Your honest opinion on this guy

Most of ya'll know him.
Stefan Molyneux.

Other urls found in this thread:

I wish he was still an anarchist philosopher.

Now he's just above average news coverage.

he redpills the stupid but after that move forward from him

Dumb cunt that dosent know how to have a reasonable discussion.

You try having redpilled discussions with normies all day long and see how patient you are.

Can you explain how?


I like him

Basically a complete wanker. His bullshit stance on corporal punishment for children had been debunked years ago by the Dunedin study. I'm sick of his weepy eyes on every fucking you tube thumbnail and his not an argument shit

I think he's making fun of the Young Turks

Same, I miss old Stef but what he's doing now is much more important.


>meme libertarian youtuber who supports Trump


Mandatory Molyneaux viewing:

not an argument!

Well known cult leader with mommy issues

Tenets of a viable 21st century conservatism

1. The fundamental assumptions of Western civilization are valid.

2. Peaceful social being is preferable to isolation and to war. In consequence, it justly and rightly demands some sacrifice of individual impulse and idiosyncrasy.

3. Hierarchies of competence are desirable and should be promoted.

4. Borders are reasonable. Likewise, limits on immigration are reasonable. Furthermore, it should not be assumed that citizens of societies that have not evolved functional individual-rights predicated polities will hold values in keeping with such polities.
5. People should be paid so that they are able and willing to perform socially useful and desirable duties.

6. Citizens have the inalienable right to benefit from the result of their own honest labor.

7. It is more noble to teach young people about responsibilities than about rights.

8. It is better to do what everyone has always done, unless you have some extraordinarily valid reason to do otherwise.

9. Radical change should be viewed with suspicion, particularly in a time of radical change.

10. The government, local and distal, should leave people to their own devices as much as possible.

11. Intact heterosexual two-parent families constitute the necessary bedrock for a stable polity.

12. We should judge our political system in comparison to other actual political systems and not to hypothetical utopias.

Isn't he that guy from Just Shoot Me (on left)?

He's just here to make a quick buck. Also he has jewish heritage and believes joos dindu nuffin


His videos are too damn long for the amount of information he dispenses.
It would really benefit him to write scripts instead of just turning on the camera and speaking his mind.

Literally a god walking the Earth. I watch his videos every day and donate monthly. I would be nothing without him.


Can any biz anons explain whether or not he's a good entrepreneur? He made software during the .com bubble and sold his company (making a lot I'm sure).

He told a guy making 84k a year with his own company doing videography that he was a shitty entrepreneur. He deduced this from calculating his hourly rate and saying he could make more at a corporation and work less.

Seems fishy to me. Id kill to have my own business making 80k a year even if I work 65 hours a week.

I liked him until he had a fit about putting holes in an airfield. He lost every bit of his credibility with his tear soaked propaganda.

He's full of himself. Middle aged man who is all about the money that aside. Nothing worthwhile about him.

>That episode about an expat in Cambodia DATING a hooker who keeps turning tricks
>he bought her a cow
>that Woody Allen accent
>Stef's reactions

Will never be topped.

I thoroughly enjoy his videos. He offers great life-lessons and real insight into history. Glad he isn't a faggot anarchist anymore.

He's done a lot of good. The IQ and r/K videos are brilliant. I wish him the very best

>ONLY $2 DOLLARS??!!?!


It's weird that Ann Coulter is red pilled on Trump but Stef is blue pilled.

I hate that he keeps lying about features in video games he's involved in.

What does Sup Forums think of Based Bill Whittle? Is he red pilled?

Shill. Serves to weave the opposition into the newest gobalist sham. Rich Jew pretending not to be. Luciferian as in teaching to Defoo instead of ancestral healing.

I haven't seen videos of him since 6 months ago. Has he changed?

Another fucking intellectually lazy YouTube " "star" " that:

>suffers from general unwarranted self importance
>thinks their shitty videos are "important works"
>reminds everyone about these"important works" being a full time job
>creates "important works" by being reactionary to some other YouTube dickhead's "important works"
>can't articulate or carry an argument in real time instead using the review, pause, comment cliched approach to contrarian videography that passes for "important works" with hundreds of thousands of moronic subscribers
>inevitably has run out of ideas but desperately needs the clicks and so makes "important works" on current affairs
>not actually qualified to analyze current affairs but amateurism is easily forgiven if you're making "important works"
>Intellectually dishonest

Y'all need to Ad Block and stop subbing to these fucking idiots. Watch their stuff but don't pay them for it.

