You brought this upon yourselfs

Muslim here, with a message for you Islamophobic people.

The West created this mess.

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad

Other urls found in this thread:

Stale pasta, hire new writers

You mudslimes have waged war on the world since your sick religion started.
You're not wrong we have been fucking you over
we will continue
you wont do shit to stop it
your terror attacks are only helping us strengthen against our weak left bullshit

the more we fuck you, the stronger we get.

look at it this way, atleast you sandniggers where useful to whites. wont be for long though, oils running out.

good bye blackie

We'll also be the ones who douse you in pig grease and set you on fire while dancing and singing.
It's a white mans world, you don't matter. You never did.

your religion is mormon-tier fanfic cancer that deifies a pedophilic slaver and spreads like a virus
get glassed faggot

Fuck off sandnigger.



Same way the africans cuck you now

>The West created this mess.

No it wasn't.

It was Britain, France and America.
Nobody else.

What dis from ?
Search didn't deliver shit

hi van

>All Whitey's Fault

I guess your inferiority complex cammel herders, aren't responcible for anything. You are lucky you have oil... otherwise you are irrelevant savages

Fuck Arabs.

this. the future will be muslim free, just wait.

Bring it nigga

We are not afraid of you bitch ass niggaz

i left a severed pig head at a mosque last night

Typical Dindu mindset.

This horse shit thread again? Fuck off Shill

they cant even come at us. we have drones patrolling their shit countries 24/7 and anything that looks like a militia is bombed even if its actually kids. its worth the risk to keep those niggers down

>It was you who
Dude, we didn't do shit. It was the corrupt, Jew controled governments you have a problem with. We are small in numbers,while the rest of the population is brainwashed to believe the lies of the government. We don't have the power to overthrow the shitty government, if you have a problem with the West , take it on the corrupted Jew controlled governments, not us. Ok?

Jews are not "the west"
It is the jews behind the Greater Israel Project.
Its the jews behind the mass immigration.
They want to destroy all muslims and all christians.

Best of luck with moslemic genes

>It was you... blah, blah, blah...
These things were all necessary. Our real mistake was showing mercy when Islam is incapable of it. The only thing Muslims understand is submission and we should never stop the onslaught until you are given the opportunity to submit as is your fate.

Some of us are still blinded by our empathy and fooled into believing that Islam is a disease that can be treated, the rest of us know better.

Your Taqiyya is becoming exposed more and more everyday and a time will come when you can no longer hide your true intentions. When that day comes, no Muslim anywhere will be safe. We will find you and root you out in whatever shithole you choose to hide in.

You are hanging on by your last defense, our very kindness. Once it is gone, so are you.

>These things were all necessary
lol kys you dumb leaf

americans literally destroyed this world

That's pretty rich coming from a German, I mean the thickest fucking irony I have ever encountered.


>perfect spelling and grammar
You need to put more effort into your roleplays faggot.

Ah yes I remember when yakub created us white devil Americans 6000 years ago.

Wasn't us gov. You should be blaming (((them)))

Religion of peace eh. Who invaded every fucking country in the middle east, europe and north africa less than 100 years after its founding and outright killed anyone who wouldn't submit to its rule? Hint : not the Jews.

It was the fucking Jews.They started slavery.They co-opted calvinists and the dutch aka BOATJEWS to the famous Dutch East India Company.

The destiny of the Jew is either full of hatred for everyone including himself or one of full redemption in the eyes of God.Logos.

If you trurly want to destroy international Jewry it will only happen trough Jews themselves.Ban circumcision worldwide.

Blame the US gov and the CIA

Flint Michigan user here, have a couple of friends that work in the Genesee county jail.
Rumor has it, your muslim friend gets beaten daily. It's doubtful he will live to see trial.

Nobody cares you whiny inbred bitch. Your shitty deserts won't survive climate change. Enjoy the water while you still have it.

If you'd stop fucking your cousins like Mohammed told you, maybe you'd actually have a chance. 3/10 nice try, go fuck yourself. Stop inbreeding amir, raping goats is actually less degenerate you dumb bastard. West is best.


We won't have any problems in the Middle East if the West just fucked off

Mainly Britain and the US

I'm really glad that the US is going to be non-white in the future

If we did all that, what makes you think you can stop us cuck.

Stop inbreeding you degenerate sand nigger lol

I can't help it Amerifat

My cousins are really fucking hot
I just can't resist

Your own leaders shook hands with ours and betrayed you. You're just projecting your rage because Islam is dying and not any better than Christianity.

I could say the same about your leaders as well

>tfw it's kinda true

If we didn't let (((them))) tell us what to do we wouldn't have been infested like this.

Woe is me. The whitey did all these bad things and now I'm going to cry.

Fix your shit and act like civilized people or we'll "fix it" for you. We don't need your oil, or your fucked up religion.

We can trash your country in a heartbeat.

it was you who destroyed all that we ever build
it was you who enslaved my people for half a millenium
I support everything the west ever did to kill any and every middle easterner, glass the fucking desert

Iraq says hi

Not going to bother reading anything you just typed.

Everything is voided by the simple fact that muslims punish apostasy anyway. It's an affront to religious freedom and incompatible with western values.


Stop being a nigger


how does it feel to know that I can sign up for the military, get trained in flying drones, and literally mow down you and your friends from 8000 miles away while sitting in a comfy computer chair?

And it was you who let it all happen to yourself. In the end it is your own incompetency that is to blame. If you wasted less time on worshipping a fake god and fake prophete, you might have made some progress in your livelyhoods.


Only to burn in hel for eons. Google Naraka.

Enjoy those manmade stories that enslave your mind.

Nice pasta, can u add more salt and pepper?

when i first saw the responses i thought: look at these little cunts defending the bullshit their governments have done in the past. then i understood they were fucking with you more than anything

Praise Dio Brando! The Sand shall cleanse this world of the filth.

