How do we educate Conservatives to stop voting against their interests ?


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You dont. You smarten up and realize that if you aren't stupid and have valuable skills, republican govt is doing you a favor tax wise that the Democrats wouldnt, and that both sides have historically been too stupid to properly use what they collect in taxes anyway. You realize both sides are pretty shit, take the hand dealt to you, keep your mouth shut and do your part to make sure the dumbasses below you keep you in your position.

>kike detected

Start a National Socialist uprising.

Unfortunately for you, most poor republicans still have enough dignity not to vote solely for gibs like your average dem-voting minority.

>poor republicans still have enough dignity not to vote solely for gibs
>meanwhile in reality the gibs party doesn't leech money constantly

Face it drumpfy

Maybe when all the boomers die off this country will get more parties like the libertarian and green party

90% of Bernie voters were white, so you can't use that talking point anymore.

But Hitler failed. From this fact we can conclude that National Socialism is trash.

We can say the same about Communism

>Socialism is trash.

Quoth the commie

forgot to turn off my meme flag

They're doing me a 'favor', but they're not doing society a favor. The end game of union busting, tax cuts, and free-trade is the enslavement of the middle class, the problem is, when you disenfranchise an entire middle class you actually LOSE power which is why we had the populist candidates we had in 2016. The people just picked the wrong one, they picked the con man that never had and never will have their best interests at hand. As for mainstream Republicans, they're exactly Donald Trump, ready to bend your family over, fuck your children's futures and send money to kikes in Israel. The real answer to American prosperity is on the uncorrupted left, that promotes workers rights, fights free-trade agreements, wants to fund the schools and your children practical education that focuses on STEM and reality. The left has been memed hard by the zionist/neocon kikes on the right e.g. Ben Shapiro so now when people think of the left they think of the 2% of 'leftists' in BLM and other memes.

I really wonder what people think happens to the bag of money from there. Do they just envision the rich guy rolling around in it? Does he burn it? Whats their train of thought?

Oh look, this thread again

Rich people never donate millions to various charities. Its not like they are some of the most generous human beings alive, and that those complaining about the rich are actually jealous, greedy faggots.

As opposed to democrats who are corporate slaves but pretend to help workers. So much better

How are rich people ruining the poor peoples life, exactly? They are the ones who create jobs and keep the economy up

>turns off meme flag
>is a leaf

My sides.

>democrats educating

Dude I fucking knew it.

Keep calling them retarded rednecks.

Dems get too comfy in an easy job and they bitch when their entitlement check doesnt arrive.

Build your skillset, move up, and quit crying. You are a product of your decisions, not a victim to circumstances.

Voting Republican is only against YOUR interests, socialist kike.

He puts it in an offshore bank account that contributes nothing to the US. The rich people contributing to society by adding THEIR money is a meme. Rich people hate using their own money, that's why they always take out loans for projects that get paid back by charging customers outrageous fees or flat out asking the government to pay it off or subsidize them.

Nobody claimed that 'rich' people ruined people's lives but they certainly have irreparably damaged American society the last 50 years by buying elections and using everything from religion to psyops to convince American people that innovation is bad, wars are good and Israel is our greatest ally. This country was never this bad for the American worker and you can't show me one fucking thing the 'right' has done to make their lives better but tote the meme of supply side economics which is the greatest con sold to people who don't understand economics ever.

>keep the economy up
Monkey nigger are you stupid? Who you think got us into the last recession? Poor people?

Give them a better alternative that won't also act against their interests.

>tumblr memes the post

Democrats are a flu, the GOP is flat out cancer. Given the choice I rather have the flu because I can recover from it.

You fucking can't. Let every white Republican voter who put these idiots in to destroy their healthcare over hating brown people burn.

We have a different strategy:

Obstruct, sabotage, and humiliate Donald Fuckface in every single law he tries to issue.

Drag his approval into the gutter. This part is already done, he gets more unpopular every fucking week, and already has sub-George W. Bush ratings.

The Republican Congress is cowardly by nature. Look how they're unable to do shit with Obamacare.

They won't pass shit. Maybe a couple hefty tax breaks for their billionaire buddies, but they'll be easily repealed the instant we have a real Congress again.