Molymeme fans - this isn't an attack on Stefan particularly - he's actually more bearable than most of these twenty something fuck-ups "telling it like it is" (but isn't) since he has some life experience.

But pretty much every account someone from Sup Forums says go watch is subject to the above. Every. fucking. one.

great political commentator,
definitely not a guy that's a philosopher in folio because he only likes certain fields in it like anything logic, economy and purely political, family and ethics related. he sucks with questions about metaphysics and puts on a fedora when you want to discuss the more religious, esoterical and paranormal stuff with him. at least he shows more support of christianity these days which is good.

I never watched any of his vids

Interesting at times, although sometimes he jumps on the wrong bandwagon and comes off a fool. Needs to filter his shit better.

Bretty good.
Check out this recent philosophical video by him


>hurr durr, appealing to emotion is a fallacy
>makes a video singing 'london bridge is falling down'

There is something werid about him.


He is from Canada

>But pretty much every account someone from Sup Forums says go watch is subject to the above. Every. fucking. one.

Styx is a classic "obrazovanshina" - a geek that thinks his extended knowledge of Star Trek lore and other utterly irrelevant bullshit like Satanism makes him competent to offer any kind of commentary on anything.

His "insights" are so fucking pedestrian it boggles my mind how can anyone consider him a worthy source of opinion and food for thought.

people can't refute his arguments, so they just result to ad homimens.

watching sub 80 iq retard attack him is like watching a monkey play chess - this is from someone who was training in formal logic, boolean and mathematical logic and philosophy and critical thinking.

my one criticism of him would be that he sold out to the T_D crowd for shekels

2008 molyneux

2016 molyneux: "GO TRUMP!!!!"


yeah, sad state of things, there are actually people who haven't been thought any critical thinking, and actually think that this is some sort of a pwnage or something.

very sad.

but oh well, just watch the world burn, I guess, governments taking over education is when liberty was lost

Attention whore. Hes only after the jewtube bux

Based Molynuke

I would appreciate it if you all stopped mocking Stefan Molyneux. He is a philosophical mustang, a political cavalier, and a cunning commentator.

It is vital to the integrity of this board that false representatives of the modern right wing are vilified and that true representatives, such as Stefan Molyneux, are defied.

Finally, I encourage all people who listen to Stefan Molyneux and/or the FDR podcast to donate to the podcast. This allows Stefan and FDR to pay for administration costs and help them to deliver greater content to you, the listener.

This needs a 5th step: Objectivist
A realization that step 4 has the will and pride of achievement down but arrives at it through pseudo-romanticism, relative reason, and emotion opposed to what it should be; objective reason.
This prose that the constitution was incomplete and flawed; is right. But the ONLY thing that the founding fathers were missing was a rejection of the primordial evil that is Altruism.
Ironically enough for the left the person that completed the advent of the American constitution (by hetero, white, cis, men reeee) was indeed a woman; just not one of their women.
Fucking based.
Finally what the fuck is NatSoc doing in traditionalism? And fascism is collectivist and is nothing close to the radical right.

Personally I would restructure this list like so:
1. Classical Liberal (Generic Conservative)
2. Generic Libertarian
3. Paleoconservative
4. Traditionalist
5. The Radical Right
6. Objectivist (Nationalism, Capitalism, Meritocracy, Individualism, and Libertarian all rolled into one)

Traditionalism is too determinist and socially mystic.

I like him but you jut put the criticism that has been lying in the back of my mind into words.

>(((Ayn Rand)))

Stop shilling for you shitty podcast Stefan, no one will donate to you. Stop it Molyjew.

Of course some NatSoc (read unwitting leftist) dipshit would say that.
Listen numbnuts: ALL of the parasites she describes in her novels are exactly what are defined in this board as the meddling, commie, collectivist Jew. She was one of the few based Jews.

Every day I get this deeper an deeper paranoia that all the NatSoc proponents in this board are Soros-tier counter narrative cyrpto shills. Your arguments fucking suck and you are economically retarded.
There are two types of National Socialists: edgy teenagers that have no idea what actually fucking constitutes the right and are just in it for the maymays, or the aforementioned crypto shill.

>r/K videos
I prefer Bill Whittle's r/K stuff myself

Someone please overlay a graph of African population growth over that IQ graph.

He's bretty gud