White Canadians shouldn't celebrate Canada Day

This nigress explains to white devils why they should be ashamed for celebrating Canada Day (surprise it's because racism!)


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God damn it. This was almost as bad as the videos that MTV makes.


When does it end lads?

Well I wasn't going to but now I am.

Fuck her
I'll always celebrate "day-off-from-work" day

>complaining about colonization
>not native
>also not packing up and moving out
>preaching social justice but not practicing

The shit covered beaches of Liberia await you.

Like she'd ever move to a non-white country

I know, right? Point out the hypocrisy and offer to relocate her and wait for the excuses and backtracking...

I'd like to attend their brainstorming sessions and see this process first hand.

>they are trying to start the 2019 liberal election
>they dont realize that even white francos, anglos and natives are teaming up against them because we're all tired of their bullshit
>scheers wins

Check your privilege, white leaf.

>video about aboriginal oppression
>can't even find a random chugg to do it
>gotta use some afro'd sheboon instead

Any leaf-bros wanna start a Nationalist party?

can i get a sauce on that picture, please?

>the rest of canada
stay mad


Fucking yes.

>Nazi Flag

Not me. I don't have friends so I just shitpost like every other day

I just want to fuck her.
Why was slavery abolished really?


You work for this magazine or whatever, don't you?

retards retards everywhere

>tfw people want to put another stat holiday like a week and a half before Canada Day for "Indigenous Peoples Day"
I'm ok with this desu

>Not understanding irony
>Reddit flag

As a White Canadian that have family roots that traced back before Canada was created I do agree with what she said. There's a lot of injustice that happened, and along with celebrating of past prime ministers, who were known as racist, should not be celebrated today. It even shows with out national anthem, sexist and outdated, needs to be revised to fit with the modern world. I'm hoping at least Canada will recognize its mistake, unlike America, a country so racially divided and racist.

Maybe the war of independence should have included capture of Canada and Abe Lincoln dead during war.

thank god we're the natives in our own country. you wanna know what the swiss do with foreigners who don't appreciate and want to change swiss culture? they kick them the fuck out and make sure said person never comes back. and not the politicians decide to do so, but the people

Who else here is interested in an independent western Canada?

Make a throwaway email and email me: [email protected]

It seems to almost always be a nigger female stirring up racial hostility against whites, while they pretend to care about other shitskins it really boils down to simply being "fuck whitey give me more", they know that men don't find them attractive and it burns them up inside

Who cares. What else do you expect somebody like that say.

Fact is her or her mom went to the immigration office, filled out forms, paid fees, and went through a shitload of hassle to come here... WHY?

Because it's a better place than whereever she comes from.

She even got an education from a university by a well paid Jewish professor who taught her this fucking garbage.

why am I even surprised?

I think the same needs to be done in all nations. we can't rely on the politicians to do what is right anymore.

Fuck off back to Tumblr.

>As a White Canadian

Beat it you're not fooling anyone chink

They already have plenty of time off... as for me, I can do without it.

It doesn't end until we make it end

>T. Zhang Wei

Also I should mention that by western canada I mean alberta BC and saskatchewan.

Change the English version all you want, my french anthem will be based forever
Also, I can hear your wife's son crying. Better go breastfeed him with your hormone induced lactation.

Look at those teeth! Holy shit, it's a fucking train wreck in there.

Jesus Christ it's almost as if it were a coordinated effort

Also, less than 10% have found any sort of work.

I personally will not be celebrating Canada Day

I will be using the time to commemorate the tragic deaths of my countrymen at the Battle of Beaumont Hamel

If any of you are western Canadian, shoot me an email at [email protected] . I think it's time for western canada to go independent.

Fuck off. The natives need to look to themselves to solve their problems instead of blaming white man all the time. How about we stop paying our chiefs 500k salaries and put that money towards cleaning up our reserves and creating opportunities for our own people.

People like this add more weight on
being a black person in the west. Shitting on whites is still fucking bigoted.

There's this: investmentwatchblog.com/in-canada-syrian-refugees-get-3600-per-month-from-the-government-43000-per-year-while-the-average-canadian-makes-27600-per-year/

>sharing your email adress on Sup Forums

I'm Ontarian. No hope for me.

Throw in manitoba while you're at it

It's a throwaway, obviously.

>Kekistani flag
>Not understanding humor

Is this video a "WE WUZ CANADIANS AND SHIT" from this nog?
Don't want to waqtch it because more than sure I'm going to rage and I have being having a good saturday today.

