, super excited to race my pinewood derby car. I had worked really hard on making it the best. I show up, win, and the kike scoutmaster piece of shit has brought trophies for everyone. I got the same fucking recognition and reward as the kid who took the block of wood, splattered glitter glue on it, popped the wheels on and called it a day. I was as dejected as possible on that day and learned something about the world I was entering. What's wrong with millennials? If you weren't lucky enough to have parents who weren't hippies and other such dumb fuck liberals circa 1966-1976 when they likely got together, you ended up being indoctrinated by people who barely ever learned how to survive on this planet themselves. They made it into the middle class because it was really really really easy back then, and they didn't like how their parents had been harsh on them, and vowed to be best buds with their kids.

The children didn't know it was bad for them, most kids are pretty happy to be showered with fun games and free money and not have to work for anything. The problem is you shape your identity when you're younger, and real adult life on this planet is unforgiving. You need to have work ethic, you need to have a logical brain, you need to know how to do things for yourself, and they were given none of those skills. There are plenty of millennials out there like me, but the overwhelming majority deserve the labels and derision thrown at them. Maybe they don't, it's really their parents that deserve the lion's share of the blame for irreparably damaging and entire generation with their idiotic nonsense.

I'll take it as a compliment that you think my actual life is a fantasy.

Soy. Soy is the reason. Get reoiled on it son. We copied the chicks on cheap foods but we took a shortcut and now we're fucked in the food industry.

Should I stay away from water in plastic bottles? I take like 5 or 6 of them to work with me for a full day.


AFAIK the problem comes from heating food up in them, which leaches out xenoestrogenic compounds.

I think bottled water is probably fine, unless you are chronically low test or something.

Get a stainless steel litre bottle (or a few depending on your needs), use tap water that you yourself have run down a water filter and enjoy your shitless, xeno-esteogen free water.
To get rid of all cancer altogether and drink estrogen free water, you need reverse osmosis and then add some minerals to the water again because 100% pure water will kill you. Electrolytes are to blame for that. We need them.

>Millennial Stevo is back

I could probably go gay for Chris Pontius, not gonna lie.

Yes but its more a side effect, you lose dopamine and your body don't feel the need to produce testosterone, you're body will also produce estrogen to build a "bond" with your partner, scientist speculate the reason for this is so in nature the man will stick around (for at least a little while) and protect the woman instead of just running the fuck off.

Nuce blogpost, faggot

for me, its probaly because i lost one testicle to cancer

The bottled water might be better for you. It depends where the water comes from. If it's just tap water it's not as good as spring water. The tap water has estrogen from when women piss while on birth control. The treatment process doesn't remove estrogen. Fish and frogs are being affected by the estrogen in the rivers and lakes. It affects men also. Spring water is going to have less estrogen in it. Just don't microwave the bottled water and you might be fine. It's almost impossible to avoid it though.

I am confident I know the answer to this. Men went soft because that's what women wanted. American (((culture))) started telling everyone that masculinity is toxic.

Jealousy comes out in some really strange ways.

Whats a good water filter?


Xeno-estrogens are over-blown. Unless you're sticking some BPA plastic shit into the micro-wave and then eating from it, or scrubbing the fuck out of your body with some super soya plastic-micro-beat body wash every day, most of the problem will come elsewhere.

By far the biggest problem is how fucking fat everyone is god damn. If you are 30% bodyfat and drop down to a healthy 10-12% you will increase your testosterone like 20% in one fell swoop. Your adipose tissue literally converts testosterone into estradiol (aromatase).

Next just fucking eat healthy, exercise and sleep 8h per day. Vegetables, tea, etc. are filled with aromatase inhibiting enzymes. Exercise increases your androgen receptor density and is just all around healthy. Most your hormones are produced when you sleep.

Finally reduce stress. Especially social stress signals to your body that you are low on the pecking order and that you should reduce testosterone so that you don't get into trouble. Every time you chicken out of some confrontation or look at your feet when someone stares at you, you are reducing your testosterone levels slightly.

How soon are we talking here

Asking for a friend


Speak for yourself. I'm a millenial and I'm far from soft.

Might be all the human heart I eat raw.

>Asking for a friend
So am I. ;)

>women are going to look like busty amazons

I'm sure your parents are proud you became a nazi faggot

Low T

>sedentary lifestyles reduce muscle activation (muscle use increases test)
>fat increases estrogen
>certain foods, like soy, but also a sugary diet increases estrogen
>masculine that stimulates test discouraged with children
>bad role models disable the ability of men to know this behavior

the plastics estrogen thing is kinda a smaller point, its nearly, NEARLY moot. The factors I mentioned above play a 90% role in it all.


