Why are they turning on the bitch?

Why is CNN suddenly taking shots at Pelosi? It seems like the past week has been especially brutal with several segments on different shows taking time to skullfuck her

Not complaining since she's a gun grabbing cunt and worst thing to happen to Cuckafornia but where is this coming from?

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I'll guess they're through with triage and are now amputating to try and save the body.

because there is no right vs left only who's bribing you the most at the moment

she's against trump's health care bill and the international corporations that will benefit from it are giving CNN money to say shes crazy

Because they are losing and they think that a change in line up will do something. But the truth is pelosi is the best thing the democrats have. The damage would be a lot worse without her

because shes so effective n great fun raiser. and a gladiator.

she thrives for the arena.

shows up drunk and pilled more than leading I suppose.

They spent 20 million dollars on a election for a nothing position and still lost

>Why are they turning on the bitch?
The plan is to replace her with a young black man.

>but where is this coming from?
she put her ideals like obamacare, wallstreet bailout before the party and got lobbiest and corporate jobs for those democrats who scarificed themselves losing seats and voter share to follow her vision.
Now there is no majority to squander and she's still widley hated along with the dismantling of all she built, shes a libailty to the democrats and will step down.


It's crazy to me how much more informed Brits are about America. Most Americans don't understand this, and fall for the left vs right meme. You're absolutely right, m8. The corporations run this show.

My theory is the bad press Pelosi has gotten this week is a Clinton directed attack. Pelosi must have signaledd to the Senate that she agrees the Lynch "matter" has to be looked into. I think shes let them know she wont get in the way from her position in the House of any investigation coming from the Senate. The hit jobs are her punishment for not holding the line against the vast right wing conspiracy trying to apply equal application of the law to the Clintons.

not even dems like her
ppl have wanted Pelosi gone since 2012 and she's hung around anyways
now that dems have failed at every election and only have remnant power through the (((judiciary))) and (((bureaucracies)))

She's an establishment Democrat, arguably THE most establishment Democrat still in office.

OP, come on. Be more red pulled than this. The divide is no longer left vs. right. It's establishment vs. populism. Left and right are now mostly fighting over who gets to replace the neoliberal status quo.

That and she has a shit record as a leader and "muh gender" isn't gonna cut it anymore.

i want to see a twitter campaign announcing she is only retaining her position because of white privilege, but i'm too fucking lazy to do it. it would be nice though, to call her out on that. she should step down and let a poc take over.

On another note, the democrats were done after 9/11. They chose to tank the country rather than admit defeat, but they still on postponed their demise. Sad to see how badly we are fucked because we have been suffering their death throes for about 16 years now.

Because shit is about to go down that proves bernie won the dem primary. Dem party about to split and go hard left.

Wrong. There is right vs. wrong. Politicians aren't people, so whatever they are saying has no bearing on false dichotomies.

No need for women in power anymore. It's the white man's world again.

They are attempting to get some seats in 2018 and can't do it with Pelosi at the helm. So CNN, being a literal arm of the Democrats is now running negative news stories on her. They could just investigate her corrupt financing but I guess they don't want to go about having her put in jail, she is a democrat after all.

Dude it's the whole world that understand it. Americans are just dumb


Any chance we could "help" the Left by memeing to replace her with a stronk empowered Black womyn?
Having Niggers running the Democrat party will sink them even faster.

Because she said that Dems should calm down and stop the 24/7 autistic screeching over Donald Trump.

And (((CNN))) can't have anyone going against their narrative

Not that I necessarily think she's "best thing" the congressional dems have, but this latest failing isn't Pelosi's fault, it's the DNC's fault, so it makes no sense to knock at her unless someone's trying to shift blame. Also, opportunism. I'm sure quite a few are gunning for her spot in the pecking order, and this seems like a good time to make a push for it.

More please?

This is an excellent idea. We absolutely need to have niggers running the Democrat party. Kek wills it.

Holy shit, with that type of rhetoric she stands to salvage the wreckage, fire up the twitter and get this bitch out before she makes dems seem reasonable
This is a good idea, we should push Maxine waters up not down, her stupidity stands only to aid republicans and keeping her dumbass as a figure head would garauntee Republican victories until her last haggard breath.

I'll never forget the great betrayal, but goddamn, what Trump did by showing explicit support for Pelosi to stay in power (which was effectively him throwing her to the dogs) was a genius move

because she's a cannibal

I'm very curious too as to what she has done

She sucks and is senile but the only reason the left turns on a member is when they have strayed from the dogmatic pack in some way

Isn't America a democracy?

I remember Nancy Pelosi since when I was a kid in the George W. Bush days

How come she's still around? In democracies people aren't supposed to stay in power forever.

This is very similar to EU bureaucrats, people like Juncker and Guy Verhofstadt. They've been around for far longer than any democracy should allow.

Pelosi is Russia now.

>Foreigners who get all their information from the BBC have a better understanding of the US then the actual citizens

The democratic establishment wants her out, since she seems ineffective at leading the party to electoral wins (see georgia special election).

Majority of funding for Ossof came from her district. It was enough to have funded at least five midterm elections and the donor class is pissed the fuck off.

Also, ive heard Pelosi loves anal and puts out in routine gangbangs. Pretty hot senpai

Because Trump said they shouldn't

>How come she's still around? In democracies people aren't supposed to stay in power forever
1. Democracy doesn't exsist, it's either a plutocracy or an airistocracy of favoritism
2. We have no term limits on members of congress, that's how we end up with people like pelosi, Feinstein, McCain, Graham, and Reid who have allserved 30+ years

lol if they didn't kick her ass to the curb after 2016, she'll be in charge until she dies

>Believing that "foreigners" can only get the news from the BBC and not the internet
Wewwwww, lad!

Trump is breaking their grip and the roaches are running for cover.

nice quads

>believing news from the internet
Nigga, we've known for a very long time that the republicans and democrats in this country are on the same side, you underestimate Americans

Also this.
If its one thing we learned is when CNN is bitching about you, Hillary told them to do it.

Clinton News Network is real, an they are more mad then ever.

>Oh no, don't force Pelosi out! That would be bad for Republicans
Kek, this is the Trump I love

The upper most leaders of the illuminati see they are being exposed so they are sacrificing the lower members so they can retain power

Excellent Idea!

>believing news from the internet
This nigger thinks the internet is owned by one organization who controls the narrative.
Fucking retard.
Do you still have dial up modem and AOL? Kill yourself.

Make it happen!

The crypt keeper is the new Russia! A distraction so you won't see thier incompetence.

I can't stand her and the NY Senetor too. But I hope they keep them both in power because, you don't interupt your enemy when they are fucking up.


And this:

It's a culmination of a lot of things, but the Dems getting stomped in the GA special election was the last straw. They need a patsy for their failures and she's it. They'd rather force out one of their staunchest believers than admit that the entire party is seriously flawed. The cognitive dissonace won't allow them to realize that maybe, just maybe most of mainstream America thinks they are cunts. As for what that other guy implied, I doubt it has anything to do with Lynch. Pelosi has buried a lot of bodies, and they have enough shit on her to bury her alive. No way she turns on them, even after they push her out. She'll no doubt land some cushy gig where she's a "paid consultant" for some party boss, her reward for keeping her mouth shut and resigning when they tell her to.

And this...

Pelosi is helping the RNC. Fuck CNN. We need to support Pelosi.