His country's minimal wage isnt at least 3 euro

>his country's minimal wage isnt at least 3 euro

>his country has a minimum wage

Fucking communists.

What's this about?

wtf eesti is -$3.10?

>paying taxes over your work
retards, always work undeclared.
taxation is theft

>his minimum wage is not 0.00

This tbqh

Dude, yours isn't 3€, either.


Italy doesn't have a minimum wage? Thought the EU would mandate something like that, especially since their also in the Eurozone.

>be full time worker

Why are you so uncivilized?

The fuck Estonia?! Negative minimum wage?!

Yes. Your employer might make you pay to them to work.

>Work full time job
>Recive "nothing"
>Obviously paid in black
>Nothing is taken in taxes

I don't know if this is as common in Italy but it does sure happen a lot in Spain

0 is the best minimum wage.

that's an island

it is

No we don't.

However we have something different: collective national work agreements.
Basically, when you are hiring someone as an employee, you must choose between a set of pre-made general contracts (e.g: metalworker (the most common), commerce, bank and finance, apprentice, etc...).
These regulate overall rules and hours for the category (e.g: holidays, leaves, maximum hours, sicknesses) and then there are 'levels' (how many depends on the class of contract) which estabilish how much you must be paid AT LEAST.

So, long story short, your individual contract can never be worse than the reference National one, or it is void in those areas.

In practice we do have a kind of minimum wage. It is just very overcomplicated and clunky, although it used to protect workers from the worst abuse.

>shows min. wage in USD

No, you can't here. Either you are fully paid in black, but in that case you also have no contract, so it's just illegal workers, or you must choose between one type of contract.

The worst case is if the enterprise doesn't want to hire you, so they ask you to become a fake freelance consultant (partita iva), and they pay you that way. In that case you have no protection at all

In many jobs there are different "ways".
The most organized are the communists that have really sophisticated way to evade taxes.
You are paid a tot, a part is in black, another is barter (you don't get payed but you recive free "services").

it's because dumb burgers don't understand anything other than $. The rest of us know how to convert.

Except for OP it seems

>Being this much of a retarded fag commie

Correct. It was a mistake to introduce the minimum wage 2 years ago but it had a very wide support among the people.


Minimum wage isn't necessary for developed economies, we unfortunately need it to start it up. It's better to manipulate it with wages of state employees. Slovakia is doing it right, VW employees are currently protesting to get paid the same as their German workers on same posttions.

You can very well hire someone outside of any CCNL, it's just very inconvenient.
So much so that pretty much nobody does it.

But you could.

I better start learning French.

Estonian work ethics is so strong that they pay their employers, not the other way round.

Lol @ inverse correlation between minimum wage laws and standard of living.

The wealthiest countries have all 0 minimum wage. Eat your heart out commies.

That's brilliant. Need to start pushing feminisim with muslim women and force them to lose their boankets.

Minimal wage shouldnt exist and it does not matter. Its a cancer on economies.
Also wages should be tax free.

>not having predatory socialist unions ruining buisness
are you faggots even trying

this guy is right

Apparently, neither is yours.

>naked war
>still wear panties.
Step up your game sloots, let's see that big French muff.

that must be like WAY before tax. for shit-end jobs, I mean.

t. gf is pool lifeguard.
>I'm looking at normal tier industrial jobs
>most are 8-10/hr.
>fuck I wish I knew how to weld TIG.

>being this much of a cuck to big business
go work yourself to death, nigger

I intend to

Enjoy your meaningless life, useless commie nigger.

are you drunk?

Just don't agree to their offers then. It's still within the free market.