>California Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D) declared Thursday that his state would not be funding any trips to four different states across the country because those states have what he says are “anti-LGBT laws.

>California lawmakers passed a bill last year that bans non-essential travel to states that they believe discriminate against the LGBT community, and included in the initial bill were North Carolina, Kansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee

Looks like there will be a few States that won't be lucky enough to have people from California visit their state. If they want to fix it, they need to stop the discrimination!!!!

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good, stay out

>be from Tennessee
Good, didn't want you taking our water anyways.

so will they also start blocking persons traveling to/from countries that have anti lgbt laws?

will california become /ourguy/?

>And this is bad news how?
t. NC, KA, MS, TN

Can commiefornia take back all human vermin who have fled their state in the last 10 years as well? Because they vote liberal here and are ruining my state.

>implying those states care.
Fuck California

t. Californian

I remember the mayor of Boston tried to do this shit and got slapped the fuck down
why does California think they can do this?

Wait is that even legal for states to do?

So is professional and college sports traveling state funded? Because I can see this fucking over football which is going to piss a lot of people off.

texasfag here, this has only made me happier.
for the first time, cheers commiefornia.


As someone who lives in Austin, TX, I would very much like to encourage this line of thinking. I encourage them to take back state expats from states, like Texas, that have anti-LBGTQA+ laws. Please California.

Holy fucking shit! At last, the day has finally come! Texas is safe from the gold rush niggers once and for all!

And nothing of value was lost.

War with cali when?

Can't wait for LA, and san francisco to get occupied by ACTUAL americans.

They enforce their "travel ban" on Mississippi (which didn't mean jack SHIT, honestly - They never come here, anyway) and yet places like California pour money into funding lawsuit after lawsuit against Mississippi for HB 1523. Well guess what? It's going to pass anyway. Though, I'm sure we will have plenty of liberal meltdowns, more out of state protesters, and more lawsuits before we're done with it.

i know right guys????
it feels good that they are willingly seperating from us...
>this keeps going we wont have to succeed, they will do it for us!!!!!!!!!!!

Be honest, how easily would Texas stomp commiefornia if you start civil war?

>it's pure Hitler to prevent people from going wherever they want
>so let's prevent people from going wherever they want

Seriously how is it allowed for one state to block travel to another? We're part of one country, what the fuck happens when someone has family in another state?

It basically means the state government would pay for state employees to go to those states on official business. That's all.

No way that's legal

But people from those states can still travel to California and back?

It would be Texas and California vs LA and SF, so you tell me.

*won't pay

Try /polgb/ today:

discord d0t gg/KxNc4

I'm insulted they didn't include us
Then again Alabama is happy to be forgotten of it means we are left alone

It's not blocked completely, just that California won't fund travel to these states.

Who the actual fuck do they think they are?

Sup, Rabbi

You mean to tell me rural California isn't also invested with commie scum and starbucks coffee artists?


This applies to state-funded travel. In other words, they won't send state employees to those other states. It has nothing to do with the average citizen.

It sounds like they're scared of people changing their mind about LGBT laws while they're in those states.

I'm just curious as to what law/policy that "discriminates" against LGBTQ people supposedly they're complaining about. All this talk of this law/policy existing and no one is saying what it is or what it does hmmmm...

I just wish you dumbasses would focus on something more productive for your people.
Over 40% of your general revenue is funded by people outside of your state. Even after giving your state tons of federal tax dollars, your people are still killing themselves with opioids.
But yes, focus on the gays. Their corruption of your superior culture is why you're bottom three in education.


Hopefully, a country, and they will secede, taking the Dem electoral coalition with them.

northern cali isnt as fucked up as socal.
look at the election map, they arent stormfags but at least they arent progressive.

This, we need a massive rise sea levels to remove the vast majority of this state's populace

t. Another Califag

This is the key part of what this is all means.

Not difficult. There's a lot of armed people in Texas and in most of the other banned states too. My CHL class was full of people you wouldn't expect to see packing heat, including a little mousy school teacher.

I live 20 minutes from Sacramento and my city had a huge Trump sign right off the highway.

Don't doc me please.


California a) doesnt have any money to pay for travel and b) has citizens that literally no on wants to be visited by

I'd break down the demographics for you on who is sucking up all the gibs and doing all the drugs while breeding like rabbits, but I'm sure you can guess.

>California has banned state funded travel to four states - Texas, Alabama, South Dakota, and Kentucky

I have news for you, Alabama user. Looks like you will be seeing a bit less of the California people as your state was included in the state funded travel ban. I'm so sorry.

I look forward to that day so that we can break their spirit CSA-style

No Indiana? Wtf we had that while religious freedom protection act people freaked out about

Man they are authoritarian af.

>preserving those states from having the californian cucks flooding in

That's actually a good idea.

>trump issues travel ban against terrorists
>commiefornia issues travel ban against states with mildly different laws
>totally acceptable, dumb bigots

And just like that a tiny bit of my faith in humanity has been restored.
This + #morethanarapefugee will keep me going until the next happening.

Thanks, fellas! Have fun hunting commies when it's time!

