Stop watching porn

Stop watching porn

what is a glorious pill?

The guy got beat up at 16, put all his energy into becoming a muscle head, and hates porn because it distracts him from his gains.

Makes sense.

watching porn is just too good, honestly i'm addicted and so is every other fucker. Young horny guys with access to porn will just inevitably seek it out; save those who are gods of willpower.

What is supposed to be so bad about jacking off to porn? I do it a few times a week, not really sure why it would have a bad effect on me? If it's doing something to me I'm not even aware

I thought that Kurt Cobain is dead


I just got done fapping to a video with Ariana Marie. She got loads dropped on her. I enjoyed it immensely.

Porn is good.

golden is a faggot

tell that to the bureaucrats in washington, DC...

all they do is watch porn all day long unless if they are about to be testified against

jokes on you OP, I watched porn today AND went out and saw some tits
link, faggot

when is this jewtube con man going to get a real job? full-time narcissist isn't a worthy occupation

If you take 3-4 days off porn and come back to it you will feel fucking ashamed of yourself for ever having watched this garbage. You're essentially watching two rock bottom human specimens fuck each other in a controlled environment that likely reeks of ass, pussy, armpits and cum and jerking off to the visual stimulation of another man mounting and penetrating a woman. The viewer is the biggest fucking cuckold of all.

I don't watch porn though, I just fap to my imagination.

It depends.

If you are in a relationship, or have had relationships and are otherwise normal, porn has less of a damaging effect.

If you have been watching hardcore porn since you were 15, every night, and haven't matured into getting a real girlfriend, you better believe you are damaged as fuck.

Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction is a real thing, because our brains get rewired into finding extremely graphic stimuli to be arousing whilst something more vanilla just doesn't do it anymore.

Every guy is different, but its a solid trend that guys start out soft, and progress into weirder and more hardcore stuff.

I haven't quit entirely, but I take long breaks where I don't watch any porn at all.

I'm weaning off myself, not off of porn, just touching myself
this too

Stop watching the 'golden' one.

>The viewer is the biggest fucking cuckold of all

How am I a cuckold for watching two people I've never met and have no personal relationship to have sex? It's natural to be stimulated by the sight of sex, especially if the woman is attractive, I don't see what's so awful about it.

Heil this guy. Nofap is the great challenge of our generation

Because you're sitting in the corner with your dick in your hand watching other people get some. Cuck behavior 101. You're just one step away from a live show featuring your fat girlfriend and her male 'best friend'.

You know there are better arguments than the rambling of a deformed Swedish gym nigger.

webm related, he would heem your ass

I've had 4 relationships I would consider to be serious (as in not just a few weeks or months of dating, not counting silly middle or high school girlfriends, etc). I've never had a problem with sex or erectile dysfunction. And I've definitely been watching hardcore porn from a young age. I've always been fascinated with sex and had a really high sex drive. I've not had a desire to get into more depraved stuff either, I'm pretty simple with it. Just a hot girl with big tits getting fucked, both people white. I wouldn't be able to fap to weird shit like interracial, scat porn, the girl getting beat, etc. Pic related I just like to watch a chick like this take a good dicking on her back, rub one out and go on with my day. So?

>Because you're sitting in the corner with your dick in your hand watching other people get some

As far as I know cuck means you straight up let other men fuck your woman and maybe even watch. That's not at all what watching porn is. It's just two random people fucking. I would never be interested in letting other men fuck my girlfriend, let alone watching.

it's bullshit science

>if you stop watching porn you will become happier etc.

here's a simple way to test the hypothesis out: watch twice as much porn for a week and see if you are less happy for example.

Even if my face is broken, he's still a deformed gym nigger.

So what im saying is - you're fine, don't worry about it. What applies to one person doesn't apply to everyone.

PIED affects SOME guys, who for whatever reasons are susceptible (lack of relationships with women is probably the biggest factor).

If you aren't broken, you don't need to fix yourself. However there are plenty of guys like myself, who need to take a good hard look and cut back on the porn. It becomes a replacement to relationships with women.

>insanely ripped perfect physique
>blonde hair blue eyes
>well spoken, intelligent
>have 3/10 horse face

It must be frustrating honestly

Some people can't handle unlimited porn access and it has a negative impact on their lives, I guess

Have never watched porn in my life. I am 20...

I'm a pretty decent guy, married to a decent looking gal but I'm absolutely unable to go without cranking one off every 8/12 hrs, sometimes more... It was worse in my teens, I'm 26 now but ya I beat my dick like an Iraqi prisoner.

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

You should be ashamed of watching porn because sex smells?

1 week isnt really a long enough time to see any long-term impacts it might have.

>current year
>watching the golden cuck

26 here. Don't even start, you aren't missing anything and it'll only make your life worse.


Why's his head so small

his older brother lucked out tho

like you were gonna get some deep lecture from an uneducated, unemployed retard that spends every day in the gym, flexing in the mirror and talking to his webcam

Not that frustrating, I bet he still drowns in puss.

What would REALLY be disappointing is having a 4 inch dick or something.

