White man burned alive by racist browns in Brazil

What does pol think about this?
What will pol do when we will do the same thing to the white subhumans in Europe and USA? What will you do when we rape your female relatives, daughters, wives in front of you while one of us is jumping on your body with his crampons on?
What will you do when we slaughter your white subhuman kind one by one?
What will pol do when we make whites pay for their atrocities in non white countries and even continents?
Tell me.

Other urls found in this thread:






If there is anything more orgasmic than dead wh*Tes, it is the dead wh*Te american soldiers.


White people should avoid Brazil and other nigger countries. Its bad for your health.


It's like looking at a video in America from the future, 50 years from now. Eerie.




You want a life of horror and war? Because you will get it if you ask for it. You cannot win.

>a grown ass man beating up a twelve yeqar old
Im glad you are proud of such an amazing feat.

>You cannon wi-


that kid is like 12

Isn't it fascinating how brown "people" pride themselves on violence

Nice try. You know it's true, and you know as soon as the last of you is dead, the violence will finally stop.

>threads with actual political discussion 404 in hours with only a few replies
>this thread is guaranteed to hit the post limit
The absolute state of Sup Forums

fucking niggers like this is why we won't colonize other planets

basically genocide

nah he's not
whites are inherently sissy so they look underage
their only advantage is their height lol

How fucking impotent do you gotta be to think that you're actually scaring people with threats over Sup Forums?
Come at us any time, we'll destroy even the memory of your existence

>What does pol think about this?
No matter how shit my day is, I've never had it worse than that guy.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I'm basically just waiting for the blood vessel to pop at this point.

>waaah mods pls ban him he's saying bad things about my race waaah

Its the same country that provoked Russia and then hid under America's skirt.

>their only advantage is their height
Has a more turkish thing ever been typed on the fourth channel?

Guys just dont post in this bait threads.They are just a couple inferior roaches who making this bait threads.

Shoo shoo roach

Watch out, guys! It's the egdemeister brothers. Comin' at cha!

Fucking sand nigger, you're next

Shooting cockroaches at a distance of 60km made easy now. Haubitze 2000. buy buy buy


wh*Tes are dogs

Based Brazil!!

This triggers me. Americans are fucked up.

They are criminals killing other criminals, stupid roach

Goddamn, i fuckin' hate spics

but turks are white wtf

>f-fucking s-sandnigger y-y-you are the n-next !!!

wh*Tes are cucks

I think no.They are just bunch of manlet subhumans just ignore this threads

A worthy cause.
Donate today to the true Anatolians.


Source pls mr roach

>when the drone strike kills 20 muslims at a wedding and the next day you get 20 more at the funeral

what a shitty way to go. hard to cook up sth he could have done to deserve that. baka

Remember Vlad Tepes, roaches?

>The sultan's army entered into the area of the impalements, which was seventeenstades long and seven stades wide. There were large stakes there on which, as it was said, about twenty thousand men, women, and children had been spitted, quite a sight for the Turks and the sultan himself. The sultan was seized with amazement and said that it was not possible to deprive of his country a man who had done such great deeds, who had such a diabolical understanding of how to govern his realm and its people. And he said that a man who had done such things was worth much. The rest of the Turks were dumbfounded when they saw the multitude of men on the stakes. There were infants too affixed to their mothers on the stakes, and birds had made their nests in their entrails.

>white subhumans
>coming from a barbarous monkey



Aaahh so that's why Balkaniggers are butthurt!

You Mudshits are lucky whites created amnesty and peace treaties.
If the west were to go to war against your people, your subhuman countries would be a pile of ashes in a matter of days.


yes,he was beheaded by Sultan and you gypsies became buttsex slaves of us for another 300 year. and why your countrymen come here to clean toilets btw? are romania that bad?

For such a thing to happens in hueland,, he probably tuoched a kid.

We dont forgive pedos down here.

Link to the news by the way.

Typical Muslim world ideology.

>m-muh Vlad
was beheaded, raped and lost Romania to us
you're our rapebabies

>b-but we wuz blacks n' shiet!


>race mixed mestizo mongrel roleplays as a wh*Te subhuman
lol you are not wh*Te subhuman and you will never be.

Keep projecting, roach. Your tears are delicious.

This is the edgiest thread I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Is this the power of autism?

fuck off inbreed retard shoo roachy

>Roach telling them why others coming our countries

Top kek

No big deal. The roach enjoys objects in the arse.

KDR = 40,000:1

You sound assblasted.

Fuck Turkish niggers

badass hardware

Bullshit. It wasn't here at least

>hating whites
Go away subhuman Turk.

SISSY wh*Te amerifat dog

This thread
It's always the same damn video

>"at least they didn't call me racist"

you sir, have given me an incurable case of the kekkles

man looks more turkish/hebrew than american

It's all they have, so they will repeat the same thing over and over. Just remember to sage.



Didn't know they had war pilots in the 1850's

>man looks more turkish/hebrew than american

you guys are really trying hard.. do you usually fuck each other in the ass after shitposting or will you share a goat?

That was pretty edgy my man haHAA


Hey Turklur, where's your Empire?

>we conquered your territories
>we fucked your women and kill your men
>we forced you to respect Islam
>we forced you to pay jizya tax
>we forcefully take your childiren from your homes and send them to the frontlines so they can die for Ottoman Empire
>we genocided your subhuman kind because we can
>we raped you so hard that you are not white anymore
>b-but hey at least we impaled some Turks even thought we got btfo later, r-right
and i am the buttblasted one? lol go on write "b-based vlad, f-fuck roaches" if thats ease your butthurt, but deep down you know that you are inferior slave of Turks, you had always been inferior slave and you are still inferior after you gain indepence from us.
Your butthurt will be eternal,same with Greeks and Balkanshits. Cry more, inferior rapebaby.

Are you Kurdish or just a (mountain) nigger?

sage roach

wew. thats some hot summer in detroit.

They both look mexican



You're a 13 year old white kid trolling.



Dont forget that half of them that claim Turkey but live in Germany because there country is shit

What will the world do when they make turkey pay for it's crimes against humanity throughout it's entire existence? Oh well it doesn't matter since turkey is a muslim shithole and since muslims kill faggots OP will barely last another week.

KEKEKEKEKEK typical british "males"

So, do you know the story behind it, or something? I'm genuinely interested in it.