Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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Im sure black women are paid more in Africa and Hispanic women in Latin America

Great! What about Jews and East Asians?

They never show Asians or Indians.

Because they work less and are less educated and or work in jobs that doesn't pay well enough.

I would have though Washington would be earning more than that.

>asian people
>never included in these

why? They aren't white.

Wait - I thought the whole point of importing Hispanics was to do the work White People just won't do.

I'd like to see asian men and Jews represented on that chart.

Yet another set of facts that totally take their conclusion for granted.

Liberals say women make less, THEREFORE the solution is to take more money from white men.

Women make less, THEREFORE its because of racism.

You guys need to reject the THEREFORE. Yes, women make less, because that's how the world works. I'm not going to suddenly agree with your THEREFORE that fucks me in the ass.

>Be a hood rat
>Make less than more educated population

Whats wrong here?

There is no control for the line of work they are in.

Fucking idiot women wouldn't understand this because they never think for themselves, only parrot what makes them feel good when their period makes them cry

Nobody takes time to look at facts these days. You sir are right. /Thread

thye don't make less though.
They say they are paid less per hour ceteris paribus, not that their average income is lower.

Or relevant education and years of experience.
Women tend to drop out of the workforce for pregnancy and child care - and that's their prerogative.

notice they don't put non-white men on that chart. Looks a little stupid for white women to complain when they make more than literally everyone else but white males.

U.S. Department of Labor
An Analysis of the Reasons for the Disparity

The following report prepared by CONSAD Research Corporation presents the results of a
detailed statistical analysis of the attributes that contribute to the wage gap and a synopsis of the
economic research that has been conducted on the issue.

The major findings are:
There are observable differences in the attributes of men and women that account for most of the
wage gap. Statistical analysis that includes those variables has produced results that collectively
account for between 65.1 and 76.4 percent of a raw gender wage gap of 20.4 percent, and
thereby leave an adjusted gender wage gap that is between 4.8 and 7.1 percent. These variables

A greater percentage of women than men tend to work part-time. Part-time work tends to
pay less than full-time work.

A greater percentage of women than men tend to leave the labor force for child birth, child
care and elder care. Some of the wage gap is explained by the percentage of women who
were not in the labor force during previous years, the age of women, and the number of
children in the home.

Women, especially working mothers, tend to value “family friendly” workplace policies
more than men. Some of the wage gap is explained by industry and occupation, particularly,
the percentage of women who work in the industry and occupation.

Research also suggests that differences not incorporated into the model due to data limitations
may account for part of the remaining gap. Specifically, CONSAD’s model and much of the
literature, including the Bureau of Labor Statistics Highlights of Women’s Earnings, focus on
wages rather than total compensation. Research indicates that women may value non-wage
benefits more than men do, and as a result prefer to take a greater portion of their compensation
in the form of health insurance and other fringe benefits.


Women and men working same positions make same pay. Tell women to stop being waitresses and stay at home moms and maybe they'll make as much as daddy DR.


but omg if they had the same opportunities!!!!!!!!!
you know, just like how humans only started inventing tools because africans showed them how to invent things


Where do Asian women fit into this? And like others said, what about the non-white men?

Kek kike

Seems really unfair. White male should get 2$
Everyone else should get 0$.

They should do a better job then.

I'm always amazed how they will openly admit that it's about having a slave class completely unashamed.

Probably because they don't even understand what they are saying though.

And again liberals only care about cheap labor and votes

The spics get paid less because they're paid under the table- because they're illegal.

The chimps tend to be unemployed. You're averaging pay of chimps that find jobs with unemployed ones that bix the nood too hard.

And women are stupid, because they have tiny woman brains.

Everything is as it should be.

It'll be all the citizens who used to do those jobs until they got forced out by illegals working for 1/2 pay.

>Hispanic women's pay is shit
>I know, let's import more of them illegally and pay them $10 a day to clean my house

I just don't understand liberals. Do they not see the contradictions?

Yea its a real mystery as to why white males are producing more wealth in society. Hmmmm.

this isn't comparing apples to apples

Why does the White guy look like George Washington?
Are they literally demonizing our Founding Fathers?

If that was the case,every bussinessman would only hire hispanic women.

Probably whoever was doing that for centuries before Jews ruined everything.

>White man
Engineers, doctors, scientists, computer scientists
>White woman
Useless humanities degree, work a useless office job
>black woman
Mcdonalds, gibs, cleaner
Ilegal scum working as a house maid.

Really makes you think, what about the juden btw ? Should they be "6.000.000$" ?

So why aren't greedy capitalists only hiring hispanic women, of they exactly the same amount of work as a white man but for a lower price?

Fucked up there:
>Gender Education Experience Married Children Race Region Full or Part Time

They should have take the other shit in account too.

