Big Man Tyrone declares himself President of Kekistan

Do you support this?

Reddit shit. Ignore it.

some fag paid him to say this. how cringy

says the guy with his based totally ironic Black Lives Matter custom flag xD

i didnt vote, maybe russia helped mr tyrone



kekistan fags is the worst thing to happen to Sup Forums
people larping are dragging us all trough shit
>hahaha kekistan, reeee, hahaha praise kek
it makes us all look like fucking 12 year olds

This stopped being funny years ago. Fuck off Reddit.

but i got trips

Kekistan may be getting blown out of proportion. There's probably not that many people who do this shit in public.


Poor guy in Nigeria trying to make a living turned into a joke by trustfund kids on Reddit. The behavior of Reddit disgusts me.

they are using hate symbols, maybe the need more hate

No way Descartes said this

This is now a redpill thread, post your best redpills ITT



The 'kekistan' craze is cringy but Big Man Tyrone is legitimately the only black person on the internet I like.


Alt-light lameness

Eat shit and die.




Sure it's Tyrone, and he's funny, but Kekistan is for pure whites

>only black guy I like
Well duh. He does what he's told

Hey man you fucked it up you're supposed to say "BLACK"



janitor, pls ban for being underage



The real irony is these faggots are the normies








A dindu leading a cancer. Seriously, we can't let him have the nuclear codes.

How long until someone in a kekistan shirt shoots up a school or something

big if true









Yeah, poor guy in Nigeria, getting paid hundreds of dollars to sit in an office reading shitposts instead of sitting by the creek, slapping together mosquito burgers.

I will nuke kekistan and murder Sargoy of Cukkad.

Please don't tell me this is real, nobody would ever believe this would they?

eh, if anyones gonna make some cash off of this kekistan thing, at least it's tyrone

Reddit normie

Kekistan is a meme for 14 year old virgins

nice trips

xD what a funny video :P

This should be the top comment.


Kuckistan got BLACKED


Kekistan should be led by the most redpilled man in the european parliment, Janusz Korwin Mikke

Kekistan is a kuso meme.

tyrone is best nigger.
Thanks for ruining him kekicuck sperglords

We need Fascism.

>Do you support this.
Negative. Russian hackers strike again.

i like the outfit, wonder how mich of this act he came up with himself

>people larping are dragging us all trough shit
user think of them as meat shields.

The nigger can declare everything he wants. Can't back it up with authority so it doesn't mean shit.

Wow you're so cool how can I be more edgy like you

yuck glad im a white man

Bad goy

>some guy in Nigeria is profiting off all this autism

>mosquito burgers

that's in Mozambique, actually :)