Sir Winston Churchill is better than Hitler

Its time the Stormfags and Krauts realised the truth. Hitler was not a European nationalist. In fact, he had a confused and idiotic ideology that was full of contradictions, admiring non eurocentric ideas, cultures and religions. His wars killed millions of Europeans, destroyed European culture, and discredited European nationalism for a generation.

Meanwhile, Churchill was a true European Nationalist, and believed in the spreading of our superior culture to less fortunate peoples and was prepared to stand up for white European Civilisation, what ever the cost.His courage saved Europe for German slavery. Its a shame that many reject his ideas as 'bigoted nationalism and racism'.

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Hitler said that the Germans would have become heirs to "a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and in subjugating all nations to that faith. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the German temperament."

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

Similarly, Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."



>Meanwhile, Churchill was a true European Nationalist, and believed in the spreading of our superior culture

This, so BASED CHRISTIAN NIGGERS can fuck your daughter since they are quintessentially British.

Churchill himself and also his school of thought lead to the current Europe.
You won't weasel yourself out of this Anglo, you were and still are the best goyim.
After the Grear European Cleansing history will be corrected and the Allies be seen as for what they were: Traitors to Europa

Not to mention the sheer economic damage Germany inflicted upon the colonial powers, destroyed the British empire, and the French colonial ambitions, and cemented America and the Communists as the super powers of the next decades, Ironically the war Cemented a democracy and a communist dictatorship as Superpowers, both things Hitler had a distaste for.

Churchill was a Zionist you dumb retard, he doomed all of Europe

At least I still own my culture, which would have been destoryed under Nazi rule. Our main focus should be on the deislamification of Europe, not trying to bring back a failed idiotic national socialist pipe dream.

Yeah, sending Europe to the dogs in terms of global influence really was for Europe in the long run, honest.

Also, learn how to spell "Great" you fucking kraut, you're speaking our language, do it properly.

>At least I still own my culture, which would have been destoryed under Nazi rule
Is that le judeo christian, based civic nationalist culture?

Da das moderne Englisch eine niedere Abart der germanisch-deutschen Sprache ist, habe ich mich hier für nichts zu rechtfertigen, du hakennasiger Eilandpavian.

Was würden wir nur ohne die Anglos machen?

Goodness, where to start with this one. Churchill was adamant that the UK should remain outside a European Union and was also opposed to Islam and mudslime immigration, as has been demonstrated. There was hardly any immigration into the UK until after Churchill left office in 1955, although moves had been made, such as the 1948 immigration act, passed by a Labour government.

Again with this shit?

In Frieden leben wahrscheinlich

Hitler originally wanted a jewish state in Israel, so i I suppose they were all zionist shills?

Just that Muslim immigration is not the problem.

Churchill, like all beady Anglos whether they know it or not, was a crypto-Zionist Jew.

It is White British culture, thank you very much. For many on these isles, being British comes before all else. Compare that to angela cuckle who seems to be ashamed of her own german flag.

> Our main focus should be on the deislamification of Europe.

Wrong, Europe was fucked way before the muzzies got here. Britain had a break when they kicked the fucking Jews out in for a few centuries, then everything went back to shit upon their return.

Time to remove the Jews from Europe and to abolish all usury and other Jewish banking practices.

Churchhill prevented Europe's liberation from communism, kikes and the Rothschilds.

Then what is the problem?

You kikebart people are worse than the reds.

English liberalism is the problem.

Hitler wanted to deport those fuckers to Madagascar but he capitulated to the Zionist agenda because of the pressure from the Jewish manufactured boycott on Germany.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU SHILLS NEVER STOP MAKING SHIT UP. Winston Churchill was a Jew who was responsible for the Lusitania sinking. It had weapons on board and this info conveniently reached German ears, hmm I wonder how.

Churchill was a fat cunt
The best leader is this:

>allied with Stalin
>better then the Furhur

kys, anglo scum

You have to wonder why Churchill had to continously smoke and drink. Maybe his kike overlords raped his ass a few times and he just could't shake it off his mind? His tortured fat face certainly hardens the suspicion

I hope you realise that nearly all jews (apart from the we wuz black Israelites) are white Europeans?
I firmly agree that people like Geroge Soros are the other half of the problem coin. 10,000s of jews are fleeing europe for israel because of the mudslimes chimping out. Islam has got so bad in Europe, that they feel safer in Israel where Hamas sends rockets across the border every day. Its a fucking disgrace.

Churchill was based. He wanted to put Gandhi on a spit.

>im OP
>a 19 year old high school dropout who has no grasp on history or the reasoning behind WW2

just stop posting.

