Is anti semitism going mainstream?

Is anti semitism going mainstream?

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wow almost like rational logical people always come to the same conclusions under the same scenarios

>the absolute state of /pols/ self-awareness

It's a meme you dip. the whole world sees Sup Forums as a meme

there has been a shared post on my fb feed since yesterday "THE WORLD WOULD BE SO MUCH BETTER TODAY IF HITLER HAD NOT LOST WWII" kek

the first comment is from a jewish girl asking "is this real?" and the later 100+ comments are from virtue signaling (did I get that right?) beta faggots who are comparing my fb friend to nazi, devil, most evil ever etc etc.

so yes I would say that anti-zionist sentiment is becoming a little mainstream but it needs to be relayed to normies carefully or they will shut down

>Sup Forums saves the world
Good job faggots
Now lets get Trump to realize he doesn't have to kiss Jew ass.

it's counter-semitism not anti-semitism

Yeah, I'm sure the 150+ communities that have kicked out the filthy jews for centuries were all memeing Sup Forumsacks.

If you get kicked out of a party for no reason, you can make a good case for the host being an asshole

If you get kicked out of 150 parties for seemingly no reason, maybe you're the asshole

wait you didn't realize by now that Trump is a jewish plant? am I being memed or are you a legitimately fucking retarded person?

Nigger how new are you? This place is like an infection that spreads everywhere.

No suprise Pedro is this much of a brainlet

Problem, half of Christtards suck Jew dick at every second. Zionist christians are heretics that make up a huge voting block.

This. My Protestant fox news watching cousins literally said they would die for Israel because Jesus was born there.

Sup Forums raiding the comment section =/= normies waking up

Oy vey

t. kike shill. Filthy criminal jew!

That's the problem of reading the OT without guidance. You end falling for their bronze age propaganda, because muh chosen people.

the left is sane only in their fear in the rise of white supremacy

It helps though. I argue with Jew boomers on disqus all day and I notice they flip the fuck out if you criticize Jews in any way. We need to keep pushing this, making this normalized because those shitheads act overly dramatic and scare people with terms like anti semitism for legit criticism. Don't let them get away with that shit.

youre probably a spic yourself faggot

>The Old Testament was a mistake
t. Jesus Christ




>every time theres a comment section i dont like, its all pol's doing

have gone digital now, can't delete history anymore, have to distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distort distortv distort distort distort

take screenshots and post them

Does castilian count?

I think it was always there, just kept under wraps.

Allot of the time when I get into a conversation with an older Afrikaans guy they will ask me if I am Jewish.

a lot of people dislike the jews on this planet, a shitload. not just the nathzees

>over 1000 threads telling us to dislike the video and upvote the comments

Yeah you're right it must be the average normie posting all those Sup Forums memes

Why are you two kikes posting uncomplete lists?

I have a few lists in my Jew folder, that's just the first one I saw

This is awesome. I love being Jewish.

anyhow, that was back then. I personally think Israel and the jews have shaped up now, they are our greatest ally after all

eh it's a mess but whatever

Christianity and Islam had their time in the spotlight. Now it's time for the elusive jew to be criticised. I commend how long they managed to avoid this. But thanks to the information era, no more. This needs to happen to force jews to reflect and fix their own.

>maybe 2 per day

must be weird to browse around the internet and blame pol every time theres a far right rhetoric somewhere. we're not that huge my dude. Accept the fact that a lot of people, most of them who dont even know what a Sup Forums is, dont like where society is going

>Is anti semitism going mainstream?
instead of using the holocaust as an opportunity for a new beginning in relations with other races jews decided to use it as a "get out of the jail free card" to hand wave anything they do that is immoral

now years down the line we can see people becoming fed up with jews hiding from justice behind much six gorrillins

tl;dr it's all jews fault

anti-semitism has always been mainstream but it went into hiding after WWII because anti-semitism was seen as siding with the enemy.

It's making a comeback now and their 5 minutes of fame are up. Soon they will be pushed back into their ghettos and making small time loans/pawn brokering just as they always have out of fear of getting anally reamed by strong white men that are wise to their tricks.

then why did most of the jew donations go to Hillary?
Trump just needs to be redpilled on them

Yea Christianity sadly has been corrupted to serve Jews and Israel.

Are you a hipster?

>t. Herhsel Lieberwitzsteinbergblat

what do donations mean when the sitting president has jewish inlaws and the most influential person in his circle is some rich kike kid named KUSHNER

Certainly seems to be spreading like a meme. Don't know if that's good or bad though

>proud of being a parasite
I'm half jewish on my mother's side and can't help but be ashamed. There's is no honor in ripping people off.

yes, and the more the jews push muslims on us the more virtue signaling normies will be forced to anti semitism.

