Healthcare strawpoll, where does Sup Forums stand?

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All shit.

All shit except free market

What's the solution friend?

>All shit except free market

How do you know? It's never existed.


Which of these countries will survive the day of the rope?

Single payer with the caveat of sterilization of druggies and criminals, and people who are obese or smoke aren't covered.

My country's healthcare system is a private one and it's the most successful one in Europe and possibly the world

Private Healthcare is the best option

Why isn't there a price for health care services? How much is a blood test or an x-ray? Why can't I just go down to Jack's House of Radiology and get a fucking low cost x-ray, maybe even with a nice coupon or something, and get fast service at a great price? What the fuck is wrong with everyone?

>Am*ricans have to pay for healthcare
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, feels good not being a third-world country

Universal Healthcare for white people.

I dont think even alt right faggots can vote for trumpcare.

>probably doesn't even have a functioning military

wow dude, amazing

Market systems need to be free from state-backed interference. State systems need to be free from freeridership and rent-seeking. Both systems need to be free of fraud and price opacity.
The State assumes a greater role in healthcare
It uses carrot-and-stick to force lifestyle changes
The handover goes mostly back to the private sector, whose risk pools are now cleaned up.

>My country's healthcare system is a private

It's heavily subsidized by the government thou

No health care for anyone.

If you get sick you must be strong enough to overcome it yourself or you're too weak to live.

not the healthcare

the government gives low income people money to pay for it, but it's still private healthcare

That includes weed you junky faggot

>Market systems need to be free from state-backed interference.

Every market system in the us has some kind of state backed interference. Ask any big company this and they will agree 100% percent.

>the government gives low income people money to pay for it, but it's still private healthcare

Public and private
The Dutch health insurance system combines elements of public and private insurance. The
central government is directly involved in implementing the Health Insurance Act and sets a
number of public requirements which guarantee the social nature of the health insurance:

private individuals are required to purchase basic health insurance and are free to choose their
own insurer;

health insurers are required to accept these private individuals under their policy, irrespective of
their health condition;

the premiums for a policy offered are equal for all policyholders, regardless of their health
condition, age or background;

health insurers have a duty of care: they must guarantee that healthcare is available in the basic
package for all their policyholders;

the contents of the insured basic health insurance package is provided for under the law.
The central government is not directly involved in the actual implementation of the Health
Insurance Act: the procedures involved are determined by healthcare providers, health insurers
and insured parties. This structure ensures that healthcare providers have a great deal of freedom,
while competition and market forces create the incentives required to work efficiently and at a
high quality level

>I dont think even alt right faggots can vote for trumpcare.

It's really funny how people vote against their own interests. I remember how everyone in 2015 was saying how Trump would enact single payer. They got scammed.



so the government doesn't subsidize it and the healthcare itself is private

there's some regulations (which I believe can be reduced) but it's still private and not subsidized

and most importantly, it's the most private healthcare system in Europe to my knowledge

single payer is the easiest option.

insurance companies. this is the fault of the existance of insurance companies.

I agree, but the biggest state interference we have is that the government forces insurance firms, and hospitals to a degree, to cover PECs. Furthermore, most PECs are due to lifestyle choices. Furthermore, a disproportionate amount of bad lifestyle choices come from spics and niggers. Take care of the low-lifes now, then tell them after X time gibs will be cut off, so they have that time to prepare. After X time, much of the coercion in the system will be eliminated.

That's kinda my point. Everyone keeps clamoring on about insurance this and that. Fuck that stupid shit. Why do people demand to get middled?

The fact that you can't get an X-ray without jumping through a bunch of loops is a government regulation, you dip. Your government literally made cheap and quick healthcare illegal. And you trust this organization to take over the entire system?

>Free market healthcare: 54%

Glad to see this board is not completely cucked.

Free Market. Though taking care of one's body, and paying special attention to avoid predisposed illnesses can't really be beaten in the long run.

If memory serves correctly healthcare insurance system came from work benefits workers got coming home from WW II. It was a compromise system put in place because US was afraid single payer would be to much like Nazi Germany at the time.


free market w/ public option to prevent COLLUSION and keep down prices.

Fuck the insurance companies, if they cant compete let them go under.

Also there should be some limit to the discreeancy between what hospitals bill insurance co's, vs non-insured people, who's tab is picked up by tax payers, at outrageous numbers.

Need to crank down on the abuses of the pharmajew etc, charging hundreds of dollars for a small bag of saline water, as an example.

>Furthermore, most PECs are due to lifestyle choices

Uh no. My mother would like to have a word with you on that considering every fucking sickness, leg surgery, skin cancer, etc. is PEC.

Some people like having health insurance, you retard. Having an option that is completely removed from any economic constraints that can just arbitrarily set its prices lower than its free market competitors would REDUCE competition, not increase it. You would effectively achieve single payer anyway, so what's the point.

mean to reply to you that IMO patients with voluntary risk factors like smoking and obesity shoud be charged more, wheres in your system they pay the same amount, to m this sounds unfair to people who dont abuse their bodies, paying a higher price to account for those who do

>keep down prices.

but isn't that the opposite of what you are purposing? How would you do that if you don't have price controls? One of the biggest issues in the US is drug and hospital prices. Imagine if we got rid of that. That would greatly help most people already even without single payer.

the public option will destroy the competition though

the private options will always be disadvantaged compared to public options, meaning they'll always be more expensive

the public options actually have less of a motivation to perform well, since they aren't reliant on profits, they'll survive based on tax funding

giving money to the lower income people to afford health insurance seems like a better option to me in comparison, since the competition is preserved and the healthcare remains affordable for those that need it

I wholly agree, the dutch model is by no means perfect, but it does show that a higher degree of privatization leads to a better healthcare system

>free market competitors
there is no "free market", retard.

>free market healthcare

sure are a lot of jews voting in this poll

nice argument against privatization, faggot

>there is no "free market", retard.

You are correct. The closet thing to free markets is places in Africa like Somalia. As African moves more towards protectionist economics the more developed their nations will become. I forget where I heard this but South Korea and Keyna had the same GDP in the 1960s prior to protectionist policies of South Korea. Now it's the most developed nation ever, although seeing slight neoliberal economic changes since the 1990s.

>nice argument against privatization, faggot

again you don't have free market healthcare

free market isn't the same as privatization.

>Trumpcare (House; current version) 2
>Trumpcare (House; orginal version) 2
>Trumpcare (Senate) 1
Lmao trumplets don't like daddy's 40d chess?

>higher degree of privatization clearly leads to a better outcome
>"hurr de durr we shouldn't have more privatization"


anarcho-capitalism means abolishment of the state.


i'm not talking about anarcho capitalism though

>i'm not talking about anarcho capitalism though

>free market
>i'm not talking about anarcho captialism

I see...

>the public option will destroy the competition though
sure if it sets unreasonably-low prices. This coud be controlled. But right now the prices are unreasonably high, the problem is the opposite. If a few companies were forced out of business, it would get even worse, but the problem is there are few compnies n business already, ad they a collude with each other and bribe our politicians.

Take off the red tape and let more competition in.

as long as the free market actually is free, and doesn't have government regulation of any kind(the government getting to decide who is allowed to practise)

Not (((free market))) healthcare.