Nope they'll invite them in

>Looks like there will be a few States that won't be lucky enough to have people from California visit their state.

We need to get Best Carolina on that list.
>t.south carolina

I hope my state bans travel to all states.

It wouldn't even be a stomp it would be like a California balloon slowly deflating with that fart sounds

>state funding trips

Does this mean as a citizen of Commiefornia I call my representative and ask them for round trip tickets to Seattle, WA they'll get them to me?

proud to be a Tennesseean

cheers, user.

/mlpol/ or fuck off

Are they banning travel to mooslims countries?

/mlpol/ is better.

I actually worked with a californianigger (im in IT) and he came here from california and complained that all the people from california were coming here to Tx and driving up the cost of housing...

Like earth to californianigger... You ARE the problem. He was a total pussy cuck. He actually let a home builder walk off with $3k in earnest moneh lmao.

I quit that piece of shit job soon after.

Im eating a whataburger right now

With japs

Thank you for owning an AK and not an AR.

Only pussies shoot anything lower than a .30 cal

Good, now all we need to do is ban and deport anyone with the word CALIFORNIA on their birth certificate.

because we think we're the greatest shit since slice bread, and we could survive even if we were a lone island in the middle of the ocean

Isn't this an act of war?

How the fuck can one US state not allow other US state to travel through the country?

As long as we get to ban all the rest of your scumbag libtard cousins flocking here and shitting up the place, I'm cool with that.

on public funds

it's propaganda bullshit
travel will still happen, they just expense it differently, and rake up the votes

>state funded travel

Technically we were all supposed to be semi-autonomous nations acting in confederation in order to defend against outside threats and promote trade within the union. Picture the EU but without thousands of years of cultural baggage and less kebab.

Civil war fucked that up, and states rights have been non existent ever since.

Also it's only publicly funded trips like school trips to places like gettysburg or shit like that. Which I support, because these fucks take too much god damn money from me in the first place.


Is it just me, or is Mississippi infested with niggers?

>calaifornia controls immigration
I thought the federal government was in charge of all foreign relations?

Just waiting for the state to officially change its name to commeifornia.

Complicated. The feds control the border, but California has been non-compliant in terms of deporting people. Actually, deportation is down overall. The immigration arrests all end up in private prisons to be used as what basically amounts to slave labor. Plus, a lot of the "Illegals" are hard working, decent folk. Some of them even pay taxes when they have no reason to whatsoever other than to give back to the nation. There's a lot of problems with immigration these days, but mass deportation isn't the solution in the states.

Now in Europe, on the other hand...

Exactly, the state's have some part in enforcing the laws set at the federal level

>tfw california government is gradually planting the idea and desensitization to their succession

not like they obey federal law anyway

At what point are we going to be forced to declare California rogue and send the National Guard in to dismantle the state government?

>yfw that's 5.45 not 7.62

OMFG THE HYPOCRISY. Someone should file suit for the exact same reasons those faggots sued against Trump's EO

Like all that illegal labor the southern states exploit for cheap farming and livestock processing. Really, everybody here turns a blind eye to the illegal immigrant issue for various economic or ideological reasons. Throwing every illegal into prison isn't the way to go. Get rid of the minimum wage and give them papers. Kind of solves a lot of problems. Thing is the prison industry and police unions would never let that happen. Too much money in slavery and theft (asset forfeiture)

Fuck the feds.

When you can cross the Sierra Nevadas and Mojave alive, faggot.

Why would they do that when they already have bases here, and can easily park carriers within range of SF, Sacramento, and Los Angeles ports and starve them to death?

I live in California, and I'm under no delusion that if the federal government wanted to, they could tank the entire state within 6 hours.

I think that events such as governors confrences be held in those states. I hope Az gets added to that list, I truly enjoyed them demonizing us over our immigration laws. We need to be totally fag unfriendly.

>no Arkansas
More like the Unnatural State

>tfw we make all the food

Kyle kill yourself

>be anti-borders worldwide
>"Just because these people don't share your values, you can't exclude them from the U.S.!"
>closes state borders to 45% Dem.-states over LGBT issues

California is truly amazing.

>Texas earned the ire of Becerra after passing a law in May allowing faith-based child welfare groups to deny services and adoptions to certain families under circumstances that conflict with the provider’s sincerely held religious beliefs. Christian groups applauded the measure, while critics have said the law would leave room for discrimination against LGBT families.

This is what these literal faggots have a problem with. Voluntary organizations don't want to voluntarily deal with them. THAT's "discrimination" because LGBT people can't fathom the concept of freedom for anyone else but themselves. It's the same thing with the bakery issue. They refuse to let people tell them "no" under any circumstances, because they're all spoiled children apparently.

Their rights aren't being violated. Nothing is being taken away from them either, because you can't take away something they never even had.

Every day it becomes harder and harder to support these faggots rights because they have no idea what their rights are and when they're actually being violated. They basically fly by the seat of their permanently unzipped pants and any time they don't 100% get their way out of anyone for any reason they wrap their petty first-world problem some in kind of urgent rhetoric just to get the rest of society to cater to their whims.