The big red pill

Get ready for a brain meltdown, hours of truth here just ripe for the picking. Info you probably wont find anywhere else. Spread it like free beer, as he says.

Drake Baily came out of the woodwork in early 2012 and since then has been knocking it out of the park with weekly podcasts. Over the years providing updates and insight on topics ranging from shadow government to technology, spirituality, and ayylamos.

Each of these podcasts are roughly 3 hours long, and as time went on has changed hands from one online group to another, but he's still going strong.

Current Podcast:
> are you ready for a god level event?

Next Podcast (Saturday June 24th):

Old Noteworthy Shows:

Drake Bailey first show revealing the layers of the onion that make up the globalists, and the role that xeno operations play in government schemes. Aired March 28 2012 in an interview with David Wilcock (discussion begins after roughly 3-4 mins).

Huge expose on the innermost layer of the globalists, referred to as "The Parents". Special show with Drake Bailey and Thomas Williams June 28 2015. "The Future Choice Of Humanity"
Synopsis: Former groomed globalist dubbed "The Ruiner" reveals who is at the topmost branch of the evil pyramid.

Cosmic Voice Sept 15 2015 show
Special Guest Shane "The Ruiner" comes on the radio to explain more details.

And ill go ahead and throw in the Joe Rogan 911th episode with Alex Jones just in case for Some Reason you haven't listened to it yet.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Dude is a former military insider (supposedly) living in West Virginia, working with militia groups for the upcoming takedown.

Big headlines most people dont know are the Globalists are having serious problems hamming the last nail in the coffin, and the major state agencies are unable to get the nukes to launch.

Many paramilitary groups like ISIS are no longer being funded by the CIA.

I wonder what vonhelton has been up to? Probaby molesting his children and smoking meth

dont know who that is
this is just currently where the drake program is being hosted, its moved around in the past

There is an agenda to use the PC narrative to try to erase the confederate history.

10+ Million native americans have been slaughtered over the years, while the 6 million jews from germany was an arbitrary number. And the native american genocide is still going on.

> all in the name of manifest destiny

BLM = Bureau Of Land Management, get it right


Holy shit I totally forgot about that guy.

He is legitimately a threat to society at every level.

> looks up this character
> says he believes he's literally the punisher
> other people say he's a time travelling vampire


I remember watching someone's compilation of his punisher videos about a year and a half ago and just cracking the fuck up.

Meth, not even once.

who is this motherfucker
first time ive heard of him
> vonhelton
> sounds like a villain from an 80s movie

some of the chicks on the same google images page connected to him look bangable though

totally unrelated to OP subject btw

He's a meth addict who has delusions of grandeur.

Just search
vonhelton encyclopedia dramatica

im surprised this thread isnt getting more activity or at least shilling, there's a jack ton of info here in OP and nobody is chiming in even though we keep bumping it.

ive been following drake for years and he's got even more info than 'jones...

Well, you kinda have to listen to the shows to get the gist.

thats the bad part about his material, he does drone on about some things but then he'll drop a f'king bomb - but if someone was going to transcript his information they'd have to write the whole damn thing out

> he sounds a little loopy too, but thats an act, his first program from '12 demonstrates a more professional demeanor

Seems to be saying there's 2 different events coming up that can be SHTF inducing, one of which has allusions to mother earth in some way
> lets hope mother earth doesn't blow us away, yknow by accident, she doesn't want to but she could do so by accident

> yellowstone? its been floating around on /pol lately with alot of trips

Meh. That would be better than this slow enslavement, and swarming of our countries with muds we're going through now.

And just look at those numbers. Ive seen it coming for about the last 2 years.

Pol/tards and shills might all be cried-wolf about it but that doesn't mean it cant just happen. The forces at work can make stuff happen, out of the blue or with little warning, its not just natural processes going about at a placid rate.

> other info

Another thing drake mentioned on last week's show is they tried to kill Scalise at the hospital, but there was a personnel change.

(and that suggests it was intervened, otherwise they would've been able to look the other way?)

Trump brought his doctor with to the hospital that night.

How does it feel for all you pedes to parrot the "DEEP STATE" and "MAGA" while the truth is there?

Russia chose you and your candidate because you guys are typically uneducated, checked out, and willing to believe anything if it confirms your world views.

Let me leave you a little documentary done by the KGB on "Brainwashing a Nation"

Enjoy, its never late to start educating yourselves guys. You'll thank me one day.

good, good call

post revolves on pol for 2 hours, only one extra poster

trum p is mentioned, and within 1 minute someone shows up to shitpost

> KYS searchposter

post isnt even about trum p

speaking of healthcare, near the end of the show it was also covered that at some point the "officials" wont be entitled to their own special governmental healthcare, they'll have to run through whatever healthcare the rest of the population uses