What they should do is take a white male with Masters degre and 10 year working in engeering

then take a black female with same background and then cmopare salaries

all this means is white women need to get back in the kitchen even more


Welp women are lazy fucks.

hahaha why do chinks always want to be white.

How are hispanic women so shit tier?

>Are they literally demonizing our Founding Fathers?
what do you think?

that's because they make more than the white man ruining the narrative

Yeah pretty fair
You get paid according to your use thats how markets work

this is just race war agitation by the left. they want south africa style ethnic cleansing.


There's a sex and race pay gap because there's a sex and race work gap.


People generally earn what their skill set is worth.

I stopped seeing that channel wen I realized they are biased as fuck and will often disregard important facts to push their own conservative shit. Stop watching that shit.

Then you call the truth biased and you call bias the truth.

Women earn less because that's what the word "earn" means. They're not paid less because that would be illegal.

White women earn more than anyone up till the mysterious age of 30.
Really makes you think.

Also i support white women and FUCK minorities.

cause they're overpaid

Makes sense. Women are entitled cunts who call off work every other day.

They are religius extremists. You are right to ignore them.

I thought this graphic illustrated how much they pussy worth.

Latin women come here illegally to work for scraps and have so many kids they can't go back to school, and they don't know English.
Black women don't go to college, and if they do it's for African studies. They also have tons of kids and aren't able to do good jobs.
White women like to do Human Resources and aromatherapy

>tacos literally dumber than a nigger


Men don't spend half the week taking care of their child, several days a year going to school meetings and two-to-three months of a pregnancy on holiday.


We all know women are paid the same and that the ones that call on wage gap are the fucktards that don't know how to do math.

I'm not talking about that I'm talking about that channel.

Let me give you an example...

Here they blame socialism, and totally ignore the fact that were corrupt officials and ignorant masses that fucked the country over.
But nooooo the blame is on socialism. OFC socialism isn't perfect but the same can be said about any other politic system.

That channel is pure conservative brain wash cancer. Stop watching it.

>He hasn't met my stoner white friend

>reality: white men have better jobs and nigs/spics do shitty work

>muh wage gap

Why don't they just get better paying jobs and work harder?

Hispanic woman don't work

>no jews
>no chinese
>no indians
>no muslims
go fuck yourself

> No Asians or Jews in stats, since they do better than whites.
>Let's reward failure instead of success.

The creator of these stats are disingenuous since more white people are university educated and work higher paying jobs than Hispanic or black women. Just another anti-white propaganda hit piece designed to create class and racial envy only against white people.

The thing is, the wage gap is fucking taught at schools. at least here in Poortugal (it's part of (((Sexual Education))) )They say women payed less for the same job like it's a fact. Brainwashing. It become an unchallenged truth. They will never research for themselves because they are taught like it's a fact , just like the fact that water boils at 100º
>oy vey don't ask for sources goy. It's true even tough it's literally ilegal.
Even if the wage gap was real , what's the fucking problem ? I should be able to pay my man employees more than my female employees more if I wanted to. Don't like it ? Don't buy my products.
>inb4 underage
That was 2 years ago

>Not posting the original

As they should

Work hard in a dangerous job and you too can make money.

>So why aren't greedy capitalists only hiring hispanics?
They are.


I thought it was Guybrush Threepwood

The spic woman one is believable, if it's so horrible, maybe we should deport them?

honestly if you believe you're paid less because of you color gender or whatever, move to fucking Canada and stop whining

So Washington is the standard for the white man.
>great leader who fought for democracy and led a fledgling nation into independence

I think they deserve the extra cents then

Poor white people, black people and legal Mexicans for slightly more money.

Why do retards act like women are blatantly paid less than men?

why are hispanics so shit? and how do yellow women cope with outearning the BWC they crave?

Good question. Maybe coming to america legally would make the brown bitch at least make minimum wage.

>Compared to x, y is less than z
This writer is retarded

so we are still talking about earnings and not wages, correct?

what about the black male? fuck this women empowering bull

This pic is based on median full time wages.

>blacks women paid 3/5th as much as whites

What's the problem?

It's funny because the general wage gap has already been debunked decades ago and they still pretend it exists.

>what is other fields with high paying jobs
>what is occupational danger gender gap
>what is occupational trade skill gender gap
>what is occupational extreme discomfort gender gap
I never see hags doing actual tough or laboring shit (of course they're out there, but they're outliers).
t.aviation maintenance fag

This is pretty good, now we just need a version with Jews added.

I fail to see an issue here

Indians are Asian


1) That isn't taking into account that they do different jobs that pay different rates and therefor has nothing to do with discrimination
2) They should go back to the 3rd world shitholes they came from if they don't like it.

if only this were true it would be pretty awesome

sadly it's not

>disdain for gooks

check'd, exactly