

No Refund's!!!!


Wait until they are investigated for being Communist agitators for Cuba.

He sabotaged the audit of the Fed in 2010

Bernie is a fucking communist Jew pretending to care about the useful idiot goyim masses and that's not just name calling or exaggeration

Combine threads

Let's remind everyone why Bernout Panders and Obama are enemies of the free people of America

I guess I'm still surprised about the prosecution of criminality. Maybe Jews aren't above the law anymore.

All Bernout Panders truth memes need to highlight that he defended the biggest bank in the world in 2010: The Fed



Someone else bought a house after scamming gullible goyim.

all animals are equal
some animals are more equal than others

Seems like an open and shut case of loan fraud.
In Sydney we have Arabs and bikies do this kind of fraud all the time. You make misreprenstations on the value of anproperty/asset/business, obtain an excessive bank loan based upon that misrepresntation, then move the loan money to 3rd parties and sink the corporate structure the loan was made to.


>2 Jewish SOCIALISTS get rich pandering to millenials
>The current year

All memery aside his wife bankrupted a college where she was President. Also a bunch of Redditors violated the law by donating above the legal limit to Bernie in a series of small donations. There is a lot of financial chicanery going on there.

People are brainwashed lemmings.

SWAT team kicking down liberal doors when?

Were people so blinded by the promise of free gibs that they couldn't see what a crook he was? A very minimal amount of research would have proven this. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I know that Crypt Keeper will try to run again if he's still kicking. Maybe this will snuff out any chances.

So, pretty much everyone from commies (Sanders) to liberals (Hillary) and right-wing (Trump) is under FBI investigations for various shit. Entire USA political establishment is rotten to the core, there's nobody untainted left.

In the future Democrats will only run candidates under FBI investigation.

is this the happening that WH user was referring to?

Trump is not under investigation, and never has been.

They're not "blown the fuck out" yet, retard. Stop getting people excited over nothing.

Wake me up when ANYONE goes to jail

Quite possibly, but also Lynch and Podesta are in hot water, as is Comey. How funny would it be if all of this "Trump Putin RUSSIA IMPEEECH" noise our media keeps churning drowns out the "happenings" until it's too fucking late for our media to do damage control?

This and the Loretta Lynch probe. If the Democratic Party was prosecuted for the many ordinary crimes they commit it would be another shoah.

Maybe (((they))) will throw them under the bus to save a bigger fish. Otherwise don't expect something to happen.

Trump isn't, and never was under investigation by the feds. Your whole world view is based on #FakeNews.

Stein, if she doesn't spend all of her money like a buffoon, now has the funds necessary to run an effective 2020 Presidential campaign. She could now afford to be on the ballot of all 50 states like Gary Johnson; but this is dependent upon her not spending it all like a buffoon or a globalist.


Proper fundraising goes hand in hand with developing a political network so she really shouldn't just hoard cash for 3 years. She could certainly run a better campaign in that time, but she would be dependent on the Bernie wing of the Democrats defecting.

Sanders turned out to be such a massive fucking disappointment. Yeah some of his ideas were cucked but he seemed to have a sincere love for the country. Now he's just a spineless cuck shill like everyone else. Sad.

He's being investigated by special investigator and senate.

The Senate can investigate a ham sandwich if they want. Their investigations are based on social pressure, not evidence.

The election was always about law and order. This is why the establishment is so desperate, when based Sessions starts turning over rocks there will be a lot of careers ended and time spent in prison. This is why the establishment has gone mad since election day, they are facing prison and total humiliation.

thag image triggers me, rei wasn't the incarnation of evil

I don't support the Greens, but knowing that she and her political party pose a threat in stealing votes, I'm openly accepting of this. More victory for the GOP.

Sessions was the best Trump appointment.

If the GOP moves to be a more Nationalist party then that's good. If the GOP remains Neocon/Pro-Israel then it's better just to have Democrats crash the whole system with their incompetence.