Getting swole af, reading a lot of books, not masturbating, making babies and being a nationalist

Some people get addicted and it fucks up their life
>source: me 1 year ago

>how do you do fellow celts

i respect breivik for killing marxist and i respect varg for having 5 kids, but what in the love of fuck are these posers doing on Sup Forums? take this shit to /e-celeb/

>maybe 6/10 face
>autistic (not literally but very awkward)
>7 inch dick

It makes all the difference but getting someone into my bedroom is the challenge

Jesus Christ

He is literally the perfect male specimen

Not too bad then, you can always fix your diet and put on muscle (or just take test). You can learn social skills, its just practice.

You can't easily make your benis bigger. So in that sense, you lucked out!

the golden boy is right, only real sex is good, stop watching porn

I was wondering the same thing. Why bother working out when you have a miniature head?

Is the golden one natty?

>1 year ago

>during this year he was improve himself he has got more jacked cuz women like...

Dropped on this moment. This is nice way to show how cucked are you. Improving and making some shit for the women don't work, this guy completely dont understand women psychology.

Jokes on you I stopped masturbating because depression killed my sex drive and I fill the void with work.

42 here. Eventually porn becomes boring. More importantly, once you faggots actually go through a few girlfriends, it's better to jerk off in complete silence, close your eyes and recall specific fuck sessions with ex gfs.

Also, stop telling people what to do, you fucking fascist.

Its long, he has a horseface. But I wouldn't say it was small, probably looks that way a bit because he is absolutely huge, ripped.

>look like Masters of the Universe character
>not gay

That guy looks and sounds like a depressed autist. I feel bad for him.

This. Gen-Xfag here. Been doing the deed for decades now & the most intense orgasms are with eyes closed and using the imagination - whether its thinking about an ex or about that smoking hot dental assistant whose bewbies were swinging in your face earlier that day and clearly didn't mind that her thighs and mons pubis pressed against your hand on the armrest as she stood up to grab the fluoride tray.







Lol, that is ridiculously dumb. If I watched 2x porn for a week or even a month, I would be miserable, and I don't watch that much at all. I've been trying to stop watching porn completely. I don't get that torn up about whenever I do watch some and rub one out, but it's not something that I want to indulge because that's how faggots get to be faggots, indulge, indulge, indulge, indulge.

Porn is smut, trash, a waste of time and energy. If we all completely dropped porn, the white race could reconquer the world.

>I would never be interested in letting other men fuck my girlfriend, let alone watching.

Like I said... 1 step away. The psychological impact is the same.

Just the very fact you need to resort to technicalities to justify it should tell you right off the bat that something is amiss...

>the difference between watching a random porn video and letting another man fuck your actual girlfriend in front of you is a mere "technicality"







>nigger and Latino searches correlate with percentage of gays
Minorities are fans confirmed.

>he thinks porn is the reason i ( and many others ) never had a GF

Ye right , it s not cause i m ugly or i never talked with women , it MUST BE PORN , sureee that s why my CHAD friend watches porn but had GFs and one night stands

is the GoldenOne natty?

Can t get real sex . What i do ?



How about porn my italian gf produces for me? Damn good solos, it's the only porn I wish to fap to.
On the other hand, how is this related to politics? Off to Sup Forums with you pal

Mind sharing it with us?

>making babies
I'll start making babies when the laws don't threaten them being taken away.

Chad also eats fast food and drinks coke but he doesn't eat and drink it all the time.

Go cold turkey, you'll feel more motivated.

Seriously though, is it degenerate to fap to your own woman who provides when you two are apart? I don't think so

No, but it is degenerate to share it with the world behind you back, you sick fuck.


I have a lot of videos of me fucking exes but it just gives me a weird uneasy feeling to watch it. I wouldn't be able to fap to it.

I'm not watching porn right now.

TGO is in the top 5% of men. Of course he doesn't need porn to get by. Some of us are too ugly and/or autistic to find a mate so porn is all we have. Fuck all you puritanical dickheads who try to shame us.

Oh of course, as though you'd see her face and all.
See this shit is Sup Forums tier ffs. My point stands: I'm sure anybody would gladly masturbate to his own gf, professional porn seriously is jew shit. Stop neo-Varg stuff please.

I used to fuck pic related daily for 7 years and still fapped religiously. It's just about the sex drive of the person and their physical desires from what I can tell

porn is great

when I was a kid I had to wait until my uncle fall sleep to watch his magazine stash and fap to the models on it. Now, i can just go outside with my phone and watch porn with it. Basically 24/7

technology is great
>vr porn too

>daily for 7 years
You didn't get bored?

This. Nice qt you had there user, I give you my compliments. Why would you still keep her material though? Commitment is where it's at, I'm just fucking sick of "no fap" threads. It's worked for millennia, it'll work for more.
Pic unrelated

Not really to be honest. She was my ideal body type and I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to sex. Her sex drive was similar to mine so it was all good.

I dunno I just have it on my pc still, I wouldn't post videos or reveal her face.

Why'd you break up?

Mainly because I have schizophrenia and she couldn't deal with it anymore