What with the new trend I've noticed in cities of dogs being walked without a leash...

What with the new trend I've noticed in cities of dogs being walked without a leash? A variant is having the dog leashed but carrying its own leash in its mouth. It's usually 20-30 something dudes doing this.

Do they think it's cooler to have a dog not on a leash? Why? They won't think it's cool when I throatpunch or shoot their shit-sniffing dog for approaching me.

You sound like a triggered muslim, some dogs are fine to walk without a leash.

Same here. Been going on for years. Morons think they're being kewl
until an unleashed much bigger dog strolls along
Arseholes. I curse the idiot bastards every day. Poor dogs being stuck with such dicks

I have a dog. It's on a leash. Last week some unleashed piece of shit came up to my dog and riled him up when I was carrying a bunch of shit along with the leash, causing my dog to pull the leash and make me drop everything. I was told to go fuck myself when I pointed out there's leash laws.

>They won't think it's cool when I throatpunch or shoot their shit-sniffing dog for approaching me.
op is a faggot

I have no need for a leash my doggo is well trained and how would you throatpunch a 105lb german shepard?

My sides

Kill yourself


Fuck dogs and fuck "pets"

Every fucking retard says "my dog is well trained and therefore doesn't need a leash" ... until it isn't.

Gives me an excuse to mace the fucking thing if it approaches me.

Also, city ordinances (probably absent in the shithole you were bred in).

>having a dog when you live in the city
Faggots. If you want pets you should live in a rural area were they can actually enjoy life and not have their only exercise being walking on a sidewalk or the 1/3rd acre shit park.

I have to use a cane due to a previous injury, and my cane doubles as a self-defense implement, and I will bludgeon your fucking dog if it runs up to me without a leash. I've done it before, I'll do it again. I don't have the physical ability to get your 105lb dog off of me if he decides to knock me to the ground, so if your dog charges me for ANY reason without a leash, you either need to immediately yell at me to stay calm or your dog's getting a hooked metal bar to the face. Sorry.

not all dogs are the same faggot, some enjoy the comfy life

you niggers stop taking care of them and stray dogs have been a actual problem for a number of years now

fucking great recession starts and all of you abandon them and then they attack some people. fucking rabid muts all over the place

your not responsible enough as a race to take care of animals. look at the shit job you did with niggers . i bet half of them are house trained yet

>being terrified of a dog not showing aggressive behavior
hello jamal/ahmed

If you have a well trained dog who is non aggressive and doesn't run off, then who cares.

My dog was attacked by an off leash dindog once though. Fuck that owner.

>Who cares

>Except when my dog got attacked by another off-leash dog

So it's okay except when it isn't.

my dog does not move more than 6 feet away from me and he only sniffs those who who come in contact with me when shaking hands
>is your cane a lead pipe?

all these butthurt muslims triggerd by mans best friend

haha, truely pathetic

I love dogs, but I hate Dog People.

Your dog didn't charge me it doesn't get a cane to the face. Lots of dogs sniff my feet or my cane or my legs or whatever that's fine. It's when the dog straight up makes a B line for me and I don't see the owner. The owner either calls out because the dog got loose or something and they don't want any misunderstandings, but sometimes people just let their dogs do whatever, or the dog is a stray, or the dog is just out and about, and it runs at me.

So if your dog is a fucking doberman or pit bull or something and it's not like, a poodle or some shit like that, it's getting whacked. I'm not out there just beating peoples' dogs. I'm not a monster.
>Is your cane a lead pipe
I bought this guy from walmart a year or so back.

unless it's one of these don't be such a pussy

wrong person

for OP

i never walk with a leash, if anyone touches my dog, i will fuck them up

dogs can sense evil

If it wasn't for the government, and their stupid laws, I would have a pet wolf.

>see flag

pls dont shoot my unleashed dogo

Why though? You know you're making people uncomfortable and probably violating the local law. Just use a leash.

My dog is a greyhound so I literally can't let her off the leash or she'll take off and I'll never catch her

Yesterday I was walking her and I turned to hit the cross-the-street button and when I turned back there was this huge mastiff sniffing my greyhound without a leash. This fatass fucking cunt was lumbering down the street with the leash in her hand yelling "It's OK he's friendly!" and I wanted to fucking punch her in the face. Keep your massive fucking dog on a leash if you can't even keep up with it you fucking insane woman

this is my greyhound, she's a cute little bitch

Do not hesitate to pull a gun on a dog running at you and put a bullet in its head. You never know if it is going to be a bite or not, it is more wise to play it safe and shoot.