>maybe 2 per day

Kek no, I've seen at least 20 threads about the video today

thanks for the delivery, brother

The Jews claim to the antagonists of the world, it's only natural for people to start embracing anti-semetism.

>we're not that huge my dude

We're the biggest board on Sup Forums. Raiding a Youtube comment section isn't hard

These people can't be reached no matter what information is provided to them, notice most don't even try to answer any points and most likely aren't even reading beyond the first sentence. They've been conditioned to react to Hitler stimuli in a certain way and nothing can change it. It's quite interesting the power of propaganda.

no, obviously. i dont know if your reading comprehension is bad or if youre just being obtuse on purpose. systematically blaming pol for every comment section you dislike or for every anti-semitic remarks is retarded. Most of those arent from here but from regular people

t. (((Shlomo Shekelgoldbergsteinson)))

I downvoted about an hour ago. Just checked it and my downvote was gone.

this is a good post, bump

>Jewish on your mother's side
That means you're Jewish, you should try to get diversity gibs

>These people can't be reached no matter what information is provided to them
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. These goys are followers. If the winds shift, so will their opinions. Don't you get it how a society operates? It's not the rule of law that dictates ones behavour, it's societal pressure. That's why SJW's are successful.

The more they are exposed to propaganda, the more they will start entertaining the idea of NatSoc.

Don't you remember the first time you came to Sup Forums?

Fucking jews... we need some kind of solution to the global jew problem.

it aint called stockholm syndrome for nothing

No I want nothing to do with that and my father is pure Scandinavian.

It was always mainstream, it's just that the goyim are less scared of being openly 'anti-semitic' now.

the best part though is when some guy who was defending the Hitler post wanted to prove some point so he did a quick search on google and returned with a link to stormfront.and I thought "WEW LAD HERE WE FUCKING GO BOOISS" but some girl got way butthurt over it so the guy backpedaled and deleted it first
>pic related LOL

So him having a kike in law = serving israel?
Although I agree with, fuck Kushner
I have a spic in my family, does that mean I serve Mexico?
Nothing is absolute friend. Trump could be using Kushner for all we know.
I just want Trump to ease up on the Jew pleasing. Maybe he feels he has to because of how much power kikes have in our country. which is OUR fault for letting them get it.

Half of Americans.

>We're the biggest board on Sup Forums. Raiding a Youtube comment section isn't hard

Comments are probably Sup Forums's doing.

Dislikes aren't.

All this back pedaling and compromises to hurt feelings really needs to stop.

>So him having a kike in law = serving israel?
no Trump saying "I love Israel and it's beautiful people blah blah blah *tips shoah **kisses jew wall** sucks jew dick **

>Trump could be using Kushner

Not mainstream yet, but its acceptance has grown tremendously amongst the masses as the establishment becomes more and more distrusted. Jews are pretty much the establishment, but people are seeing through their tricks much better than ever. The resentment will reach a point in which the holocaust card will carry little weight in making them a protected class like it used to.

antisemitism is a thought disorder.

>leftist leaders push the idea that only blacks and browns have the right opinions about race
East Asians are invisible to the left
>black people consider jews to be white and hate them because they're the scummiest slumlords on the US
>brown people hate them because muh clay
>jews are now white in the eyes of the left and zionism is colonialism
They messed up and are losing control of their puppets. If the jews don't start controlling white wing groups and reset the racial attitudes of Western nations then start over or they'll be destroyed by their own creations


The issue is that you have to please Jews in government. If you don't please them, they'll try to crush you with everything they got. They're almost impossible to excise thanks to the Holocaust, making it impossible to say anything about Jews without being called an anti-semite.

Sorry sweetie, but I recognize a Sup Forums raid when I see one. Lurk more and you might too someday

Pleasing jews means you are fucking the non-jew straight in the pussy. Jews are evil as fuck, and have a high sociopath IQ.

Hello there Bess. How you doin'?

GTFO of here Shlomo your days are numbered

>ridges on coins
I've always wondered why. It's ALWAYS the damn kikes.

too bad youre too fucking stupid to get any kind of nuance


I'm 1/4 Jew on my dad's side and I hate that my last name is Jewish even though no one in my family has been Jewish in 80 years and I was raised Christian. All I can take pride in is that I inherited Jewish cunning, so maybe I can do some good by using it against full Jews

The lifting one that ends in marriage should be replaced with a Bible.


Your body is your temple, user.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Norway is missing in your list.
1687 - Christian V. Banned and expelled the jews. Still upheld in the first constitution of 1814, but was removed in 1850.

Countersemitism isn't though.