1. Stop shitposting

1. Stop shitposting.
2. Turn off the computer.
3. Go outside, look at the sun.
4. Do some exercise.
5. Get a hobby and a productive job.
6. Get a girlfriend
7. Be happy.

None of this shit you post here 24/7 matters retards. Take control of your life and find happiness before time slips from your hands.

Other urls found in this thread:


don't look at the sun that's dangerous

This. That's why you stay inside.

Did all of that. Workout, married, own a business, etc.

Life still sucks.

>be me
>stop shitposting
>go outside
>see someone being black near me
>entire day immediately ruined
>feel nauseous
>go home


That's a great fucking plan.

Except for the impending financial crash.

I have all those things you fucking kike.

>got a gf
>go on pol to see political news
Xdddd vergans

Civilization is at stake. I will not become a normie.

>be me
>wake up
>shitpost on Sup Forums
>jerk off to porn on blacked.com
>tired after jerking.. take nap
>wake up, eat pizza rolls
>jerk off to trailer trash porn
>shitpost on Sup Forums some more
>get mail and paper
>eat dinner
>read latest news on cnn

drink more water. you're just dehydrated.

>look at the sun
I wear sunglasses at all times when outside because fuck the sun also my eyes got fucked up so they're sensitive
>Do some exercise
I do every day
>Get a hobby and a productive job
no fuk u
>Get a girlfriend
the only women that want me are sluts, fatties, and gold diggers

go away

Posting from Argentina and covering your noses, I wonder where you ancestors where from

Don't really see much wrong with that, except for the pizza rolls.

>Get a (...) job
>Get a girlfriend
oh ok lemme just hop in my girlfriend-and-job-getting-mobile and drive on down to the girlfriend-and-job-depot where I can choose from any job and any gf I want

gosh why didnt I think of it soone

Did all steps

Then the girlfriend dumped me, and now I'm even more miserable than I was before


>jerk off to porn on blacked.com
>jerk off to trailer trash porn
Stop doing this

>look at the sun
What are you, an idiot? If you look at the sun it makes you go blind you dum dum.

Can you send me directions to the get-a-job-and-girlfriend emporium? Thanks user.

>has a television in every room
>is in debt up to his vagina
>doesn't understand the impacts of the .pol. dynamic in social & cultural re-engineering
>doesn't realize mos Sup Forums's have wives/girlfriends/lives but are surrounded by Turbo-cuckolds afraid of their own shadow


Looked at the sun and now I'm blind thanks fucker

But I'm way happier shitposting than getting cheated on

Did it. Came back.

That is an normie life. Already done that. Now i want to start a revolution, maybe ww3.

>7. Be happy.
I wish

>look at the sun.
but its night I can't

what happens if you get bored in between one of the steps and turn to computer on again?


redpill me on trailertrash porn. never heard of it

He's right you know


Western Civilization is on the brink of permanent death. There is literally nothing more important you can be doing than working to save it. You can be a nihilistic fuck and do nothing but dumb consumerist bullshit then die having accomplished nothing, or you can play a role in ensuring that your grandchildren and their grandchildren inherit something worth inheriting.

>look at the sun
Goes blind op is a moron

Just realized i spent 3 days at home making food and playing games

Post foot pics of your gf


>Happenings and the degeneration of society doesn't matter

That's exactly something (((they))) would say


>Don't spend that much time online
>Go outside a lot
>Lift heavy and am in superior shape
>Have hobbies
>Own businesses
>Married to redpilled wife for 15 years
>Still come to shitpost on Sup Forums every fucking day and am angry at the shitty state of the world and how retarded leftists are

Don't forget, OP, you're here forever.


>None of this shit you post here 24/7 matters retards.

the missing comma between clauses notwithstanding...

>1. Stop shitposting.
>2. Turn off the computer.
do it accasionally
>3. Go outside, look at the sun.
did this today
>4. Do some exercise.
do this everyday
>5. Get a hobby and a productive job.
hobby - check productive job - sort of
>6. Get a girlfriend
>7. Be happy.

Ew. Outside is for Fags.

Wow OP should write a book. These ideas are too gaood, life on easy mode now hehe

I don't want cataracts.
I work out 4 times a week.

been searching 4 love 4 2 long & found out retrospectively i denied 'true love' not once, but twice. so now im just fucking whores.. im debating if i should film it and sell it on the internet. and no i dont pay them;
im a 7th gen American, i have generals and Drs in my bloodline, my family is reduced to countable amounts 4 the most frivolous of reasons, my father's side disowned me b4 i was born and i binge drink on the weekends which is when i fuck with ppl on the internet most, among many other things...
i found out cryptocurrency and real-estate is the best way to make $$, but shit is so ez i dont give a fuck anymore, especially if i can just fuck ppl and make $$ while living in a 100$ a month motel with paid travel

>normie pop song starts playing
>****THE BLUE PILL****

Ill do everything but 6

wtf I'm blind now

>wake up
>buy shit
>kiss wife


Fuck you OP

>do all of these things
>still not happy

Until the day arrives in which leftist filth is purged from my country I will not be able to be happy.

I don't like being angry, but at this point I can't stop

i watch mostly privatesociety.com stuff.. its on xvideos and youporn i think. Mostly total white trash in small towns that get fucked by other male white trash. I think most of them smoke meth before the shoot as these bitches are downright nasty sluts. It is a pretty low-tier form of porn, but I always was kind of degenerate.

i truly wonder whether some people base their world views on various countries across the globe on Sup Forums threads. It certainly seems so sometimes. Most of the countries spoken about on here are absolutely nothing like what is posted about them - yet you get some posters who genuinely believe their cherry picked statistics, pictures and articles truly represent a nation as a whole.

>Go outside, look at the sun.
Um excuse me sir but it's night time

>Get a girlfriend
>Be happy.

Choose one, OP.


>be happy
Happiness isn't possible on Sup Forums. The closest thing we have to that is Schadenfreude

same here dude. just been working on my fitness and got back into gaming after being depressed for like 2 months. my life is just a cope now bc I was only happy with her

I spent so much time outside with my rifle yesterday that I got sun poisoning and I'm holed up in a dark room with 4chinz, Gatorade, and a novel I just finished reading. I have a good job and I'm generally happy. Stop projecting. Sage.

Really makes my flammers flum

just get out more. stop letting this board - essentially an echo chamber, take over your pathetic life.


i got to step three and now i cant see anything thanks a lot asshole

It is too late for me, my son.

Says William LeGate

So uh, how do I get past step 6 if I'm a chinlet?

why do 50% of the threads on Sup Forums have to be faggy self-help discussion threads?

i actually want to discuss politics not listen to you fags telling me to clean my room

I actually agree. I'm just a lurker, but I wasted so much time online. I'm going to try to stay away from the Internet for the summer. 1 hour / day is my goal.