/spg/ - Sussex Police General - Highlights Reel Edition

This is a thread for maximizing keks at the expense of one of the most vile organizations on the planet: The Sussex Police. They recently bragged about ruining a guy's life for posting "hate speech" directed toward Muslims online. Since then, they have been getting trolled relentlessly by big-dicked Americans who cherish freedom and fight for oppressed Bongs.

Nothing makes a pig squeal more than when someone is outside of their jurisdiction. Have fun, and post screen caps. I'll start off with a few from the previous threads.

Bongs: Don't risk jail over something like this, let us free swingin' dicks across the pond handle this.

Pig-fuckers' Twitter: twitter.com/sussex_police?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author


Personal fave

Also this


Post more please



This is a great initiative.
Please, trigger the everloving shit out of these faggots and help my brethren form across the pond.
>captcha : select apartment complex

>1 like

Because I'm sure this will save Britain.
>it wont

Nice attitude!

peter allan a rationalist with no balls or character.

I do genuinely want to thank all you Americans for doing this

It's a good start but bantz levels are low. Where the real fun would be is if Americans were to make twitter accounts using the name and pictures of UK antifa and other intolerable idiots then say mean things only for them to be arrested.

Birth rate is too low. Everything else is futile, stop wasting your time.

>mfw laughing at the incompetent police force that is here to protect me and my family

>the absolute state of brit psychology

I really want to make them think I'm british to prompt an investigation. How to do this

>honeypot thread
Nice try guys.

>Americans are under British law ever and are not especially free

The queen and Islam can kiss my ass!