We only need to do this until 2018, when their majorities come crashing down.

Then the pendulum swings back.

Then 2020 is a bloodbath for the regressive right. Like, Obama 2008 good or better.

And next time we will RAM THROUGH EVERYTHING before the demoralized assfuck right is able to do shit about it.

Next time, we roll out the hate speech laws on day one to gag pantshitter talk radio and wingnut conspiritard sites such as these.

Then we replace regressive white working class fuckheads forever.

Whites will never have majority voting power EVER again.

Then we're pretty much sailing on cruise control with a permanent Democratic majority.

One little slip. That's all we need. And it's inevitable.

He barely fucking "won" in the first place. Never forget he MASSIVELY lost the popular vote, and huge Russian hacks tilted the electoral college their way by a complete fluke.

White supremacy is hanging by a thread, and once it goes, it's the key to ending Republicanism forever.

Our firewall is holding. Conservafucks thought they'd steamroll us when they saw White House, House, and Senate.

They forgot we own their media.

They forgot we own their courts.

They forgot we will block, smear, and RESIST until Democrats are back forever.

You're a product of decisions that are made that are completely out of your control and randomness because the universe is deterministic anyway, and even from a compatibilist standpoint there is determinism. Libertarian free will doesn't exist so of course people are victims of circumstance, from every uncontrollable interaction and event in their life to their very genetics... I'm not worth hundreds of millions because I decided that's what I wanted in life, but because of chance and circumstance out of my control.

Coming from somebody who actually believes every person can be as rich and successful as myself. You could work infinitely harder than me your entire life and not be worth 10% what I'm worth. No, nothing is in your control... never was, it's all random.

Yeah, the whole world is against you, like you're supposed to win in that scenario.

Hillary was shit. The white working class hate Trump. They just thought he was better than the cunt. You sound nothing like a leftist but a damn fascist in your own right blaming whites for everything like Sup Forums blames non-whites for everything.

The white working class doesn't think much do they. We give them the power to vote, to protect their interests, but they aren't smart enough to do it. It's really sad.

When democrats can run a city first, then maybe they can think about the major leagues. Until then, enjoy your poverty.

>republican states don't spend money faster than they get it
>13 year old infographic

WOW who knew

Shut the fuck up, commie. You don't know what anyone's interests are; and they're definitely not within the scope of global liberalism.

Lol? They've ran entire successful U.S. states, objectively the most successful U.S. states are often run by Democrats. This country has been run by Democrats in prosperous times. What kind of argument is this kid? You don't think I can't find hundreds of towns run by republicans throughout KY, AR, WV that rival the 3rd world?

Your pseudo intellect is just an excuse for your low drive.

Have a shit job? Surely your skills could pay the bills elsewhere.

Let's be brutally honest here, the white working class, the blacks, the latinos, the poor in general, they are too stupid to make these decisions. That is why education is the number 1 thing that must be made better in this nation. A smarter populace makes smarter decisions.

>having my taxes raised and allowing illegal immigrants to take refuge here is in my best interests

The poorest state is Mississippi, one of the most Republican states in the nation.

You may want to look at counties rather than state color, because your GDP comes from red counties FYI.

Who runs the biggest urban areas in Mississippi again?

>"Mississippi has the highest percentage of black residents in the country—37 percent"

Gee, I wonder why the majority wants it red?

How much you make? The tax cuts are for people in the highest brackets and for corporations. You ain't getting a tax cut if you make 25,000 a year.

Also immigration is a thing because of the rich people you want tax cuts for so badly, are the ones who hire cheap illegal labor. Unions, which side with Democrats, absolutely hate immigration.

My interest is less niggers and spics.


Wasn't poor people getting out mortgages they couldn't afford the entire cause of the last recession?

>what is niggers

This is why I vote republican.

You say my drive is low but you're using the term 'pseudo-intellectual' as an insult to somebody who is simply replying to you on the internet. Very creative.

