I have a few questions for you goys:

I have a few questions for you goys:

>What's the difference between Fascism and National Socialism

>Was Hitler a Fascist?

>Can there be such a thing as Libertarian Fascism or is it oxymoronic?

>What leads you to believe in your particular political theory?

>Recommended literature?

pls be civil

shameless self bump

please give me your delicious (you)s

>What's the difference between Fascism and National Socialism
The importance on race, family, the tribe, and spirituality. Mussolini cared more about building Third Rome than the return of ancient tradition to society.
Both are inspired by Roman Imperialism.

>Was Hitler a Fascist?

>Can there be such a thing as Libertarian Fascism or is it oxymoronic?
There can be Libertarian National Socialism but not Libertarian Fascism. NatSoc is more of a way of the spirit. Read Mein Kampf, Notes on the Third Reich by Evola and any works by George Lincoln Rockwell.

>What leads you to believe in your particular political theory?
Traditionalism. National Socialism if it were to ever rise again but it wont.

>Recommended literature?
Above, but also anything by Julius Evola, Dr. William Pierce, Gottfried Fedder.

National Socialism was just the german take on fascism with a strong focus on ethno-centrism
Class collaboration, Corporatism and Nationalism are fascist, the ethno-centrism of Nazism is what distinguishes it from other strains of fascism

My bad misread this question

>What leads you to believe in your particular political theory?

The culmination of many years of seeing my society destroyed by marxists, jews, capitalists, corporatists, christianity, islam, and modern culture in general. Because I know the only way we can build a sustainable society is to go back to the ways of life before "modern society".
Enforced tradition is required to make people remember who they once were before, and they CAN remember. There's a reason why Hitler had a 97% approval rating after his famous speech.
But unless another Hitler rises I think going back to tribal ways of living is the best thing we can do for ourselves and the planet.

>Libertarian National Socialism
>Libertarian Socialism
>Free Regulated Market
>Private Nationalized Industry

libertarian socialism is a thing, libertarian fascism/nazism not so much

You're an idiot. National Socialism is not economic socialism. Its got nothing to do with Marxian Socialism.

Libertarian NatSoc is a thing
Its redundant and I think its retarded as fuck but it is possible.
Go read Mein Kampf

>What is Hugo Boss
>What is Volkswagen
etc etc etc
National Socialism is Socialism. It's not Marxist, no, but it doesn't have to be to have state owned corporations.

Socialism requires public ownership of the means of production, the third reich still had private property and did not intend to abolish it

The state is a representative of the general will, the state owned and plan to seize much of the large industrial and corporate means of production. The work capital was still in the hands of the citizenry, but most of the means of production, the loan capital, was to be in the hands of the state.

National Socialism ISNT Marxian Socialism.
Above all NatSoc is a return to tradition not specifically an economic idea. The economics of NatSoc were specific to Germany at the time, was by no means meant to apply to everyone or even be permanent.

fascism is rightwing


Why are you lecturing people on things clearly you know nothing about?
You've read the 25 points and you think you're an expert now kek

NatSOC is specifically an economic idea. What you're thinking of is Nationalism.



No I'm not, you fucking idiot.

>Can there be such a thing as Libertarian Fascism or is it oxymoronic?
no but there can be nationalist libertarians


Go read the fucking guy you recommended reading. Gottfried Fedder: "The entire monetary system stands under the central state treasury. All private banks such as postal cheque services, savings banks, and credit unions are registered as branches", "money is not and should not be naything but an acknowledgement of preformed work, since every highly developed financial economy indeed requires money as a means of exchange, but that therewith is also completed the function of money and that in no case can an otherworldly power be granted to money through interest to grow beyond itself into a burden of productive work"
Sounds like a stunning praise of capitalism to me, m8.

Finished the Turner Diaries the other day. Half way through Mein Kampf now and a couple of chapters into Men Among the Ruins.
>There can be Libertarian National Socialism but not Libertarian Fascism
I would have thought the opposite is true
So NatSoc isn't an economic model per se?

I already know plenty about jewish connections and AnCap literature has made me anti-democracy