To add to that post: How to fix your test naturally and without any damage to the long term (like roids do)

pic related, but also this book

sendspace.com/file/wg4jf9 (discard the commercial hype shilling in the intro, the methods afterwards are solid)

more to add, I personally use this method as its cheap and can be done at home.


also, some additional lore even more if you are in to that. It touches very deeply into life philosophy, its very scientific though.

Testosterone is also linked to evolutionary behavior.


and if you are strong enough, you can even "cheat" (take the pill that comes after the black pill and literally change your personality)

Read the last section of this link


on how to build your amygdala.

cultural marxism and the war on meat.

Soy oil. Plus, vegetarianism.

Real talk, all this is true, sleep being especially true (although i have trouble sleeping myself)

Heard on Joe Rogan that avocados are a super fruit that raise testosterone because they are unique in the sense that they contain a high amount of "good fat" that your body uses as building blocks, to a lesser extent this also applies to coconut oil and olive oil. Thought it was bullshit but ever since iv started eating 1 avocado a day i noticed my voice got slightly deeper.

>Every time you look at your feet when someone stares at you, you are reducing your testosterone levels slightly
To add to this most people in society don't even have correct posture, most people hunch their heads forwards at an angle even if they don't realize it, this is because we slouch when we look at our phones and car seats push your head forward. People use the bottom of their neck to support their head when they should be using the back of their neck and people stand with their toes as support when they should be standing on their heels, not to mention their tongue posture is all fucked up which effects jaw / chin shake making you look like a beta, you're tongue should be on the roof of your mouth, in the position ill be after making a capital "N" sound or after exhaling.

There's studies that show lowering your head gives your the sense of being submissive which lowers testosterone while standing/walking straight actually raises testosterone.

Yep, dietary cholesterol is also important. But you shouldnt solely overdo it.

A balanced diet, with a preference to cut out all simple carbs, in favor of complex carbs. Also avoidance of all conservatives and perhaps even all other additives that you are unsure off.

Avoiding sugar replacements is also important. As they mess with your gut biome, which can make you autistic.


About 200grams of meat a day, enough veggies, some fruits. Nuts, advocado's, meat should be natural. If you run, you can also eat more foods with good cholesterol like eggs.

That is the optimal path for nearly every white person. To make you perform at your peak.

Lol you just a dumb normie. It's ok.

anyone else has questions on this post? I spend t a lot of time to make this personal path in life, all fairly accurate, with pic related in mind and brought to you by the experiences from someone with quite a lot of zeal.


> and men will all be submissive traps.

Hot boipussi finally

The plastic lining inside aluminium beer cans and soft-drink cans is an estrogen mimicker. So if you drink lots of these you will become a fag.

You might say, 'But I didn't become a fag, I am married with two kids and wife"

But you know you are lying. You have become a fag. You will divorce your wife when you are 35 and get a toy boy or a big hairy bear fag to bum you.

>busty amazons
Please? My dick requires this

> Suggested
> How to tell if a girl likes you - The definitive guide


His parents are multi millionaires and we're all lazy cucks and he's a very hard working man

I think they've shown that calories in general increase hormone production. Problem is just that when you get fat that all turns into estrogen and pro-lactin etc. Nowadays when I cut weight I try to do it mainly through a lot of walking so that I can still eat a lot. Lost 10kg since the winter bulk and its been much better than previous cuts where I lost muscle, libido and energy.

What happened to Chris? :(

According to Rebel Media, soy is having a huge impact.


bad diets from women not cooking anymore.


look how he did it

>ate red meats and animal fats
>bacon and eggs every morning
>avocados for more fat
>strength training + more sleep
>olive oil (basically even more fat)

Men need fats to properly produce testosterone and hormones, especially animal fats.

Most millennials eat ramen noodles, fast food, or generic things like macaroni from a box.

Men in the past and today are busy all the fucking time and can't cook for themselves too easily. Women used to do that. Now women are busy trying to be men and are busy themselves, so no one is there to cook us good food.

Then why is every guy I see so jacked? I feel like men are more muscular and strong than ever.

Yeah your brain has been conditioned to associate all kinds of behaviour with submission. I think its pretty far reaching. That's why its good for a man to be self-employed if possible -- subconsciously you know you're not someone's bitch.

So, let me make huge oversimplification, you would agree that millenials are just product of their parents society of inducting stress over children (thus shitty food, thus fat-fucks)?

This is my biggest problem with feminism. Women want to fill men's shoes, they can't do it so they get special privileges to compete, and men are still expected to do everything they did in the past. Wealthy women refuse to support men, but they take wealth away from men which just creates a giant shit storm. Men are conditioned and raised to take care of a woman, women still expect men to take care of them while they make life significantly more difficult to do so

Well, its not as easy as it sounds. I also have a bit of trouble with this. Though not much.



