/RWO/ - Right Wing Organization

>>What is right wing organization general for?
Here we will turn our ideologies into reality. We will organize groups and rallies locally to make our movement tangible. It's time to gather & inspire all people right of center to unite and act locally!

This is NOT here for debate. Libertarian, NatSoc, Republican, etc debate can happen somewhere else. Here we must all unite & fight against the plagues that we ALL agree destroy the West (globalization, feminism, nihilism, etc) What we need is a large, like-minded group like Sup Forums to be able to easily organize into smaller, localized groups in little time. That is our advantage to the left. We have the people, but no physical community.

>>How to get involved?
Find people locally. This is a good thread to do so. Your heaviest burden would be to meet with people in threads and connect. Make these connections and keep advertising online for more members. Eventually your local group will gain momentum, and many hands carry a light burden.

1. jacobitemag.com/2017/06/14/political-violence-is-a-game-the-right-cant-win/

The url sounds blackpilled but it's basically making the case for right-wingers to use the same organizational strategies as lefties because, spoiler alert, they work and are part of the reason the left has been so influential for the last 60 years.

Leave all the pepe-kek-shadilay shit in the internet. When you do politics in real life you manifest your political ideology in the material world. Using memes and jokes makes your political goals seem like memes and jokes. Everyone is tired of seeing the Right look like a bunch of disorganized retards. Come correct or die.

This discord is for discussing and planning with local people in a long-term matter. Simply go to your country/state/province channel (or request one), and meet each other.
>> gg /q7vVFwD

Other urls found in this thread:


The first thread made yesterday Some decent ideas discussed
Have a look


I like this idea. Have a bump

Some ideas we talked about:

The Right is accused of being racist, sexist, homophobic, killers against heath care. We are political boogeymen in the eyes of the media. The Right also doesn't do much work within local communities, admit it. The left has us beat on PR in the street. Other than conservative Christian church organizations, Right Wingers don't have many good deeds under their belts. This is where we change that. One of the first things we have to do is organize local community events, i.e. Clean up the park, clothing donations to homeless, conservative community cookouts, etc. That way, when we are faced with criticism, we can defend ourselves by showing our good works, making the media attackers look like assholes, and it buys us sympathy points. Leftist organizations, when doing street works, use the opportunity to pass out simple leftist leaflets and talk about socialism/communism. This is our chance to talk about and pass out right wing literature. Simple points we all agree on. Subtle red pills. Remember, we are here to attract centrists, moderate conservatives, and non-political people to our side.


Leave MAGA, Pepe, Kekistan, and all other memes at home. Shit post on the chans in the comfort of your own home, but when you go out in IRL (Yes, we need everyone to be a foot soldier in this) try to look and act like a model citizen. Think and act like you're going to a job interview. Be clear and concise in speaking. Stay calm in the face of danger and insult. Look presentable. Act with honor. Always have moral high ground. This way we are taken seriously and we can attract more professional to our movement, and potentially attract donors for furthering our good works and goals.


The left is already organizing training events to get people to run for local government offices. Even small things like school board positions. They plan on taking over on all sides, so we must be there to challenge and counter it. Within the next 10-20 years a lot of the old guard Republicans (local, statewide, and nationally) are going to retire and die. WHO WILL TAKE THEIR PLACE? It's time for us to step up and study how to get in locally. Some people say local politics don't matter, but I digress. Your local liberal mom is gonna run to be on the school board and then press for kids trans bathrooms. Your neighbor democrat judge is gonna get in and push for local gun control laws. Your lefty neighborhood council man will vote for more section 8 projects. This is how our society has been taken over by liberal policies the last 40 years. Now it's time to reverse that trend. We are the only people who can turn the tides.

"keep the thread in orbit"

bump it
do it now

you are right, and we can't become them, I am sick of moderates and neocons who can't fight


The first step is to change yourself into something better. You must be able to look yourself in the mirror and be proud of what you see. This will not only make you stronger and more capable, but will also serve as a tool for teaching and attracting. Look at AntiFa, they look dirty, have a disgusting personality and are not the kind of person you would want your children to grow up as. Instead, turn yourself into the kind of man you would let marry your daughter.
Humans have three pillars that makes what we are: Spirit, Mind and Body. If you have a spirit & mind but no body, you become unable to defend yourself and what you love. Have mind & body but no spirit and you are a useful tool that is easy to corrupt. Have have a spirit & body but no mind and you have no idea what to do. These three must be given attention and constant improvement if you want to advance. You must become a person that can inspire, your mannerism must be carefully chosen, your speech must be clear and seductive, your body must be capable, your mind must stay sharp and your spirit must be unbreakable. Learn to lead and lean to follow orders.

