So Tommy Robinson is controlled opposition isn't he?

So Tommy Robinson is controlled opposition isn't he?

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Probably. That statement is always made with his name here. Nobody here cares about these altlite "figureheads." Anyway, I saw some tinfoil Youtube channel talking shit about him being uneducated and inept or something. He is probably one of those gatekeepers. (((They))) always lead the opp.

>We need to keep Britain for the British
>Muslims don't belong here
>They're carrying out conquest of our lands
>Woah woah woah
>slow down there guys, lets not get anti semitic
>I'm Jewish after all, mate.

He would be a prime candidate for being controlled opposition. I don't think these people need anyone to control them. The mechanisms are in place for society to naturally develop ineffectual idiots like this who will rise to positions of leadship and stray their flock just far enough that they have the goal in sight, but never quite aim for the real target.


yes and you should know this.

that comes up with everyones name that doesn't openly call out the jews which is everyone. even david duke and people who do call out jews get called out for controlled opposition.

when people say controlled opposition do they mean that they're so dumb they're easy to control or that they're like a secret agent?

He works for (((Rebel Media))) now, and has declared his support for the Jewish people and Israel, calling himself a Zionist. He also tweeted he was a jew, but I think that was a jest response to some kike (if anyone knows different post it). He seems to be about the most thinly veiled crypokike you could find.

Conspiritards tend to think these figures are actually overtly controlled by some group. Like they get phone calls on what to do and what to say.

Remember: every single remotely pro-white or anti-leftist activist who gains mainstream attention is controlled opposition. There is legitimately nobody on our side. Even Hitler was controlled opposition.

well duh just because, he says what people like to hear about muslims people overlook anything else when it comes to these minor celebs who love to go "MUH FREESPEECH AND RACISM IS EXAGGERATED." gatekeep and spaz out when its jews involved. They wont go further beyond muslims because they're an easy and big group that does alot of dumb shit. They just appear and happen you're never allowed to ask how they're being funneled in or by whom


>Ben Shapiro
>Mark Levin
>Michael Savage
>Rebel Media
>David Duke
>Tommy Robinson
is there any figure on the right that isn't jewish or controlled opposition? theres people like Dinesh D'Souza or Andrew Klavan but they're not nearly as popular as the other people.. except tucker unless anyone wants to say he's controlled cause he works for fox news

Every single leader and figurehead is either controlled or a figurehead.

Stop worshipping gods and start being a god

*or an opportunist

yeah i know lol its retarded unless they mean there just easy to control cause they're dumb. people like gavin are easier transitions to the right for people who aren't racist but still have half a fuggin brain

What have you done today to overcome man?

so its not possible to actually just be likable enough that you become popular on something like youtube?

Klaven was raised Jewish.

I'm pretty sure he says he was atheist for a while too but he makes good arguments for christianity and doesn't really have any attributes that make him seem like a divisive person

molyneux is also a jew

>is there any figure on the right that isn't jewish or controlled opposition?
Look for people that have been either kicked off jewtube, or demonetized I guess. Really though, it seems you can be a good civic nationalist goy these days and make one slip and be done.

>is there any figure on the right that isn't jewish or controlled opposition?
Sam Hyde

Yes. Everyone with nationalistic ideals is controlled opposition.

>Sam Hyde
International super-terrorists don't count.

The masters tools won't take down the masters house.
Is that how it goes? The figureheads on the right have 27 followers on the twitter they never use, twice as many subs on jewtube for the same reason, & a small circle of friends that argue tooth & nail in private. Or shitpost here on user.
As it should be.

The entire internet & media is enemy territory, there's no victory to be had via patreon.

David Irving. Not a social media figure but speaker on the Jew Thing


Shareblue is on a roll today!

But the jdl our guys

no one would act that retarded on camera unless they were a jew shill

Controlled opposition, essentially when you pretend to be fighting the power structure but you call anyone who mentions the kikes antisemitic.

Controlled Opposition: VERY FAKE NEWS

Opposition: VERY FAKE JEWS

Here's a You

Shapiro wouldn't hire Klaven unless he was still attached to his kike identity.

Once a Jew, user

I get the impression he made a deal with the devil because he was desperate. Could be wrong.

Dave seems to be pretty impeccable, despite the (((libel case)))
He doesn't want to resurrect the reich though, he's happy to swan around in his Rolls & quaff whisky in his Scottish castle. As he should at his age.

steven lenin

if you have any capability of thinking for yourself, Klaven is not going to convince you that targeting christians or their values will have any benefit

Fucking 3 key hates me

Jewish influence led to
>importation of MILLIONS of Muslims into Europe
>neocon wars to destabilise the Middle East
>funding and creation of ISIS

Results in
>huge surge of Muslim refugees into an already huge Muslim population in the west.
>imported actual real RAPE CULTURE
>imported actual terrorists and Islamists

>wide spread hatred of Muslims
>EU army

End game
>European backlash against Muslim worldwide
>European army invading Middle East to cleanse it on behalf of out greatest allied country.

ding ding

So... then they'll allow Europe to be pure again? What about the rest of the European/white colonial nations? What about non-Muslim non-whites?

he forgot the last part of creating greater israel with no opposition after all the surrounding areas become completely disavowed

So... they just threw out the Kalergi Plan altogether?