Gamers tend to be right-leaning, so who the fuck is bioware targeting?

Gamers tend to be the most red-pilled group of people in the world. With the exception of the SJW faggots infiltrating the community trying hard to be "nerds" and a part of "nerd culture", ACTUAL gamers almost always tend to not give a shit about SJW objectives or morals. Why, you ask? It's because gamers spend most of their time in a world where race, sex, skin color, etc. don't mean a damn thing. It's the only TRUE meritocracy, and we surround ourselves by it entirely. You are only ever recognized if you're GOOD, not for some affirmative action boost up bullshit.

Of course, the left knows this and have infiltrated it hard. Take a look at Bioware and a lot of game developers lately trying to appease a crowd of people who are only virtue signalling and don't actually buy their products. These faggots need to be driven out so games can return to their roots. I don't care if the person I'm playing with takes it up his ass, or she munches on some rug, or if they're a nog or mudslime. All I care about is they are GOOD!

Gone are the days of Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights, unless we do something about this, and do it soon.

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>Most gamers are right wing meme
Most are apathetic, that is why GamerGate happened as it did. Even if GamerGate kicked them to the right at the end of the day they are still more apathetic than most.

So how exactly can we fuck over a company like bioware?

You know what, you're right, and if I could amend my post I would. Keep in mind, however, that anyone who isn't sucking the dick of SJW/progressive/feminist culture is considered "right" nowadays.

Fuck them over is the wrong phrase. Just teach them a lesson. Don't buy their fag shirt they're promoting on their twitter. Don't buy their SJW Andromeda game with the uggo ass chick INTENTIONALLY designed to appease some minority. I mean only like 3.8% of the American population identify as part of the LGBT group. And within that, like maybe 10% are actual hardcore gamers (the last % I pulled out of my ass but the first can be found here: )

So we are all having some narrative shoved down our throat for what reason? Either the group is incredibly vocal, or there's something going on otherwise.

>anyone who isn't sucking the dick of SJW/progressive/feminist culture is considered "right" nowadays
True but there is no real sense of unity in this "new right" (ie anything to the right of Marx and Lenin) Most of the youtube sperglords who pushed GamerGate along like Sargon and Armored Skeptic are still largely to the left when it comes to economic and social issues. The only benefit gained here is the idea of Free Speech absolutism which should be supported by the general population as a whole at least in the west. When SJWs "die" they will quickly turn back into pissing on the right because that's what they largely did before all of this. All that can be done is to tend to our own gardens and know that the world is too big to change.

stop playing videogames you tremendous manchildren

>come check out our FREE T-shirt design!
ok, might as well get it so I can blend in with the rest of the faggots in this industry
*clicks link*
>here it is! enjoy our free T-shirt DESIGN!
>[link to 714x1463 PNG file]
>you have full license to print it out and put it on whatever you want! DIVERSITY!!!!!

AAA studios can do whatever they want because they'll always have console retards to buy their garbage for $60+.

>Gamers tend to be right-leaning

gamers are childish sheep who will keep on buying gaming garbage no matter how much regressive trash will get injected into it.

No you degenerate scum. I married my white wife, have white children, make white money at a white job with white coworkers, and i play video games where i pretend everyone is white. this is a fantastic life.



>gamers are right wing
>he's never been to Sup Forums or cuckgaf

get a real hobby, video games are for manchildren

God's speed user

I'm not much of a gamer these days. What did Bioware do that has you so riled up?

>Gamers tend to be right-leaning, so who the fuck is bioware targeting?

Just because a segment is the loudest and most autistic doesn't mean they're the bulk of the category, OP.

The answer is simple: Don't buy their games. The game industry is in for a major "crash" before long, or at least that's what they'll call it. Triple A titles are not as profitable as they used to be, especially in an age where you can get 30+ hours games for $5. Indie developers and middle market publishers have been making big waves recently and they're only getting more ambitious. It's only a matter of time before the profit margins for $60 titles from companies like Bioware to tank.

Up until now all of this has been happening on the PC platform, which is not the biggest market niche. Consoles still prop up companies like Bioware with their copy protection and limited hardware. Now that companies like Microsoft and Sony are desperately scrambling to bring indie titles from PC while console exclusives are drying up it's only a matter of time. They'll blame racists or sexists or bigots or whatever when they finally start to bleed out and die but that'll all be hogwash. It was their own bad decisions and shameless profiteering that led to this.