No one gives a shit about you, go die in the desert faggot


And what do you suppose the truth is? Aheism is the fastest dying religion in the world. 9/11 lifted the veil.

youre right Aheism is dying fast because it doesnt exist

Bunp, Islam the greatest

I dont remember doing all that.

Oh wait, it wasnt me, it was "my leaders"


Sand niggers dindu nuffin

Assuming you mean atheism. Its more because it is in its infant state as an accepted way of thinking that isnt even a century old.


All fucking sand niggers must fucking hang...

And as a result you devolve in an inferior sub-human species. The first signs of inbreed is reduced brain functionality AKA IQ afterall.

They will, even if it's unwillingly.
They will outbreed you, and when hard times hit you, they'll be prepared as they lived ubder shit circumstances their whole lives.

>Islam is dying
>most popular religion to convert to these years

Hmm sure makes you think

No, arseholes with too much power and shitty agendas created this mess, as well as your toxic religion. The two mixed perfectly to create this abomination of people of various races with shitty, toxic and self-destructive ideologies.
What do these "Jihadi's" do rather than, y'know, not be toxic as fuck and actually try and make a difference the proper way (by fixing their fucking stupid religion, and actually having a good dialogue with people)? They kill innocent cunts who are going about their daily lives not bothering anyone.

These Muslim jihadi's brought this shit on themselves. We didn't do fuck all.

Now kys faggot, and Seig Heil!

Get fucked sand nigger you're all lucky we don't just nuke your shitty countries


Oh bitch bitch bitch. Get over it already.

You forgot it will be us who will genocide millions of muslims in the coming racewar for Europa

The jewish guilt trip is wearing off achmet, be very careful with your anti-white propaganda, because it'll backfire horrifically pretty soon

Also insta-saged because mudslime



I find it baffling no one talks about the issue OP broached, not in the muslims dindu nuffin crowd but it seems people are ignoring the elephant in the room, that radical islam was supported by west to counter soviet-left backed secularism.

I doubt people ITT are stupid, we just like to ignore this fact, it feels better to just talk shit on mudslimes than to accept the fallings of foreign policy. The support KSA recieved should be enough to be ashamed for centuries.

>reddit spacing
>shitty pasta

Just get your shit together and stop crying about the mean US empire.

1. The Ottoman empire fought whit us in world war one and got destroyed because you were useless shitheads, we had since then one more world war that we lost also and got a real split.

2. Go fuck yourself also for this bullshit, we had 25 Years before 2 official Puppet Governments and are now in charge of the EU and as the NSA shows we are also on the watch list.

3. Fair Point, without western technology you would just sit there in your holly dessert whit nothing but sand.

4. Accept the Jewish Overlord and or you got bombed the shit out, simple as that. By the way he is not so bad to the Palestine, they give you little hits on the fingers if you shot rockets at them, if they would exterminate them they would be gone.

5. Sure it is our fault if your so stupid to kill each other.

6. Also a fair Point, we sold never given any arms i that region but someone needed to fight communism.

7. Yeah CIA deep State shit goes on everywhere, just don´t fuck whit the Petrodollar or you will have soon big Problems.

8. No we just gave arms to them and showed them how to fight a war, not a smart thing to do but the useful idiots where there.

9. We don´t killed any we let them die and that it was happens we you get some maniac on the top of the government who starts gasing people. As we did this in the god old days they bombed civil apartments to break our will to fight so stop crying how we kill people if we suppress your trade whit us.

10. Yeah we sold have just taken the oil and give no fuck in the begin and don´t trade whit your local governments and better pay the locals direct. But the corruption of your government is in the end your problem.

11. Yeah here you would go to jail if you would such stupid shit about the holocaust that it was self defense to kill civilians, don´t wonder why you get the treatment of a barbarian if you want act that way.

All true

I didn't do anything. You mean the politicians. Go bomb yourself against those Ahmed instead of Innocents who never had any say.

but fucking your cousins is hot user

>radical islam
The US and Russia were in the middle of the cold war, The US trained and armed the Mujahideen to fight Russia by proxy. If Russia had succeeded in occupying Afghanistan, it would have given them control of the opium trade and land access to Iran. This was a larger risk as a result of the heightened tensions following the Iranian revolution of 1979.

The Radical Islam you speak of was a part of Afghanistan culture going back to 1920's. The US may have empowered it but it didn't create it.

Are you implying you would have conceded Afghanistan to USSR if you were the US ?

Lol, muzzies. What a gullible and retarded folk.

WE also invented this:

You feel it? Ain't nothing your Allallallah can do. You people are a tool. Your time is over. Peace.

whats with the spacing paki
is it supposed to make your pasta more dramatic?

It was mostly the jews

K, take it out on the leaders and those responsible. Not everyday people.

12. As far as i know Afghan history it is only not at civil war when some else has a war there. So be happy that we are there to stop the Taliban from doing the worst shit open like in the IS.

13. Saddam was free kill for everyone who wanted to because he fucked whit his neighbors and also gassed people, they had time to do something about it and whit 9/11 the US got a opportunity to explain this to the people.

14. They had taken actions to attack the Petrodollar, not that i would say the US has a right to do shit like this but they will if you don´t play by the rules of the empire.

15. Just for them someone who fights for the Petrodollar.

16. No that was the teaching of Islam and dictators we fucked whit.

Just don´t tell me it is our fault if you have such shit governments that we can´t deal whit you, we have ours not under control to but the have enough fear of us to don´t fuck whit us since we beheaded the French King, just kill all the fuckers that say kill the infidels and than you are looking for yourself who is next, it´s that easy.

wtf i love islam now.

I guess Charles Martel should've stopped being an Islamophobe.