>jews are Europeans

You do realise Jews are the main group perpetuating mass migration into Europe, stupid Anglo?
They're just leaving the mess they've brought upon Europe.

hey OP. post yfw realizing Hitler was fighting what we today called the NWO and Globalism.

Winston was half American English. So what you would be saying is that all Americans are Jews, or all the English are jews, thereby the founders of America were Jews. Take your pick Burger. And thats some Alex Jones level stiff with the Lustania, it was sunk by a German U Boat in WWI, and the Americans were supplying the British with arms and supplies, so that Germany got salty and sank the ship.

Can you tell me who he is? I would like to read about him.


>tfw your countries leader in ww2 is not recognised thx to simplyfying of history
Its Vitéz Nagybányai Horthy Miklós

OP, you should REALLY watch Greatest Story Never Told. It will clear your mind about Churchill.

Churchill was a dick sucking zionist puppet. Sold everyone out to the jews to line his own pockets.

>Normies hate Churchill for starving wogs, being islamophobic and pro-white

>Sup Forums hates Churchill for being a financiers

Really puffs the cigar

Right, so that is why Hitler wanted to form a one world order and took guns and freedoms away from his own German citizens? I guess the 'Master Race' wasn't good enough to be trusted to govern themselves.

>on Sup Forums
>being this good of a goy

literally how?

So you want to know about Winston Churchill.

Well pull up a chair, get your cup of tea ready lads.


Enough. Lurk moar you giant faggot


stop posting

You don't understand. Churchill was in the pockets of the Jews. Hitler, on the other hand, rejected the Jewish international system, and was punished by Zionist stooges like Churchill for it. Useful idiots.
If Hitler won, Jews wouldn't have any influence in Europe at all, and there would therefore be no white genocide, as Jews are the main group behind it.
Jews do this all the time. Almost all of the soviets in Russia were Jews in the beginning, including Lenin and Trotsky.

The New German Order was based in National Socialism, not Globalism. You can't have Nationalism and Globalism, user.

Churchill admitted the sole reason for WW2 was Hitler created a system that freed the Nations from Jewish usury and control.

It's that simple.

Hitler wanted to restore the borders of the old empire, unite the Germans in Poland and Czechoslovakia and defeat communism. He didn't want a one world government.

Churchill literally sold half of Europe to the communists just so he could have a vacation home in Greece

He wast worse than Hitler in every way

I do apologise, its a shame that the role many countries, such as Hungary, played during WWII are almost forgotten. Can I congratulate you nation on closing down the (((Central European University))). You don't need a social Marxist wasp nest like we do in our universities.

>His wars killed millions of Europeans, destroyed European culture, and discredited European nationalism for a generation.

Winston Churchill murders anybody who attempts nationalism and you blame the person who tried to do and not Churchill for violently stopping it.

Fuck you.

Churchill fucked over the Gallipoli Campaign, sold our Empire away, signed the Atlantic Charter, ceded all global power over to the Americans and traded away the last of our wealth to pursue a vindictive and unnecessary conflict with someone who should have been our ally. I piss on his fucking grave. Dig up Churchill's corpse and defile his bones.

>I hope you realise that nearly all jews (apart from the we wuz black Israelites) are white Europeans?

Lol, now they are white Europeans when convenient and then Middle-Eastern semites when convenient.

>10,000s of jews are fleeing europe for israel because of the mudslimes chimping out.

That's part of the Zionist plan but you know this already you LARPing Jew. Bring as many Jews to Israel as possible while chasing Arabs out of the Middle-East.

>pursue a vindictive and unnecessary conflict with someone who should have been our ally.

Fuck off Jerrybag.

A one world order is LITERALLY what FDR and Churchill created after they won when they created the UN in the Atlantic Charter.


Fuck you, pig nosed cunt. Churchill was the single most catastrophic leader in the history of the UK.

yeah, Churchill really wanted the best for his country by refusing to take a white peace after Dunkirk and leaving the war to the slavshits. He was such a European nationalist that he brought millions of Indians to Europe to kill Europeans. He was such a good leader that he single-handedly destroyed the largest Empire in history. Fuck you Nigel, I hope your grandfather was gunned down on the beaches of Dieppe

I never said the man was perfect, and many of the things you said were fair criticisms, but every great man is deeply flawed.

He was great in zero ways.

He was a human timebomb, a drunken entropic cancer eating away the remains of the empire powered by his own vanity.

Hitler losing destroyed Europe. All detriments on Western Civilization, from mass migration to cultural Marxism (((Frankfurt School))) to socialism: it can all be traced to Jews.
Watch the Greatest Story Never Told and understand which side was the real villain.