Jesus man. Just kill yourself now.

Dumb frogposter

Eehh, sure.

Who cares about leafs,they deserve it for shitposting.Just save Murica and Europe


her spongebob bucktooth grin is just screaming to get fucking knocked in

>White Canadians shouldn't celebrate Canada Day
>White Canadian me cracks a beer anyway

don't you dare insult my frogs

>9/11 trutherism
>bitcoin faggotry
opinion discarded

12 likes and 100+ dislikes. Good job Macleans

I seriously don't understand this. Did Canada even have slaves?

He asked for a source of the pic. Ain't my fault it's a shitty source. The only other source is Prison Planet...

t. csis

you know the country is getting pretty bad when CSIS wants to help make western canada succeed

>giving a shit what a minorities think

no thanks sweetie.


No. Well actually yes, the aboriginals practiced slavery long before the europeans came.

>be careful not to erase history in the process

Muh plans for Canada day

Fuck her

I can't wait for fallout after some poor mentally disabled Muslim boy to get taken away because of this law.

it's not like there was any culture and country on the planet who didn't

Sounds interesting. I will think about it.

what is with this "colonialism is bad" bullshit

It's how the world has worked for quite literally all of recorded history. Those tribes you're romanticizing? Guess what, they had a bit of a history of bloody takeovers of each other's territory.

In fact, present day is probably the least colonial time in the past 2000 years

>cultural genocide
Should have been a real genocide

It won't happen until 8000 white traps are government indoctrinated

Eastern Canada. Let's just move to Quebec and help them win the secede vote.

Anyone who feels bad for jungle niggers didn't go to high screwl near reserve.

>whites work through a holiday
>new study just in whites earn more money

>White people take pur lands
>No borders

Choose one

Seriously. At least we didn't fuck them and create mexicans. And what fucking culture are they crying about losing? Not inventing the wheel? Scalping and raping?

This makes me kek really hard and think White supremacy was the best thing that ever happened to that continent. Seriously, not one of those speakers is a full-blooded aboriginal. Seriously, not one. If this was a video in America on Blacks, and no Blacks were in it, people would be outraged.

All these words from people who themselves are 25%, 50%, 75%, or more European. Just a daily reminder to never race mix with aborigatards.

Aboriginals as Ryan Faulk put it to paraphrase, "Are a great case study in how prior cavemen acted and lived. The violence and every other indicator. If only we were to drop this egalitarian charade, we could learn a lot about how early humans lived and evolved."

>It's a non-native speaking for natives episode
>It's a fucking rerun

Also holy fuck this captcha is monitoring this thread

What's native american culture like?

t. Achmed Zhang Pingberg

basically white trash, but drunker

Also ontarian

The big cities are fucked but most of the rural areas (ex. dufferin) are still ok

She's welcome to decolonize herself and go back to Africa.

But even if she does practice what she preaches, I won't follow suite. We're the winners, not the losers. I have no obligation to give up what we won, nor do I have the desire to.

Why do liberals not realize that there's nothing wrong with "colonization" and that it was necessary in order to find new lands? Is it really this complex for them to understand? If it were up to them we'd all still be overpopulating Africa.

>and along with celebrating of past prime ministers, who were known as racist, should not be celebrated today. It even shows with out national anthem
What the fuck are you smoking nigger?
Also if you don't like it fucking leave.

The best part is they bitch about colonization and in the same breath argue that having borders is awful and migrants should just be able to come in as they please

I'll drive around with my full size red ensign all day, these fucking mentalists don't even know who to be mad at anymore.

>it's hard to get over something if it's still happening

fine we'll stop sending money to you ungrateful featherniggers

>implying colonialism and whites aren't the reason your black nigger ass is standing in a million dollar production stuido

Violent, ghetto, and trashy. Just like every other Black and Brown group.

Redneck culture but always sniffing gas and demanding patches of land

Maclean's twitter got suspended

love all the 1/10th aboriginal people complaining about dah evul whitemin, oh ok should we slit your penis in half and smash it on a rock like a fucking butterflied hot dog? Cause that's what would happen if it werent for a white person impregnating your retarded whore grandparent.

This is actually pretty redpilled.
Canadians used to be based.

also they would sit on a ridiculously massive amount of resources and gemstones if it wasn't for whitey. they are simply too retarded to dig and drill it out of the ground themselves