Reminder to think long and hard about what you post here, britbongs. Big brother is watching

Reminder to think long and hard about what you post here, britbongs. Big brother is watching.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw when you have more freedom then most Westerners
feels good

Anglos should be gassed for the good of civilization.

THIS, just fucking gas them together with jews, they actually look alike with their hooked up noses


Do you guys need us to post stuff for you? Don't risk going to the gulag comrad.

Somebody just nuke England and get it over with.

Ah shit it has begun.

It'd be nice if they'd post some guidelines, or is it literally if somebody takes offence?

I don't know what I can say anymore.

Also if somebody posts something and I read and don't report it will I get fined or is that just the next step?

Living is this shithole is even more free than america as long as none knows or you have the money to pay the police.

Day of the Tea Cup when?

Holy cuck, i thought that only in Russia you can get in prison for posting in social networks.

Feel like posting racist and offensive comments just to fuck with them. God I Love Freedom of Speech!!

Muslims can all go fuck right off. Or we will make them fuck off with violence.

Arrest me fags.
Oh wait. I'm behind a bill of rights, get fucked.


Nah m8. The west is dead. The sleeper cells you cunts left in the west when you were the soviets destroyed us.

You guys won the cold war. How does it feel?

what the fuck every happened to this saying
>stick and stone may break my bones but names will never hurt me

Some assholes decided that everyone needs to get a medal for participation of else feelings will get hurt. And apparently feelings are more important than anything else.

Jokes aside, this post is horrifying on so many levels. In what world is it OK for the police to post what are essentially veiled threats to the citizenry?!

Especially as it doesn't even clarify what you can and cannot say.

Just fuckin' nuke us lads

When I've tried posting here through TOR it's not allowed. Why not? It's basically just a matter of time before I'm arrested for saying what I, and a great many other people, actually think about immigration, islam and jews. There is no free speech. When I comment on the Guardian website articles ("comment is free") even mildly criticising immigration it is immediately deleted.

Russia is much more free country than "west".
Its kinda funny to watch eu and usa become parodies of ussr, with their own marxism-leninism and gulags.

Yeah, your spies did fucking amazing work didn't they? It took half a century to pop off but their scheme to subvert the west is finally coming to fruition.