I'll assume you are a burger. The reason why America didn't capitulate to the Japs after Pearl Harbour is the same reason why the British didn't surrender after Dunkirk. Surrender would have meant the total destruction of the British Empire faster than in our time line, as Hitler would have seized our colonies and destroyed our influence over the world,same would happen to you if you gave up to the japs.

>brings Europe under jewish control, probably forever

>"not perfect"


KYs sage


>Hitler would have seized our colonies and destroyed our influence over the world

Whereas what happened was the Americans did this.

Meanwhile Churchill was a jew puppet

>total destruction of the British Empire
WW2 destroyed the British Empire.
Hitler loved Britain. He sent you constant neutral peace offerings. He always wanted Germany to rule the European continent and Britain to rule the seas. He viewed you as brothers. Japan was an entirely different story, but Germany only wanted to remove a few thorns in its side in WW2.
Let me remind you that the Brits started bombing German civilians first.


Also Hitler did not want to do that in the first place and second he would not have been able to anyways. Its a retarded excuse cucked Anglos use to justify their jewish actions


>4 hours into greatest never story never told
>"now you know hitler employed niggers and various other subhumans whilst the evil british and americans are the REAL racists"
Basically sums up it all. I agree with you.

it's inconceivable for most Anglos to admit that our actions in WW2 were not only wrong but catastrophically misjudged and terminally disastrous for Britain. in UK post-war folk mythology our winning WW2 is the only thing we really have, everything else was sold off, the empire collapsed, our homeland has been invaded, our industry has rusted and died... but at least we had our victory in WW2. brits will cling to this forever because it's the only thing they have, to admit that too was a mistake would be like everything turning to ashes in their mouth.

Why do people think that? Germany never had the sealift to invade the British Isles, in either World War. That's the fucking reason the Brits declared wars both times, not the Germans. Even supplying the Afrika Korps was incredibly taxing.


america destroyed the british empire a desire vocalized by roosevelt.
>Churchill was a dick sucking zionist puppet. Sold everyone out to the jews to line his own pockets.
literally this, he was funded by insiders of the secret "focus" group.

jesus fucking christ what abysmal excuse for history have you been consuming? here have a good listen from a real historian.

>discredited European nationalism for a generation.
European nationalism has never come back, hence why Europe has gone to shit.

Hitler ruined everything

Winston Churchill was the biggest traitor in human history

ah shit didn't see you posted that video to, irving really is a phenomenal historian.


Churchill was the biggest fascist of the 1900's

just unlike Hitler he thought the Jews should rule over us instead of ourselves

Hitler even gave the halt order at Dunkirk intentionally as an expression of goodwill to the Brits to say "I could've fucking destroyed you there, but I chose not to, because I don't want a fight, now leave me alone."


>we had our victory
America and Russia won WW2. You won because you weren't destroyed., unlike most of Europe after WW2
You have a phyrric victory because everyone is talking in english, but that is because of the americans

Shows what kindness does for you in war.

Well the kikes need it as a funding myth for their brave new world. That is the reason why get buit holocaust museums and memorials into your cities which is quite ironic I guess.


Exactly. Hitler literally lost because he was too kind and compassionate.

The evil maniacs who destroyed him then went on to lie about how evil he was.


That is unfortunately typical German behavior. We are not the ruthless robots jew movies make the world believe.

The death of our empire really started during and after WWI. We even lost the land of my farther, Ireland, and we considered Ireland equal to any other nation in the Union. The Great depression hit the UK less hard as we didnt grow substantially in the 20s. I agree, WWII was like a shot gun blast in the chest, but the true end of the British superpower was the Suez crisis, gee thanks Labour Party.


it started because our parliament adopted full suffrage and Democracy is cancer for any nation, it loses the ability to govern itself or achieve any kind of quality and eventually you just replace anything authentic with parasites who can pander to the masses


Thanks Europe! GG tho


I'm an ethnic-Anglo Canadian who feels some level of responsibility in the outcome of the war. It is an absolute tragedy that our nations (the German Reich and the British Empire) didn't stand together to face the oppression of the Jewry. What wonders could have been if we had done so.

God bless you Mr. Churchill

Need to clear this one up too. You went against two treaties so that's why we declared war. I'm sorry, but Germany were the aggressors.

Brit- 'Now Germany, we agreed that we were not going to invade Belgium'

Jerry- 'Too bad, i'm doing it anyway'

(skip forward 25 years)

Brit- 'Now Germany, we agreed we were going to leave Poland alone'

Jerry- 'Too bad, i'm doing it anyway'
