Why did the Egyptians preserve themselves?

Why did the Egyptians preserve themselves?
Did they know something we don't?

No they were retards who thought if your body wasnt preserved you wouldn't go to the afterlife. It's why tombs were also full of treasure. Many primitive civilisations believed wealth would go with you into the afterlife if it was buried with you, and yet it's all still here.

The most successful societies advanced alongside an appreciation for the afterlife and moral demands dictated by higher authorities than man.
There are things the ancient civilizations knew that we will never discover. We only even know how to read ancient Egyptian pictographs through a multi-language edict written by a civilization 2000 years younger than them.
The astounding amount of history that is lost forever and that which is hidden away of course means they knew something we don't.

They removed all the vital organs. Why they thought corpses were going anywhere to begin with, let alone without vital organs, is anyone's guess
Egyptians/not as smart as claimed

they knew that niggers will steal their culture if they don´t

>No they were retards who thought if your body wasnt preserved you wouldn't go to the afterlife.

Nobody but the plebs beleived that. Read the Pyramid texts, their conception of afterlife was WAY more complex than that.

Organs have to be preserve separately otherwise they just rot inside the body. They believed as long as everything was all in the same tomb it'd make its way to the afterlife in the right places

are you saying it's lost because we can't translate it?
Explain, this is really sad.

I dunno ask a black person. WE

You guys don't preserve yourselves after you die? What kind of sick fuck country are you from?

we have their dna. no rot on skin, skingraphs + tesla technology = illumanaughty Pyramided.com

they knew the secret to Melanin™Power™.

that heterosexual white male is pretty white

They pickled themselves with incest.


I have a crazy theory.

The entirety of human society and advancement can be decided by one thing and one thing only: the preservation of meat.

The protein from meat is the reason our brains grew larger the way they did. People that could preserve meats for a long time had bigger brains because they were eating meat more often than those who simply hunted and ate that night.

Whites in colder climates had the sheer cold to preserve the meat, so they had time to invent a bunch of stuff. Egyptians didn't have the cold but they had natron, a type of salt which they used to preserve their meats. Chinese also used salts to preserve their meats, but they were already an agricultural superpower so they didn't need to.

This is why niggers in Africa never evolved. They spent all their time hunting food and gathering berries but never figured out to preserve their meat so their brains could get bigger and they could have more time to do other stuff like invent things.

We should thank them, if the druids of england did this we would know so much more.


don't make me go castle liechtenstein on your bitchass, clown shoes.

With Ancient Egypt, pictographs could not be read because the writing language had gone extinct thousands of years ago. However, the Rosetta stone, which held a decree written in three languages, Old Greek (which we knew), common pictograph (which we didn`t know) and heiroglyphs (which we also didn`t know). Through this stroke of luck we finally understood. However for other civilizations which did not cross-translate this is not possible, and their knowledge, beliefs, and cultures will be gone forever; unless we invent some crazy universal translator.

>castle liechtenstein

They knew that thousands of years later niggers were going to try to steal their history, so they preserved themselves as evidence

what about lions and crocodikes
why arent they smart

Humans have this fascination with hoarding their dead.
I mean why build tunnels out of human remains?