Does dick size corellate backwardly to IQ ?

Does dick size corellate backwardly to IQ ?

No, Middle easterners are retarded with small peckers

I think Hitler sackball would be agree

That's why i'm probably retardedq.

They got big dicks tho, ask your wife


I like vomit. I wanna take a vomit shower.


Correlate backward?
It's called an inverse relationship you moron.
And no.

No, despite americuckold cuck beliefs that are ingrained in their Godless cuck culture, there is no correlation between dick size and race.


Ameciran people have little dick

No, women are the dumbest things on the planet.

It's probably distributed on a bell curve.

You're american, your point is invalid

Of course not, women are dumb as fuck.

They don't, though.

We should burn women or force them into slavery

WomEN havE ForEskin in THe HeAD

And impregnate them 27/4

The term is inversely proportional OP.

Source? And where is the Asian data?

I don't understand such big words


Well, they are bigger than yours though

>corellate backwardly