Have a shit job? Well... that'd be an assumption wouldn't it. I love my job and am very well compensated for it, despite not actually having to work a day in my life if I so choose not to. 'Drive' is genetic anyway... just another part of a personality you didn't choose. I know you're not stupid enough to deny determinism or compatibilism. You couldn't begin to convince me free-will exists because you're not nearly smart enough. Any argument you have about any person's job, or earnings, or intellect is completely pointless from the start.

Actually if you bothered to look up Trump's tax plan outside of the DailyKos, you would see the lower class will be paying little to no income tax whatsoever.
>Unions, which side with Democrats, absolutely hate immigration
Why are they voting against their interests then when the democrats keep pushing for amnesty and more sanctuary cities?

>48 democratic reps from the urban areas
Woah really made me think

A highly aristocratic society makes smarter decisions.
> kid thinks I back Trump because I'm pro pleb.
You're the danger here. Get out of education asap. Waste of resources and it demotivates the ones with potentials.

>Trump or Hillary Clinton
>lolomgzlmaowtf.avi republicans vote against their interests
>human interests

try again son

Yet it doesnt go bankrupt over one city.

Wonder how they managed that?

Nope, it was combing shitty subprime loans and then labeling them a higher grade then reselling them ad infitum. Basically you take lumps of shit and mix them together and say it's gold.

Are you saying foregners, minorities, socialists, gays, and liberals cannot hurt his life?

Fuck off op.

oh you think it is about the money.... lol

You could probably start by not telling them what their interests are.

here, revised it for you

Those "rich people" who are mostly people who own landscaping businesses and such are not the reason for illegal immigrants. That is backwards as fuck.

The illegals are here because our dollar is worth a lot more than what they get back home. Democrats offering sanctuary cities and saying every human deserves basic american rights have done a whole lot more to harm our borders and national security then a business owner hiring one of the millions of brown legion who line up asking to work for close to nothing since getting a legit job and asking legit wages is out of the question if you aren't a fucking legal citizen and are currently a fugitive of the law.

i voted trump not republican.
fuck off shill

Yeah, you're right... they clearly want to their wages to stagnate, their sons to die for Israel, their houses to be foreclosed on, to lose their health insurance, for their children to receive a shitty education making them noncompetitive for anything other than competing against 3rd world countries in manufacturing for which they'll always be suppressed socio-economically. Oh wait, sorry, "muh god, muh guns, spics took my jerb!!"

Oh you know what's best for people? Should we defer to you from now on?

>they were forced to employ them!
>they don't have control of who they hire at their own companies!
>personal responsibility doesn't exist if it's a business decision

Not knowing the difference between then and than. Mods, we have a child posting, please ban for underage.

Oh honeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Funny because minutes ago your narrative was one of learned helplessness.

So if drive is genetic and not chosen should we balance the playing field for people who cant be persistent to find work? Or encourage the people who want to get good and thin the herd of lazy people?

Determinism and randomness are largely irrelevant here. Youre missing the forest for some trees.

I vote for the side whose victory will cause the most butthurt.

It hasn't changed at all.

Red states are the most dependent on the federal government, and it has been like this for a very long time, not just a snapshot in 2005.

this, get your fucking anus ready for the disrespectful, nihilistic, pricks that are gen z.

Continue to bask in your ignorance and see yourself lose more elections then. IDGAF it only hurts your party. Your smug "we know everything" rhetoric will get you nowhere, and furthermore talking like that only furthers people from your party, when your goal should be converting people. Rather than seek to understand the fundamental problems within your own party you attack the other somehow thinking it will make more people vote for you. Pro-tip: it won't make more people vote for you.

Just for future reference, you pretty much instantaneously lose an argument and all credibility the moment you display a personal morality of genocide people you believe to be 'lazy.' People aren't lazy, they are less capable or more capable. The capabilities of lesser people fit an important role in society, I simply believe that their are ways to promote their capabilities that we are not utilizing because of power and greed. I'm not advocating a balance, I'm simply saying there's way to promote achievement in all people that benefits society.

You want white conservatives to vote democrat? Well wouldn’t that increase white priv? Do you want the dems to be the white nationalist policy? I thought white conservatives are Deplorable..... I thought.......... Dems were already the party of the Klan

You ignore everything I posted except for something that I didn't say, then resort to calling me a child.

