How will he recover from this?

Other urls found in this thread:

So much drama

It's pretty pathetic how this pasty quadroon pretends to not care about these feminist dykes, yet his entire existence is predicated on receiving attention from them. If his low-hanging fruit stopped paying attention to him, god forbid, he might have to start making arguments/forming opinions or stop making videos altogether.

Anita is fast slipping into total irrelevance.

Get this shitlords whipped up is a desperate attempt to get more moneys for dem programs. The more she can claim 'abuse' the more she thinks she will collect donations.

You know how he """"recovered"""" from this? He laughed his ass off at her, just like every other normal person.
No one got BTFO by anyone, Anita just made herself look like a dolt like always.

The only reason she claims "abuse" in the first place are because of all the pseudo intellectual jewtubers making fun of her (obviously retarded) content. The more you laugh and mock her, the more she cries, and the more shekels she receives. Ignoring her would make the problem go away, at least in part, but thanks to idiots like Sargon that'll never fucking happen. It's a big dumb vicious circle that never ends

Sarcuck fans sure are desperate.

It was the first time where she had a talk with multiple people but it wasn't her own echo chamber. It was the first time where someone publicly challenged her, and she couldn't handle it.
For someone who claims to be a strong and independent woman, she is a bitch.
She will never have a discussion with anyone other than people who already agree with her.

She can get all the shekels she wants, but at the end of the day she's one of the main reasons we got Trump elected.

He... Really doesn't talk about her all that much... Do you even Sargon?

I don't know how you got desperate out of what I said.

She's right actually, Sargon is just a liberal faggot who repeats himself every 2 videos.
I don't understand why you watch his shit.

It seemed like a big public forum where she insulted Sargon for a bit... and then you can't hear what he responds with... absolutely BTFO amirite?

He's made quite a few videos about her, at least in the title. I don't listen to his half-baked "moderate centristâ„¢" nonsense. Guy can't even hold an opinion let alone defend it

So me saying how he and everyone else reacting to Anita dumb shit = I watch his shit?
I'm not even subscribed to him. I may know who is but that doesn't mean I watch him.

Not to mention she kicked JoeySalads out for asking an honest and legitimate question. She was pretty much going off on everyone, not just Sargon

Guy goes halfway across the world in order to sit in front of her to get her to do something. Dude's not well. Man's got problems. This is super, I don't know... gross? Guy's a creep.

>watching YouTube click bait

Bwahahahahaha!!! Fucking nope.

Genuine question, why did they show up then? These people showed up to give her attention and money... to prove what? that she's intolerant? Gee golly what a shock. This is the problem, these people just go after low-hanging fruit, and not even well! Literally nothing came out of this besides Anita retaining her image and Sargon looking like a pathetic child

Sweden detected.

>Genuine question, why did they show up then?
its an investment for their brand. They more they keep poking her the more money they get

... and the more money she gets, too... Do you really not understand? This directly plays into her narrative of "directed harassment" seeing as they bought fucking plane tickets to come see her speak.

She already gets paid way more, she speaks at schools and public events, etc. If anything they're helping her image and damaging their own.

Sargon is so fucking stupid it hurts my head to think about it

sage e-celeb shit

>when you're so woke you end harassment by harassing people you don't like
Gets the 'ol noggin joggin'.

its cool to have a debate when the other person isnt allowed to talk

Anita is so brave that she can only shit-talk someone when she has a microphone, a stage, a team of security guards and the ability to silence anyone who responds to her.

It wasn't a debate, Sargon paid to hear her speak, interrupted, and was told to go away

>f-f-f-eminism BTFO

>Another fucking e-celeb thread

>Do you really not understand?
I don't think you understood what I was trying to get across. Sargon and others could care less about how much she makes because their concern is how much they can make. There's nothing to think about when its all about money

he interrupted by being there and not saying anything. fucking triggering.

Ok I figured it out. Hi Thunderfoot. Still mad?

So what's the entire point of this, from Sargon's perspective? He pays money to see a woman he hates speak, interrupts the talk, gets told to go away by the woman he hates, then he leaves.

From the looks of it he spent a bunch of money to get laughed at by a room full of people he hates. What's more, he provided an actual example of someone "stalking & harassing" Anita, something she has been claiming without evidence for years. Everything is this situation makes Anita look like the "victor". Explain to me the 9D chess on this one please, I genuinely want to know how this is a good thing

Nice proxy sargon.

shes hot

I thought thunderfoot and sargon were good buddies? They're both pseudo intellectual lads who poke at low hanging fruit

I wonder if she knows how much she's helping him.

zoe and anita, the richest self-made women who aren't prostitutes (except for zoe possibly)

>So what's the entire point of this, from Sargon's perspective?
People talk about him and check out his work. The point is to stay as relative as long as you can you so you can make money for as long as you can. Both know how to play each other and both know they need each other in order to make money.