The main problem with a caloric deficit diet, is that it hinders sleep. Its literally the only thing that blocks me from going sub 10% bodyweight again. I looked up what could prevent it from happening, and apparently 5-htp (examine.com/supplements/5-htp) does that. I am going with that now.

But the problem we are encountering right now is

>we dont know the full picture (because scientific research is limited by cash, time and errors)
>various good, evil and neutral parties are mixed into that research, some may present the truth properly, some want to sell you shit and the jews obviously want to fucking kill you and destroy you using the bad methods of science (pic related)

through this mess you also have the ones who do not have enough IQ points to comprehend the science, or just assume that since they exist, they have a soul, their maximum output is always at its peak (religious retards)

It seems like a huge puzzle, but it is not so. At some point you get to the end, and you have learned most of the stuff. Then the lore, the science becomes easier to deal with. But most people see at my posts and just think "its so much, it must be just ramblings like everything else!" no its not.

actually, its not just that. If you get a good high test boss, he may expect you to be bossy as well.


We are not solely just alpha/beta people. Especially the aryans are expected to keep up self actualization, and self realization, through strength, but also mental prowess. The family unit more or less is a mini alpha unit. Sure you may not get the full dosage of test like some cop chief would, but in a normal, strong and fascist society you would be allowed to get a very fair share of your own test.

> Soft leadership

White people depend on leadership and hierarchy. When the kangz are cucked the knights will be too. Judens know this

Denying us proper leaders in politics is genocidal over a long enough timeline

pic related.

stop projecting

Most people have evolved to be as lazy and greedy as possible because that's what made our ancestors not starve. Last 75 years is just the first time in history that the average person can easily get access to 5000 calories a day and doesn't have to exercise due to their daily life (like farmers, blue collar workers etc). Everything is also so much more centralized. Before you could be a cowboy and be an independent man that no one messed with. Nowadays even if you work as a sailor you probably have to do some kind of diversity training and put up with bullshit. There's also no real danger in people's lives so they become scared of the most mundane things, and the only source of stress is unpredictable and chronic like when your boss is going to be an asshole or how you're gonna pay your rent. So you don't get the good stress which builds you into a stronger person, but just the stress which wears you out until you feel no joy even though life is actually super easy.

This rings true to me. We become adapted to ease very quickly and an easy life is not a path to growth.

Agreed. I think all the stress and overworking from school and careers are making people way more unhealthy. Our modern lifestyles are killing us and making us lesser men and women.

this song basically encapsulates the proper white man mindset for 90%.



Yeah I've tried 5-htp and melatonin to do just that and definitely slept better even on days when I was at like 1200 calories. Still lost a lot of strength and felt quite tired. Nowadays I just have a moderate carb meal a couple hours before sleeping.

Yeah true depends on whether its an 'us vs. them' situation or not. If you work for your average fortune-kike-hundred corporation then its quite different from a small start-up where you have a team of men who feel like they are conquering the world together.

well, complex carbs are the best for long sleeping. Brown rice, but also full grain breads if you are into breads.

Also, you need to eat enough protein, preferably through shakes, natural ones obv without aspartime and other chloriated crap that kill your gut biome.

If you keep on training, eat enough protons, and are on a caloric defect diet. I think that the melatonin and 5-htp could allow you to reach that mystical and extremely rare to see sub 10% bf.

I also do intermittent fasting. It helps, but its a long process obviously. You dont wanna die of a heart attack like that zyzz faggot. So slow and steady will beat a diet of fat burners, and illegal substances. Plus its natty.

Also on your second reply: A few good people out there will not be petty and will have the aryan mindset. It is even a requirement in some positions you know. Sub bosses, managers of all sorts require that kind of thing. But if you got nice subbosses and managers, and they arent mental niggers (who think they need to be the bawsess for no good reason), then they even would allow you some form of testosterone on the lower levels. Because being high test also means you are probably going to be a more productive worker. If you can catalog things well in your mind, find robust counter arguments, and even bully your other coworkers, then they may like you. Because the other coworkers probably dont even want to be like that, even with help and encouragement.

But look at pic related, do you not think that I care at this point, kek? A somewhat truer alpha owns up to his mistakes and tries to learn from them. Does not try to instigate conflict, and is actually extremely social and knows the members well, and also this "common reality" space that is outside of him, and how others may perceive his actions.

All y'all need to get a glass water pitcher with a filter. Water sitting around in plastic is shit. Now, this one isn't that fucking advanced (it uses a Brita filter ffs) BUT you need some kind of filter that at least works (compared to many other brands "filters" that don't do shit, I'm looking at you Soma water). The huge upside is that almost all of pic related is made out of glass that comes from the Czech Republic and the brand itself is located in Chicago (buy American/European...). Plus pic related looks tasteful.