>hurting mans best friend for being next to you
Thank god you have guns burger
Unload some iron in your skull
I heard it makes you a better kind of person

WTF is wrong with you?


Blame the owner, not the throatpuncher.

To the non-leashers on this thread, what's the benefit to not leashing? What's the harm to leashing? Do not understand what's so objectionable about leashing.

just get a wolf-shep mix, my mother had one when she was living alone in the city. Other dogs looked at him funny and he tore their throats out on the spot.

Yeah my dog is well trained and I walk him without a leash all the time. He stays right at my side.

Checked and confirmed

did you know hyenas are actually cats?

A well trained obedient dog doesnt need a leash, leashes are for dipshits that dont train their mutts and think dogs are a fashion accessory instead of a companion.

Is it against the law or not in your area? If not, you can fuck off.

>They won't think it's cool when I throatpunch their shit-sniffing dog for approaching me.
Please try that against some huge doge.


>Is it against the law or not in your area?
Yes, as is the case in most non-rural areas off of private property.

WHY NOT JUST LEASH? What is the problem?

My dog would fucking kill you, and she hates cripples anyway.

I walk my lurcher off the lead, and it's not illegal in Bongland - the law just says the dog has to be "under control", which she is. If she caused trouble I'd put her on a lead.

You had better hope that cane can kill, or else a newly pissed off doge is going to maul your crippled ass.

Does it complement your fedora and trenchcoat?

Personally i walk my dog with out a leash but thats because its actually trained. If i even lift my hand he'll come running to me. I cant stand little shit lap dogs that stick their noses in their own asses though, put that thing on a leash before i break its ribs.

just keep your dogs of war on a leash, dont care about other ones

that might be true....but there are very few people who work with their dogs well enough to be off a lease...I hate to see it..I have 4 rescues, 19yo female black lab, 7yo female pit mix, 4yo male pit mix, 4yo female manchester terrier.

Why do black people fear dogs so much?

their experiences with dogs are probably guard dogs in the slums

Not just guard dogs, but also the only dogs in black neighborhoods are neglected or mistreated pits. No mystery why blacks think all dogs are violent.

I luv dags, but there's a serious issue with retards with off leash dogs in my city. I would enjoy those owners gassed, or at least fined.

>They won't think it's cool when I throatpunch or shoot their shit-sniffing dog for approaching me.
Have fun in jail, ahmed.

It's always hipster dudes who walk around like they're badass for having a dog unleashed, right? I don't get this.

Not one self-admitted non-leasher in this thread has given even one reason why it's preferable to leashing.

>Being able to defend yourself while crippled is fedora shit
What a cunt
It's not a canesword you faggot, it's a metal cane with a sharp hook. It's got a fuckload of uses and it's good for self defense. It's literally indistinguishable from a regular cheap cane at first glance.

Pretty much. For the record, it's Denver and you can imagine what kind of yuppie fucks descended on to us. I had a guy throwing a ball down the alley behind my place for his dog the other day look at me angrily that I almost backed over his dog.

>throatpunch dog
>dog counters with fireblast
>its super effective!
Muslim scum are the only ones against doges.

I'm not against dogs. I'm against numale hipsters who can't follow basic rules of law, custom, and decency.

True /beastmaster/ here

My pack of dogs ALWAYS are leash-less I spent their early lives training them since I'm retired

Dogs behave differently on a leash, Memet. They actually get MORE aggressive, or rather they get defensive.

Having a dog on a leash is basically signalling that your so bad at training your pets that they won't come when called.

>not just stomping the other person's dog to death while maintaining unbroken eye contact with both the dog and their owner

You genuinely do not deserve to own a dog if you won't immediately kill another animal that's threatening it.

If anyone's scared of someone else's dog just git gud and stop being a retarded faggot. You're a human.

Internet tough guy over here

It wasn't threatening, it was playing. Still annoying as fuck.

>Having a dog on a leash is basically signalling that your so bad at training your pets that they won't come when called.
Having a dog not on a leash signals that you care more about the inconvenience of holding a leash in your hand than making everyone in a public space uncomfortable or responsible for staying alert to your pet.

It's not about scared. Dogs randomly approaching you is annoying, whether they're aggressive or not. It's a sidewalk, not a petting zoo.

Sure kiddo