Only the classiest of posts from Australia

easier answer
>don't buy games
any notions you have of 'redpilled' games are illusions constructed to keep you wasting uncountable hours of your life twiddling your thumbs and doing nothing to improve yourself

ive played csgo since release, over 3000 hours (sadly) and have never met person who supported Hillary Clinton. but most who csgo are old fags, like me, whove been playing a long time mostly.

Bioware is targeting "going bankrupt".

Are we actually talking about stopping Bioware?
Jesus Fuck guys, this is a non-issue. Bioware is dead, it's just a corpse being propped up by EA. Nobody gives a fuck about them anymore.
NWN and BG are dead and gone forever already, they have been since 2010.
Like Bioware died during the release of Dragon Age: Origins. That's when all their major staff quit and they were bought out by EA.

Where the fuck were you guys 9 years ago when we had multiple threads about this topic when it was actually relevant?

I stopped "gaming" whenever starcraft 2 came out. I still go back and play through games like kotor though but I haven't bought a new game in years. I'm surprised people still buy games at this point

as #gamergate has shown, gaming journalists are completely out of touch with gamers

some companies - even billion dollar AAA companies - are stupid enough to think that getting on the good side of journalists and reviewers will result in success

as Mass Effect Andromeda and Ghostbusters have shown, that's not the case. ultimately, companies that make stupid decisions will go out of business and be replaced by other companies. Bioware/EA most likely lost around $100 million on Andromeda. not only did lots of people lose their jobs, the dev studio was effectively shut down and the Mass Effect franchise is on ice.

anyways, the minds behind BG and NWN are gone, Bioware died a long time ago. just let them die and find other developers to support.

I only buy Japanese games which due to being based Japan only contain white people and have no fucking liberal queers in it for no reason.

The day Mass Effect 3 was released was the day I stopped buying AAA games & western games

I mostly play MMOs, and except for retarded MMOs like TERA which is full of pedos, or some of the korean shit, most people are openly pro-trump or at least anti-sjw.

>gamers tend to be right leaning

you need to get out of Sup Forums more bub

This year's E3 was so bad that I haven't touched a video game since. Fuck this industry.

>Bioware/EA most likely lost around $100 million on Andromeda. not only did lots of people lose their jobs, the dev studio was effectively shut down and the Mass Effect franchise is on ice.
you got a sauce on that?

Care to explain the appeal of this game. I've tried getting into it and am OK. But I can't understand the hardcore addiction of people who only play this game for thousands of hours.

Not trying to denigrate you. I've got over 100 games across all platforms and I've probably logged 1k hours in WC3( think I've bought that game 4 times) but I'm addicted to custom games. Seemso people are addicted to vanilla CS just seems like that'd get old

>make character straight
>"fans" and media accuse your company of being homophobic for it
>patch him to be a fag

They've always being lgbt friendly (nothing wrong with that) but the "fans" always demand more, so you get things like this happening.

Stop trying to be edgy about gaming, it's a pastime that involves sitting on our arses pressing buttons. It doesn't make us more effective members of society mentally or physically. The only thing it helps us do is temporarally forget how shit the world is.

>posting on a site where'd the majority of the people go here for video games or anime


The board who run these companies are retards, all it takes is one blue haired feminist to point out that there is an untapped market of women that they could get if they just did 'A', and the board just sees dollar signs and gives them power.

>so who the fuck is bioware targeting?
the normie gamer audience who buys anything "AAA" regardless of quality, just because "YOOO LOOK HOW EPIC THAT LOOKS BRO!" anbd "DID YOU SEE THAT SICK TRAILER?"

the normie audience doesnt care about gameplay or quality. they are suckered in by a fancy CGI movie trailer and a "AAA" company logo they recognize.

Yeah I don't know how accurate that statement is and I don't know that there's any way to get an accurate assessment. I called someone a faggot on GTA V a few years ago and the next thing I know I have half the server trying to kill me and some guy messaging me telling me he was going to "hack me" for being a bigot.

I dont think they're targeting any sort of audience. Much like ever other entertainment industry, I think they are FORCING a political agenda.

they are trying to make us accept (((their))) views.

This is true. Darkestt Dungeon is much better than anything Bioware has made in 10 years