I've heard some good things about Berkey water filters but they're somewhat large and expensive, so I haven't tried that.

I looked around and found a coupon and got this for $136, it retails for $160.
>inb4 shill, quit bitching I spent a while looking for a glass carafe with a built in filter, I didn't want to filter water into a plastic reservoir

there are literally thousands of different plastic types, its just that the BPA plastics, along with a few others were "Cheap" and nobody cared to use, and to make popular the other types of plastics that arent bad for us.

You have a point, but I just don't think putting one's drinking water in a plastic container is wise. Tastes better too.

RARE (even though proxy)

im just sayan, dont lump all hardened dino juices in one group. Glass is impractical for production in many cases, plastic also can bounce better. Molds easier, less energy needed to produce. If one were to get a proper world totalitarian fascist regime (with properly bordered nations of course) then one of the more expensive plastics should be mandated.

So you got some god tier plastic recommendations, user? Tritan?

lol not sure, havent gotten into that, that far really. I am looking at "BPA" free mostly, I loosely remember a few others if I hear them too. I have heard of tritan yea. So its cool?


Yeah I usually have a bagel and some yoghurt for the casein.

I do IF already and I'm around 10% now. Got too much on my plate right now to push below, since I'd have to cut calories and do more days of cardio to move the scale at this point.

>If you can catalog things well in your mind, find robust counter arguments, and even bully your other coworkers, then they may like you

True if they are fighters instead of worker bees they will see themselves in you. However most bosses I find have just been in a certain organization so long that they moved up the ranks. Depends a lot on where you live and what you do I guess. I work in computer science so a lot of the bosses and other people dislike me just cause I'm confident and take care of myself even tho I'm very friendly.

if all college professors disappeared literally everything would fix over night

the Independent, high test positions are on the whole class spectrum. From the low, to the middle and to the high.

You even got people who work in a factory, who are responsible for the garbage for example. Who may also need to do lite maintenance. If there were mopey, low test bitches then they couldnt perform their job well. Of their duties they do need to have high test, some self assurance even I think. Also being alone, following a schedule, jumping to fix things without leadership, but according to a generic feeling of "this is good for the company"

The high test/low test is present in the whole IQ bellcurve. And as such it means that for the previous societies to work properly, there would, and there still are positions that are accommodating for them.

But office jobs, HR, women, cuck crap...ugh. Try going to a typical middle class high test job. Like on a construction site, or in the army. Do you know why those guys have a jolly good time? Because high test does not always have to be from you berating other people. High test also comes from success. So if you do better at shooting, or some other thing than another person...yep, thats high test for you, even though you didnt hurt the other person.

>his tapwater is recycled

Goddamn I love living in Scotland
My tapwater comes from a loch

>Especially the aryans are expected to keep up self actualization
>implying niggers don't preach exactly this
Also who exactly expected aryans to keep up with self actualization and self realization? Who's this wizard of oz'esque leader in charge of directing the fate of an entire race? Someone should bring this up to the aryans currently screwing over Europe right now because i don't think they got the memo.

Prepare your Loch!

well obviously there are many variables that made the aryan race as they are today. But you know, the last healthy status quo, the will of the race when it was strong. When the people knew its history, knew their bloodlines well, before they slumped into this end stage of civilization, hedonism.

They may decide to pick up on this path again, to slump further or something else dumb. But its a natural imperative, its a position that works best in the modern world, for our DNA. It is actually something that was rarely even allowed to thrive, but when it did, it worked very well.

The mythical 100% performance of the combined white aryan race. You cannot shame them into it, you cannot buy them into it, you cannot threaten them into it as the jews have tried. The only way for this to happen is to leave them in peace, and allow them to be. No jews, no leftism, no foreign invaders, no nuclear holocaust. Just that, just them.

oh whoops, speaking of genetic imperatives. Pic related.

>busty amazons
>with no T

get ready for human livestock, not Xena: Warrior Princess

Fucking even whippets like steveo.

>welcome to Sup Forums

Not the answer is pretty simple: obesity and lack of exercise. As you get fatter your t levels drop. Obesity amongst the young is higher than its ever been.

I would be prouder to have a nazi son than a faggot son.

When i think about it, to have a faggot son is probably the worst thing ever. All 18 years of feeding and raising for a cocksucking, degenerate dead-end.

You can find more sources through secondary and tertiary sources. Things like dropping testosterone levels in the elders (spoiler alert: its not because they are growing older, the test is falling way too fast, its because they are having these unhealthy things mentioned in the thread)

then the science, the theory on obesity and testosterone is also well know, we know that certain sports increase testosterone. We know how many people lead "sedentary lifestyles" (I even read an official european thing, really long pdf that detailed the sedentary people on 53%)

many things really.

HIV medication softens anyone