I thought South Korea was meant to be based?

I thought South Korea was meant to be based?
In reality they are ungrateful cucks
Are there any Asian nations other than Japan that are based?

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>attack japan
what did the nips do?

>I thought South Korea was meant to be based

Gooks must still be eternally butthurt over Japanese colonization and want revenge

This is accurate. Mainland China as well.

Anytime there's some bust for internal corruption there will be a wave of anti-Japanese propaganda to channel that hate towards them for war crimes.

We nuked the Japs twice and they're over it already, you'd think the rest of the Asians could lighten up a bit.

I don't know if Japan is over it but one thing about Japan that is admirable is that they don't ask other countries to apologise.

Japan isn't based, despite what your weeaboo dreams tell you.

Were they even asking about Japan or did 21.2% of gooks polled just offer that option up themselves?

>attack Japan
Audibly kekd.

>Korean opinion poll
>japanese characters

Probably some misleading shit 2chan came up with.

You know what they say about Asians and kitchen knives.

Taiwan is based as fuck, but just never on the radar.

It's because they have a culturally-imposed notion of shame and that begging for reparations is nigger-tier behavior.

(Which is why mainland China is so trashy, btw - they have no such sense of shame.)

Yeah the Japanese suffered the worst weapon strikes in history
I can't believe that gooks still are bloodthirsty for more Japanese deaths
Japan was punished more than enough

WTF is 2chan even, i wonder? What are their memes like? Do you think they have Pepe? I bet their Pepe is some kind of wierd naga thing or something like that.

Picture is fake. heres the template

I've heard that Taiwanese are weeaboo
Is that true?

This is good, they still believe in the Korean race and will not side with outsiders. How is this bad from a ethno nationalist point of view ?

>attack Japan
I coughed really hard while trying to laugh.

韓国 人 頭 おかしい Korean people are crazy

this is a pie chart asking if north koreans are crazy. 47.6% yes, 31.2% no 21.2% unsure

Learn your japanese

>WTF is 2chan even, i wonder?
He meant by 2ch, not Futaba.

>Do you think they have Pepe?

It says the same shit, doesn't it?

No . Its in japanese ffs


It's hilarious how salty they still are, even when you read novels and Japan becomes a topic it's always them being evil and assholes.

Yeah but they never apologized. The second nuke happened because they refused to surrender.

>21.2% unsure
My japanese sucks, but doesn't "nihon wo kogeki" mean "attack japan?

Where did you get "unsure" of this?

>Japanese asking Japanese in Japanese if they want to attack japan

You understand now why Korean people annoys Japan.

Yeah, it's clearly katakana, hiragana, and kanji.

But the questions in the OP are far closer to the translations than what is suggesting.

Have you considered for a moment that the original survey was translated from korean, to japanese, to english?

Why are you so fucking stupid?
Apply yourself.

Philliphines, maybe?

interesting way of looking at it. I really admire the ol japs. that little island fought like hell

LMAO not to mention that isn't even Korean Hangul in the fucking pie chart. Its a fucking Chinese poll being referenced by Japan

Poll is based on this:
inb4 archive post
OP needs to fucking cook in the oil like a dog

2chan propaganda, not the first time nationalist NEETs try to start shit. Japan is xenophobic as fuck as it is.

Pick one. There can be only one true Korea.

Piechart source is listed both in Japanese and in english as "Korean Society Opinion Institute".

Are you suggesting that is actually a Chinese organization.

I don't see the issue. It's likely the poll was translated from korean to Japanese for japanese audience.

But why does the poll still say "nihon wo kogeki"?

Lacking context in this poll though. Korea would attack Japan because that cuck country doesn't have an army and all the american bases are there.
As for siding with North Korea, it's not for political likeness, but like the Berlin wall in 1988 south koreans have relatives on the other side of the barbed wire, they just don't want to see their families exterminated for politically dubious reasons.
Why was Korea split in two countries in the first place ? Remember ? There you go.

Some Koreans want unification
t. Someone who speaks Korean and studied in Seoul and had to do a survey about this

I went over to Futaba's Sup Forums to check and the second picture I saw was of Sam Hyde. Third was a wojak. I think they're nominally like Sup Forums

Nigger, that isn't Japanese OR Korean.
>nihon wo kogeki
nihon wo kojiki you fucking pleb. its a poll pulled by the Japanese Broadcasting Network, which, you fucking know, translated the poll so Japs know what is being said. It says who is a bigger concern to Korea - China, North Korea, or Japan.

How new are you?

>latest local song debut at #1 is negermusik trapshit by an autist
>Marawi crisis close to being done in one month
>has one of the most explosive dramas in Southeast Asia
>muh fake rice and unli rice
>anti-distracted driving law soon

>Japanese Broadcasting Network
That's NHK.

It very clearly says 日本 を攻撃.

Stop being a fucking moron.

Japan's history is rich with stability and conserving their culture.

The rest of asia's history is rich with being conquered and living in shit holes.

It's a jealousy thing.

Taiwan has donated the most money out of all countries to Japan during disasters if that says anything. I'm Taiwanese-American and people back in Taiwan can be weeaboo as fuck because overall Taiwan loves Japan.

I don't give a shit what the retarded Koreans think, I don't want to wait for them to nuke the US.

Can you not read in kiwi land? Also that's japo dumbass.

>Also that's japo dumbass.
Which means nothing.

Obviously, the Japanese would report a poll like this too in their own language. He-said-she-said.