>get /fit/
>Become a jack of all trades, every opportunity you have oh learning something must not be wasted. Try to concentrate in useful tools
>Adopt a healthy lifestyle
>Be noble, you must maintain your dignity, but never make people around you feel less, instead inspire them to change
>Stay informed, be polite, know how to give a good impression. if the media comes to you, you will suddenly become our public front, the image of the whole movement depends on you depends on you
>Develop a strong will, learn to sacrifice and do it everyday, know that you can't have everything. the oppose of this is the mentality of the left
>Hate is an enemy. We are about loving our families, not hating others. The fact that you are doing the right thing must be the only encouragement you need


All this tells me is that you're too weak to handle life without an enemy. You resort to creating boogeymen out of people to give meaning to your life in the babiest way possible.


It starts with you venturing out and talking to people. The easiest people to talk to should be close family and friends. The best people to target at first are people already leaning to the right and moderates getting fed up with the left. Non-political people are next. It will be hard to convince people too left of center and set in their ways, so focus on the people who already seem interested or seem like they can be swayed first. Don't waste your energy on people that will reject you no matter what. Some people cannot be saved. We are here to help whose who show signs of willingness to work on themselves and willingness to take action. If you are very far-right, keep your power levels in check for now. Play the role of the concerned conservative. Talk to people about how modern culture worries you, how family values are being ripped apart, how people seem so brainwashed, why culture seems to be degenerating. Talk about history, the great architects, scientists, inventors, thinkers, and the like. Why don't we have that anymore? Why are people not inspired? Why is our modern culture okay with pushing for supporting obesity, Islamification, transgender kids, and single moms for example. Why is the traditional family unit, fitness, healthy food, Western values, and things like that demonized now? These are very broad things to talk about to get people on the same page.


Next we need to take those friends and family members that show interest and host a dedicated meeting place. THIS IS ENTIRELY UP TO YOU TO ORGANIZE LOCALLY. As an example, host a right wing meeting every week at someone's house, a local library (great to pick up reading material there too), outside at a local park, etc. If you decide to host a meeting in public, it may attract the curious passer-by. So be professional. Tell your friends and family members to bring someone they know that might be interested. Have a written out plan for the meeting. What are you here for? Why did you come? What points do you wish to discuss? What types of action can you plan? What kind of skills and resources does everyone have? Think of a way to keep in contact with everyone. Join the discord. Make a facebook group page (good for normies). Group text messages. Just pick something everyone in your local group will use and USE IT.

Bumping for victory


If you look around and can’t find a group working specifically on local action in your area, just start doing it! You really just need two things:
- Ten or so people (but even fewer is a fine start!) who are geographically nearby — ideally in the same congressional district.
- A commitment from those people to devote a couple hours per month to fighting the leftist agenda.


If you do want to form a group, here are our recommendations on how to go about it:
- Decide you’re going to start a local group dedicated to making your members and LOCAL CONGRESS REPS (MoCs) aware of their constituents’ opposition to the leftist agenda. This might be a subgroup of an existing activist group, or it might be a new effort — it really depends on your circumstances. Start where people are: if you’re in a group with a lot of people who want to do this kind of thing, then start there; if you’re not, you’ll need to find them somewhere else. The most important thing is that this is a LOCAL group. Your band of heroes is focused on applying local pressure, which means you all need to be local.

- Identify a few additional co-founders who are interested in participating and recruiting others. Ideally, these are people who have different social networks from you so that you can maximize your reach. Make an effort to ensure that leadership of the group reflects broad conservative appeal.

- Email your contacts and post a message on your Discord, Facebook page, WhatsApp, Twitter, on any local groups that you’re a member of, and/or other social media channels you use regularly.


Op is delivering

- Invite everyone who has expressed interest to an in-person kickoff meeting. Use this meeting to agree on a name, principles for your group, roles for leadership, a way of communicating, and a strategy. Rule of thumb: 50% of the people who have said they are definitely coming will show up to your meeting. Aim high! Get people to commit to come — they’ll want to because saving culture is fun.

- Manage the meeting: Keep people focused on the ultimate core strategy. Other attendees may have other ideas — or may be coming to share their concerns about the left — and it’s important to affirm their concerns and feelings. But it’s also important to redirect that energy and make sure that the conversation stays focused on developing a group and a plan of action dedicated to this strategy.

- Decide on a name: Good names include the geographic area of your group, so that it’s clear that you’re rooted in the community — e.g., “Springfield Right Wing Organization” "Upstate New York Conservatives"

- Adopt means of communication: You need a way of reaching everyone in your group in order to coordinate actions. This can be a Facebook group, a Google group, a Slack team — whatever people are most comfortable with. It may be wise to consider secure or encrypted platforms such as Signal and WhatsApp. Promote on Sup Forums when you can.

- Agree on principles: This is your chance to say what your group stands for. Broad conservative concerns are:

>The left's agenda will make America backwards, and it must be stopped.
>To work together to achieve this goal, we must model the values of Western traditionalism, physical, spiritual, and intellectual pursuit, and the unity of all people who politically fall center of right.

- It's strongly recommended to focus on defense against the left agenda rather than developing an entire new alternative policy agenda - It is time-intensive, divisive, and, quite frankly, a distraction.

