Sand nigger refugee currently attempting to stat rape young aryan Americans

This degenerate fuck is a recent refugee to Europe and is attempting to lure underage aryan women for sex. The Netherlands will do NOTHING about this.

Other urls found in this thread:




K-keep going

Getting the rest of the screen caps now



Sort of a rare opportunity for Sup Forumsacks to get their deus vult on directly to a white child raping refugee.

That's his email inb4 nypa

When in doubt troll their police force, seems all of them have twitter nowdays.


You know Sergio?

Is this from /b / or something? Sup is in screenshot

I legitimately cannot take this shit anymore and there isn't a FUCKING legal thing I can do about it

Yeah it's a current thread on Sup Forums, they're spamming him because of the pedo thing (which I fucking hate too ) but the fact that we are IMPORTING pedos is in-fucking-sane

are you fuck? cuck

WTF does that even mean?

Post his messages and screen shots to local police through twitter and on facebook if you can

Was about to ask the same....

what part of that is it you dont you understand

I literally live 20 minutes away from rijswijk. And that is where he lives

this will do nothing but show how unwilling they are to act

I don't even know if I should be insulted or pleased?

Send him to a Jesse meetup. He will get all the pussy of indoctrinated uni-girls he needs and the land's high school girls are safe another day.

Yea which will create public dissodence, which they hate. So they might actually do something

are you fuck? cuck

Well then fuck you faggot / or maybe thanks friend

hmm you're right, heres a link to the Sup Forums thread


fucking degenerate scum

i'm seriously disappointed the rise of communistic views and decries were the doing of the Muslims, rather the Jews. Hitler would have ended this vile filth

Uhh somebody reported him to police already, it's in the thread on Sup Forums