TRUMP NO!!!!!!!

TRUMP NO!!!!!!!

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More negroids die each year in Chimpago than the KKK has killed throughout its entire life.

JIDF pls go

Actual Habbening


>Using any flag that isn't your countries.

>tfw uncle don shifted the funding to RWDS
aw hell yea

Go get shot by Mohammad, faggot.

Also, habbening.

damn, Trump is on fiyah

I wonder how many (((shitposters))) will mysteriously vanish once Trump cuts their funding.

>ever accepted on Sup Forums
I assume you know what to do at this point

He can't really directly fund white supremacy, but he can cripple (((anti-white groups))). (((They))) just got BTFO.

After Trump receives criticism for focusing on Islam, he will launch an assault the homegrown white terrorists known as ANTIFA.

I fucking love my president.

OP used the "X NO!" meme correctly, lurk moar faggot.

Over the last, let's say 15 years, how many deaths can be directly attributed to 'white supremacy,' OP? How many to mudslime "extremists" (actually, they're not 'extremists' as they're merely following in Moooohamad's footsteps of raping, pillaging, and killing infidels.)

dont compare the most perfect human beings to ever exist to that cuck colbert ever again or you will regret it

>JIDF pls go
This is Sup Forums faggot.
This is good news.
Quit being a nigger.

Laughs in Australian

I wish I could be American

Me too Brit bro me too. Unless you're a filthy Muslim then you can die in a fire.

Damn if that is true Trump can be one based motherfucker honestly.

Remove Kebab asap!

No muzzie, but I've got a sick mother who needs me so I can't consider emigrating just now. All I want from life is to move to the midwest, get a cabin and a gun, and make fun of Canadians