- Volunteer for roles: Figure out how to divide roles and responsibilities among your group. This can look very different depending on who’s in the room, but at a minimum, you probably want 1-2 people in charge of overall group coordination, a designated media/social media contact, and 1-2 people in charge of tracking your local & congressional office’s schedule and events. In addition to these administrative roles, ask attendees how they want to contribute to advocacy efforts: attend events, record events, ask questions, make calls, host meetings, engage on social media, write op-eds for local papers, etc.

Expand! Enlist your members to recruit across their networks. Ask every member to send out the same outreach emails/posts that you did.

- Places you can find new potential members: Shooting ranges, hiking groups, fitness groups/at the gym, airsoft and paintball groups, hunting groups, gardening clubs, church organizations, car cruise night events, art/craft groups, flea market vendors and shoppers, free public concerts, veterans halls.

- Always try to expand online, too. Recruit and promote on chans and other conservative sites that allow discussion about meetups. Try advertising on sites that are for meetings. Even craigslist posts will attract people. Always be clear about what it is you are promoting and always have a way for people to contact you or other organizers.

- Keep threads like this BUMPED

Every body better be saving what op is typing.

is good chat 10/10

This should go in a paste bin and be in every op's new thread.

we're going to win this


See also your local Police Athletic League

Have a nice white pill; the left constantly shrieks about "leftist unity", but all they've ever managed to achieve is constant infighting over minor details. Ever browse a leftist FB page? Nothing but squabbling over "intersectionality" or "who's more oppressed". Ive noticed that over the past 5-10 years, without even trying, the right has achieved what leftists have been dreaming of since Marx..unity. Though we disagree a lot, NatSocs, ancaps, white nationalists, etc tolerate each other for the most part even though some right wing ideologies are almost completely different. Meanwhile try having a Marxist and a Trotskyist (basically the same fucking thing) discuss something civilly.

Thread theme youtube.com/watch?v=Y-2maNOq0LA

Europe what have they got to do to make you come alive
What has happened to the heritage that once was yours and mine
A capitalistic economy, the communists roam the streets
The old people aren't safe outside, what solution do we seek

Europe awake, for the white man's sake
Europe awake, before it's too late
Europe awake, Europe awake now

We've got to get together soon, and take our nations back
The race board, and the traitorous politicians should be sacked
You can't turn on the TV because we know what we're going to see
Either moaning immigrants, or the lying C.N.D.

We've got to get together now, and wage our nation's fights
If we don't act quickly, we're going to face the endless night
We've got to take our nations back, from all the traitorous scum
You'd better believe it, our day will soon have to come

Exactly. We all cheer on the left for devouring itself, but we must insulate our group from right-wing D&C. That's why I plan on making it very broad and leaving right wing political nuances out of it as much as we can, just so we can have one unifying stance. DEFEAT THE LEFT.

Know any other right wing bands?

I support this. Let it be as much of a staple as /sg/ or /ns/.

Thank you for calling out the meme retards.

None as catchy and hum able as Skrewdriver. Their best album is Hail the New Dawn youtube.com/watch?v=Wr5KMtukvqI

Agreed. We need to fight them in the universities, where they feel they are the only voice allowed to speak. They're not a majority, and they need to be reminded of this.

being unable to live without enemy vs being unable to defeat real enemy? lol, I'll take the first one, thanks

here is the pastebin, it'll be added next time pastebin.com/rRfx0rVY
thank you for the rec

Here is a William Pierce American Dissident Voices Broadcast that the non-Jewish anti-activism folks should listen to. If you actually care about fighting the System, you need to get up off of your ass and start doing things in real life.


Here is another video for the anti-activism folks.
If you are serious about wanting to preserve our race, you need to get off of the internet and start doing SOMETHING in real life


sweet get, btw

Who will replace neo con kikes when they die? More crypto-kikes? Fuck that. I see why we have to work our guys up the political ladder now

We shouldn't be opposed to offline organization, but we should be radically opposed to compromise with people who accelerate the destruction of our societies.


Discord invi for all: gg (/) JR7ZDkm

What good is this organization if there are no models for law and society. This is just huddling because the other guys are doing that. Where is the declaration fron common sense? Where is arguing about rights. I hear nothing but platitudes that sound to be on the right.

Get real

That's what all the local organization is for that these are topics we can talk about.

You people can't discuss anything effectively if EVERYONE can't:

1. Read and understand the law. That means knowing how to research a law, look it up, analysis it, track a bill. etc. All I see are kids giving personal context to what they find on social media. That's weak.

2. Understand history (without the narrative). That means researching historical documents, recording history accurately, and cataloguing it for reference. All I see is heresay and using someone else's footnotes to stand in for the actual history. That's exactly what the left does, with its postmodernism.

Seriously, all youre asking for right now is for a coalition that is only united by how much you all hate the left. Youre just fighting to win agianst the other guy, not to establish anything.

If you win, what do you want established in its place?

This is an excellent post and will be included in future threads.