Wait... Is that cat's leg cut off?

now zoe

So it's just a big publicity stunt for themselves? Yeah I can believe that, wouldn't be surprised if they emailed eachother beforehand.

noo kitty just have a lie down

Why is this sargon dumbfuck so popular? Hes the anita of the right, half the shit he says is retarded bullshit.

Zoe did porn. But she's ugly as sin so I didn't save any. Go look at her ED page or find an archive of a thread from kiwifarms or cripplechan/cow/

that's not her, tard

He seems to be a popular level-entry """thinker""" for the youth. I think he was the one who coined the "Moderate Centristâ„¢" meme too.

He also began this Kekistani cancer so fuck him

>If his low-hanging fruit stopped paying attention to him, god forbid, he might have to start making arguments/forming opinions or stop making videos altogether.
this is the typical leftists who thinks he knows alot about stuff he knows nothing about. this user is cancer.


I had to look twice, gook, that is a good knock off flag

>half the shit he says is retarded bullshit.
This. He literally has 3 hour long debates using a centralist standpoint. Can't be wrong if you think both sides are Good/bad

Yes, I'm a leftist because I don't think Sargon is an intellectual... If you're actually a white nationalist I have no fucking clue why you would be defending a civic nationalist quadroon whose claim to fame is "moderate centrism"

So you have opinions but you don't know enough to actually know what you're talking about when it comes to Sargon.

What a fucking disgrace.

Do us all a favor and prove you're not just a character assassination shill by reccomending someone whose thoughts and opinions are actually worth sharing in your opinion.

Well, shes not wrong, he is garbage.

Sargon's been monetizing entertainment by calling out lunatic leftists for a while. He makes money to generate controversial content, just like Anita.

How is this complicated? Is Colbert "Stalking and Harassing" Trump every night? I guess for a certain definition of the terms???

>Everything is this situation makes Anita look like the "victor".

If Sargon was all about Anita this might matter but he isn't. She's just another lunatic leftist.

He's also there with friends created during Gamergate such as the Honeybadgers a feminist group that have had runins of this type before such as when they had the police called on them for asking a question during another SJW panel in Canada.

They are drawing attention to lack of freedom of speech and trolling the SJW religion a bit.."stalking and harassment" is a bit far fetched when we have left media literally beheading Trump in the news etc. They just show up, are mostly polite, and ask pointed questions. Anita is good comedy material because she never allows comments on her videos or ever suffers non-softball type interviews. It's a bully pulpit for her or nothing so any non-fluff question instantly rattles her.

If her ideas can't suffer a single non-fluff question they really don't deserve all the airtime they get.

Again this isn't to obsess over Anita but she's the topic under discussion and probably the number one stereotypical example of astro turfed Feminism (TM). That's going to attract low level comedians and youtubers like everyone in that front row. Price of fame.

I know enough about Sargon and his content, I'm not very familiar with the drama between him and other youtubers... Sorry if you care that much about Sargon but I really don't

she want his dick tho

This it's just the state of modern political discussion.

The fatest we get out of identity politics the better, tough I'm afraid the next trend it's going to be even worst.

they're both bourgeois jews. I bet they fucked afterwards while laughing at nerds playing video games.

By posting a long winded 45 minute video explaining in almost autistic detail why she's wrong.

Ignoring her doesn't male her go away. Mocking sjws is doing damage though. They can't make YouTube Vida without getting down voted constantly.


Hello Anita

>calls me a shill for no reason
hi leddit. as for your question, I recommend DEEZ NUTS BITCH

And nothing of value has been said.
>They keep making these videos tellung us the earth is round, fuck them and their evidence. They're stupid.

She does not make a single argument, but instead is just backbiting other people.

anyone who derives their income from internet drama or reporting the news is pure human scum.

reminds me of that famous photographer who took the image of the eagle eating the little starving african boy.

good job guy, your one photo caused billions of food aid to pour into africa fucking up the local farming economy and ensuring inter-tribal conflicts over who got the aid and how it was redistributed.

also the little kid died.

why should you care what feminists do? if you want to represent men, form the same type of action group, raise money, lobby government.

if blacks really wanted to change politics in washington they would start a corporation where every black person in america was a shareholder. they would ask for a monthly donation of 1 dollar, and then spend these millions of dollars on lobby congress to get better public schools, roads, jobs.

it's a fucking joke to try to critique people, when has attacking anyone ever worked? jews have been attacking hitler for 80 years and he is more popular now than ever.

learn that the only road to success is to build something yourself, not to try and tear down whatever rickety shit some women are trying to build. what are you actually afraid of? they cant code, they can't make good video games, they can't win political office, what's the threat?

the same type of shit is happening to miniature games right now. if you're a fan of tabletop wargames you've had to suffer for 2 decades as the most successful company became a corporate monopolist who screwed over it's fan base, cheapened it's product, pushed out other suppliers which suddenly became competitors that had to be marginalized and crushed and overall imploded itself with ambitious overexpansion, right now this company is pushing pro LBGTQRJEJSHSAHD agenda and multiculturalism shit.

you know what happened? other companies sprung up. with different products. different miniatures, rule systems, higher quality models. outcompete.

