Why do Americans do stupid shit like this?

Why do Americans do stupid shit like this?

I see nothing wrong with this picture.

thats what spics do, so they dont have to pay for renting or owning a building for a restaurant.

Why do they sell stuff out of a mobile storefront with none of the overhead of a brick and mortar shop?

Probably because they're smarter than you, paki.

I saw that on reddit as well...

You guys don't read the paper?

That's just a reflection.


Nice slide thread bro.


>americans sell food out of trucks
>britons get run over by people with trucks


How much can the price difference possibly be? How could it ever be worth eating mystery sandwich out of a pickup truck?

because we are burgers

I don't know what is worse..
all you retards thinking there is actually a fridge in the back of the vehicle
or the fact that you can't tell that its a glare/reflection of the fridge in the store.

>implying Americans know how to build buildings with brick and mortar

you guys just use corrugated plastic and thin as shit pine wood and plaster board, it's why your houses get fucking destroyed every hurricane season

In case anyone generally cares, the truck is being loaded up and they're driving probably to some sort of event to sell their food.

relection from inside coffee shop you fucking banana flavored cookie eating nigger

its a reflection. you can see the light of the case also on the black of the store doors.


lol you guys are claiming niggers to have low IQ's when you cant figure out its a reflection baka

You don't get it for the lower price, you get it for the sourced ingredients that are fresher and not trucked in frozen, from a cook that has some passion for his craft and some fire in their belly.

In this case tho, you're all retarded and that's an obvious reflection for anyone who can tie their own shoes without help

Dude's retarded. Soon as cops see that they are going to steal some donuts then arrest him or tell him to move on becauss it's not possible that is legit business.

Disposable income + lack of impulse control = profit.

Its the reflection of the counter in the store

i seriously thought no one would notice like holy fuck everyone here is dumb as shit

>the replies in this thread

People are beginning to understand why democracies always fail, hopefully. Libertardianism < aristocracy with established church.

It's called being self sustaining instead of a welfare leech.

What, you mean parking backwards in a parking spot? Yeah, I agree. It's fucking stupid alright.

>sodomite "humour"

No it isn't, this picture was on the front page of reddit and shows a reflection that gives the appearance of what you're describing

Good job to all of you retards that replied to this shitty thread and helped slide whatever the shill OP didn't want you to see and talk about

what? selling biscuits from the trunk of your car?
its called running a business m8