it means exactly what is says, Russia interfered in the election bigly

as usual, probably doesn't mean anything remotely close to what actually happen-

oh "in an ATTEMPT" lol

The "attempt" is to elect trump and undermine public faith in the US election system.

You see, there is this magical thing called reading comprehension.

Putin bypassed our firewalls and hacked directly into our mainframe and changed voted from CLinton to Trump with his visual basic master haXX0r skillz

A fucking open port scan is not a massive hacking event.

>a man with a Russian IP posts a Pepe on Sup Forums during the election


It means Drumpf is getting impeached.

Nice source you have there, m8

Give me an archive

It means Russia tried to do something. There is no evidence that anything Russia did actually contributed to Trump being elected. This was pretty much a giant trolling by Putin because now the US will forever be paranoid about foreign actors fucking with elections. Every time this gets brought up, Putin will laugh at us.

you know, sources say that reports indicate that a man close to the russians and familiar with their way of thinking definitely hacked the election

it means you ctr faggots are trying as hard as you can to keep this bull shit story alive

Public faith in the system was already non-existant why would they need to interfere?

>some guy with knowledge of such things, whose name we can't release, has said that such things happened

Broken record.


>russian government hackers

No proof of this aside from the CIA saying "it was Russia!", exactly like how they said "Iraq has WMD's!"

>targeting election systems in 21 states

The only files they got access to were voter registration information BEFORE they were transferred to the actual precincts. This is the equivalent of stealing a phone book.

>in an attempt to help trump

Zero evidence of this.

>and undermine public faith in the us election system

Actually, the leftist media is doing this by making all this shit up to begin with.

no credibility
no cares

>Make wildass claim with no proofs
Please display said proofs
>But super secret proofs cant be shown to the goyim
Still wonder why we call you fake news

>when we say "hacked" we mean they posted on facebook :^)

How many russia hacking stories there been so far ? 200?

Who is this semen demon?



Which officials?

> "it's not rigged, you're just losing"
> proceeds to lose the election
> "reeee the election was rigged"

This never stops being funny.

Holy shit Putin is the 400 lb hacker?!


WEW. If this were the case, I'm sure the reason why they are not waving a document with proof is that the evidence comes from a fucking U.S. spy embedded in an ally's government, and coming out with proof would mean the U.S. had outright used and subverted a close ally. KEK


It means they are continuing to fling shit at the wall hoping it finally sticks. Every five days officials 'confirm' that Russia did or at least tried to do some shit to the election and it is always fucking nothing.

This pasta is older than dirt.

It means people are still dumb enough to think elections can be hacked. The implication is Russians hacked the voting machines, because that's what the Left wants people to think happened. When in reality they hacked the DNC and revealed some of their secrets, and the truth pissed people off and changed their minds about the election. But you will never hear anyone on TV outside of Fox News say it.

Christ, when will it end? How are they still running with this narrative despite having little concrete supporting evidence? Does anyone except hardcore liberals even pay attention to this shit anymore?

Nice source faggot

russian hacking will be irrelavent once pedocrats start winning elections again.

>Well a hack happened so someone must have been doing the hacking!
>Print it.

Nothing. Repackaged old news that nobody gave a shit about last year repurposed because collusion accusations fell apart.

This is why the term 'fake news' is necessary.

all of the hacking took place under that commie niggers presidency-they knew about it but said nothing because that stupid bitch was projected to win

Fake news

Drumpf is FINISHED! Sorry Trumpkins!

Say it with me...MADAME PRESIDENT.

Even if they had done it for hilldog, I wouldn't care.
Our government has done that many times over the past few decades and if it failed we just overthrew their government.

this, putin hacked the gibson, what a 1337 h4x0r

Did they hack peoples pens

Why would the Obongo administration allow this?

If you listen to liberals he's always on the verge of being peached and/or assassinated.

It's almost as if our intelligence agencies we're telling the fucking truth.

No proof Russia hacked the DNC. They say the attacker had "Russian fingerprints" but anyone can change their IP, keyboard layout, timezone, and time of attack. A digital fingerprint doesn't prove anything. Also there's lot of leaked documents showing the CIA and NSA have tools to make attacks look like they're coming from foreign countries. Anyone with a decent knowledge of computers could have pulled this off.

Funny, last week my liberal friend on the Facebook was pushing articles saying they'd confirmed Russian interference in 39 states, is it now only 21?

>"w-we have evidence that russia hacked the election!", says increasingly nervous man for the 6,000,000th time this year
Let's see that fucking evidence already.

Let's not forget that the DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI to investigate instead relying on a random security company owned by a very Anti-Russian Ukranian to do the analysis.

These rats are backed into a corner.

It means that it took them nearly a year to fabricate evidence that Russia hacked our election. But it's still too late because TRUMP FUCKING WON!!!

It sounds like fake news

Russians hacked my mind to vote for Trump.

It means there is some big real news coming. Perhaps Podesta testifying?


No evidence of them actually succeeding.


That sucks. We should arrest Russia.

>Some Russian IP is in the access logs on a public server.

I'm not even asking for proof at this point, I just want a concrete statement on what they are accused of doing. Saying "they hacked us" means nothing, especially in 2017 when it's just become a clickbait marketing slogan for new ways to make coffee and cook eggs.

Explain to me what SPECIFICALLY the Russians did, and why I should care more about this than any of the other data breaches that have occurred in recent memory.