>all this reddit spacing

Such harassment, next time she should disable guests and only answer to her own questions.

Really? These absolute cockwombles have nothing better to do with their time than shit talk other people because "muh feminism" "muh opinion" and other stupid upper-middle class bullshit, and actually think they're worth even a fucking shred of worth to society?
Fuck me sideways with a 10-ft barge pole cunt, why can't we just fucking round up these shit-talking wastes of space and put them into some form of labour camp where they'll actually be of some fucking use to society?

nice meme kid, did you get that one from your meme folder? don't look now but you're on the nsa terror watch list, haha! just kidding scott.

If you're so easily triggered then this might be the wrong place for you, but then again you're just here to character assassinate anyone that triggers you and your sjwcuck antifa cancer friends. Oh no, Sargon is picking on your friend Anita, better defend her. You're transparent as fuck, you tear down someone you clim is an entry level thinker and yet can't reccomend anyone whose opinion you actually respect? You're a fucking shill.

meant to put "shred of acknowledgement by society" but fuck it. These cunts just fucking rub me the wrong way

That's absolutely incorrect. These people have an ideology that preys on people's goodwill and the fact that no one will question it. There's a reason it resurfaced in universities and it's boiled over into society now. These things have to be directly confronted.

I get that Sup Forums doesn't like Sargon or whatever, but he's god strong logical arguments for refuting these people and he shares them publicly.

Don't fall for divide and conquer.

got strong logical arguments*

Cunt, i believe the word you're looking for to describe these cunts is... Cunt.

I actually watched all of that. and I fell like I'm dumber.

>why do people care about these things
>Sarkeesian is a cunt , we all knew that, why give her more attention
>the conference hall was empty anyway
>she is desperate, calls someone a human garbage
>hopes that she will be relevant anyway on the web
this shit shouldn't get any attention. it's mindblowingly stupid

i ain't calling you a cunt by the way,
i just type how i'm saying it out loud
doesn't always work


>Don't fall for divide and conquer
fuck off jew. Anyone exploiting the cause for the sake of money deserves to be called out on it

I thought Sargon was black.

I like how people here never address any of Sargon's points and just attack his character


Yeah, but at the end of the day... so what?
She isn't going to care
Her followers MIGHT care
I doubt Sargon even cares tbqh

in the end, it's just two upper-middle class fuckwits arguing about bullshit.

> His entire existence is predicated on receiving attention from them.

He did stuff prior to his whole gambit into youtube, he was just pissed off with society and politics that it got him into this e-fame. If you're butthurt about him using it as a means of income, then you better be pissed about anyone who did anything ever.

Jesus fucking christ.

...and it's not low hanging fruit because nobody in the real world goes out and does this shit because they're afraid of the social stigma of being labelled an anti-feminist and the likes.

>Don't fall for divide and conquer.
We're not. He started this shit by equating sjw with the alt-right, saying they're both sides of the same shekel to redeem himself in front of his normie audience.

He is trying to divide the right with his kekistan bullshit just like Gavin Mcinnes and the Proud Boys or the Oafqueefers. Fuck them.

>Hey my dudes, instead of bitching about the UK parliament for 2 hours straight and fake laughing every five seconds, I have a rather serious topic to discuss today: Anita Sarlingtoneeaston, who I would totally not rape.

Should be entertaining

That's all these e-celebs do, instigate e-drama over shit nobody should care about.

i thought dehumanization was supposed to be bad

I'm on Anita's side here. She's not even that bad desu I watched some of her videos and she's not what cucks like Sargon make her out to be.

>He did stuff prior to his whole gambit into youtube he was just pissed off with society and politics
I really love how you try to make it seem like he gave up a comfy job to tackle PC culture when in reality he was a failed game developer who saw a opportunity to make money on youtube

You're not going to get anywhere without resources. Sargon is doing a lot of heavy lifting in redpilling normies. No one can survive on no money and Sargon just yesterday told people he makes enough and to not support him and go support other people now. That's not what someone who is "exploiting the cause for the sake of money" says.

Get fucked, faggot. You're too dumb to see you're being manipulated to completely ignore reality.

Hmmm, allow me to inspect the flag here...

>Hey my dudes
fucking lost it

What? When the fucking fuck did he say that?
I don't remember him ever saying the "alt-right" (which is a fucking stupid term, stop fucking using it, you're either right wing, central or left. get over it. No alternatives allowed faggots) were SJW's ever

Fucking proof frogman or GTFO

Fucking kek

They're shills. Trying to break up opposition and get it to devolve into infighting like the establishment is right now.

Because pol refuses to have allies because if they had allies then they would lose their excuse to piss and moan online. Because if there is one thing pol fears it's getting off your ass to effect change in the real world.

It's pathetic how a bunch of faggots are cheering on a fat quadroon who built a career insulting girls on youtube. This is probably the first time Anita even acknowledged his existence.

fake and gay

On his Rubin Report interview