>they were forced to employ them!
didn't say that.
>they don't have control of who they hire at their own companies!
didn't say that, and the "rich" people you blame are not doing the hiring.
>personal responsibility doesn't exist if it's a business decision
where does personal responsibility fit in here? why are you going to play devil's advocate for something that you have been fighting for? "The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

Please, keep begging for more immigration and then stomp your feet and say "b-but its the poor republicans bringing them all here!"

since you've been such a good boy lately, maybe your mom will let you use some of her welfare benefits to resub to somethingawful. i bet they miss you there.

I appreciate your concern.

>I get it, you fucking care.


I'm not here proselytizing for the Democratic party. People will either see their lives and the futures of their children's slipping away so I can become richer, or they won't.

If I was filthy rich, like Gates or Walmart level, I actually might burn it. Especially if I didn't have any kids or anything left behind to support. Just start cashing all of my assets which wouldn't appreciate with time for liquid cash. As far as my assets which would appreciate with time are concerned, I'd burn those straight up. Priceless art, land, businesses, etc. I'd buy a bunch of water, enough to fill 50 Olympic swimming pools, and dump arsenic and birth control pills in there. Then I'd make a video to send to national news networks where I have that pile of liquid cash and pull a pic related and then go live life as a hobo in Detroit or something while the economy goes into a recession due to that much capital going up in smoke.
I'd probably be hunted and publicly hung for that shit though, desu.

No we picked the right one. We broke the chains that enslaved the US. PC liberal views are a cancer. The liberals are the party of degeneracy. Liberal views are not reality based. Liberals think they live in a simulation where one day your are a man the next you can be a woman. Think of the liberal idiocy.

Pay for you own healthcare..... if you cant then die

See. Your entire opposition to 'liberals' and voting Democrat are internet memes. You're exactly what's wrong with society and you have the stink of a sad, lonely virgin. If you have this much hate now, you're going to live a miserable life. I'm guessing suicide sooner than later.

Did I say genocide? No.

>The capabilities of lesser people fit an important role in society

Yeah, like Walmart.

Also its not the governments job to light a fire under peoples ass to learn and work. So much money is pumped into education and our institutions have such a poor ROI. People should want to contribute to their society. As long as peoples base expectations out of life is eat shit and go to bed then we will have a shitty society.

Except everything he said is real and you're deflecting calling it just "memes"?

You sound like you belong in some 3rd world shit hole or like some wannabe edgelord. You don't think wealthy people will ever come for you? You think your success is guaranteed because you have white skin... I know exactly your kind, you'll never break 40k a year or say what you say on the internet anywhere else because you're a spineless puke.

He never said that. Then you resort to telling someone to commit suicide. You are projecting hard right now.

Big words from a probably morbidly obese NEET who lives in his parents basement and/or collects weflare

It's "real" for some insignificant number of leftists that happen to vote Democrat compared to the alternative. This isn't some platform of liberals outside of equality and prosperity for all. They are memes.. it's a sad attempt to denigrate an entire political party with your own brand of identity politics and teenage angst.

No i smell like a white business owner that’s in his 40's. Maried for 20 yrs with 2 great kids. Both of whom are very talented highly intelligent critical thinking individuals.

His entire post is about PC culture and far leftist social movements. Exactly what am I projecting?

See you know thats what your ideology wants. To turn the US into a 3rd world shithole. Well over my dead body.

he only failed because he waged war against the whole world
doen't mean the ideology is itself bad

You don't.

You have nothing to teach us about what our interests are and much to learn.

If you care so much about our interests, ask yourself what you did today to stop white Americans from killing themselves with elephant tranquilizer.

Hint: you did exactly shit.

Oh, so you're in your 40s and spend your time away from your family to argue with teenagers on Sup Forums. What's your name? I'm nominating you father of the year.

Stop letting mexicans in? Why doesnt the left build the wall? It surely would help the poor people and the state alike.

Hey I get paid really well to set here and educate these teenagers on the fallacies of the leftist ideologies.

What's your business called? I'd like to see your website.

You get paid to post on Sup Forums? That's really awesome, seems like an extremely lucrative endeavor.

Reminder, no progressive has disputed image attached.