C'mon bros MATCH ME and let's help pay for Bernie's retainer fee! He needs us more than ever now in Trump's America!

But the two topics are unrelated

You guys and your "shill and slide threads" are the worst part of this board. Maybe sometimes we want to talk about other things. If we want to talk about the "real story they're trying to hide" we'll go to one of the 4 or 5 threads that have 200+ replys in it.


>> you cant be rich. Only me!!!

Ps warchan.org coming soon

Reddit should be strung up too. They pandered hundreds of millions out of a bunch of delusional retards through their site.

I tried to warn the stupid kids, but a fool and his money I guess.

Help pay Bernie's bail reddit.

She was the reincarnation of S H I T

Reddit is really big on censorship at the low level even to the point of preventing due dilligence. If you ever want to see that look on ceddit.com to see Reddit uncensored.

Does this have anything to do with the WH user posts?

The democrats are trying to sabotage him.

Ironically he is their only hope for not getting slaughtered in 2018

More pathetic alt-right fake news

Go watch some more Alex Jones you fat retards


>Bernie Sanders is being investigated by the FBI. Here's how he can still win.

t. huffpo

It's hilarious how these retards give away their money and then complain about their debts and low salaries.

>the head shot

Could be.


Are you serious.

That's why they wanted Bernie so bad. They wanted someone else to pay for everything for them for the rest of their lives.

Commies are fucking idiots that have no idea how to look after themselves.

Bank fraud is committed all the time and it's a serious federal offense. 30 years and a $1 million fine.

I was bluepilled once so I have seen the Wire. That's one of the better ideas they introduced.

In a round about way....the noose is closing on the DNC so they want to throw him under the bus to provide cover for the bigger fish


Checks out.

>The Wire
>Blue Pilled

Do you even Death of the Author, bro?

Brockpuppets with Boinie stickahs on suicide watch.

I watched the Wire because I was a bluepilled cuck. Now I can realize that it displayed the true nature of Blacks. A lot of leftist writing is funny to read because they will describe an issue a redpilled person knows while pretending it doesn't exist.

>make straw-man purchases a federal crime
Fucking hell, these unapologetically spurious bastards...

Which one of you did this?

The Wire is still one of the best shows ever made. You just have to read your own conclusions from it.

Like when you watch the fourth season, David Simon wants us to conclude that we should pay more taxes to help the poor black kids because their schools are bad because they don't have money.

Instead I just saw the reality of black schools, that black kids are just raised wrong and no amount of money will solve that.

Lol they tried to sue the DNC didn't realize their crooked party was also crooked.

Straw purchases are already illegal. The issue is it's sort of a grey area. I can buy a gun with the intent of giving it to someone. I cannot just act as a proxy buyer. The stereotypical straw purchaser walks in with his girlfriend, checks out the gun himself, and then she buys it. That's why gun sellers are allowed to run a background check on the people accompanying the purchaser they also discriminate against any gun purchaser.

ehhhh it was more of a redditors fantasy version of blacks, noble chess playing philosophers that dindu nuffin

The Shield did a far better portrayal of the modern American pavement ape, dancing while getting arrested and screaming spook street is the pinnacle of black tv.

Blacks are raised wrong, but even when they're raised right they don't do well. That's because Blacks just aren't that smart on average.


I'll agree with the noble savage interpretation of The Wire. As for the dindu nuffin narrative nearly every character was an unapologetic criminal, often murderers. So really they were displayed like Mexicans, violent with a plan.


Lol I remember during his campaign a negro asked something pretty redpilled if I'm remembering correctly about jews. I think it was about Zionism or the federal reserve and he avoided/ deflected pretty hard


>This kike bastard is making millions off stupid leftists, and basically, you're a dumb goy!

>recyclefag is an asucuck

Is it actually real though? The Trump timeline is simply the best thing in American history. It will make my day when arrests and perp walks happen.