Its Year 2050. Whites in West are mostly a minority. Who are the new super powers?

Its Year 2050. Whites in West are mostly a minority. Who are the new super powers?

India and China? Will anyone even give a shit anymore about the West by 2050?

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No one, the world will be in ruins.
>West declines and falls into civil/race war
>China and India collapse as they depend on the West's consumerism to grow their economies
>Whites will eventually win their conflicts and begin rebuilding the West

Islam will rule Europe, it will be the dominant power. There will be colonization 2.0 but this time Islamic Europe will colonize China and India to rid the world of fitnah.

the united states will still be the superpower but in name only. basically, the holy roman empire.

we'll have a succession of presidents who are largely ceremonial and from appropriate ethnic backgrounds to please their foreign sponsors

islam will need to settle the sunni-shiite thing once and for all before that happens, or else it'll be the 30 years war 2.0

All it needs is a common enemy, which will be available in form of China/India. Shia/Sunni divide become much less of a concern when muslims go out of MENA. European muslims are going to be a different breed.

Russia will be the last superpower and white strong hold

The only thing Islam will accomplish is the destruction of Globalism. When Globalists can no longer protect you, then the tides will turn. Muslims don't work. Muslims can't think. And Muslims are terrible at fighting. You have nothing but Western Decadence as your greatest ally. When the West is no longer decadent, then your era comes to an end.

there will be another crusade.

to goal is that there is no national superpower but a one world government and global police state. It all depends if they start the population reduction or not...afterward the world wont be so bad for those left but before the rest of the world is going to look like a bazil culture, no jobs, lots of people nothing to do...

Major conflict within Europe, ME Will become more of a shithole, eventually, Europeans get their shit back together again.

We just have to toughen up.

>When the West is no longer decadent, then your era comes to an end.

The West will not overcome their decadence before going nearly extinct. It will be just like South Africa. It kind of already is too late, and in 50 years minorities will become the majority stockholders of the West.

Eastern Europe/Russia is where whites and their slav relatives will make their last stand, and I think they'll continue to flourish there for centuries, they just won't have much influence.

You are under the mistaken impression that Muslims can supposedly survive without latching onto Europeans. All of your weapons, money, fine luxuries, technology, and resources come from Westerners. When the West no longer carries you, you cannot carry yourselves, and thus you will fall with the West when the Globalist project ends.

If Muslims were capable of being productive, being intelligent, and being strong, then Westerners would be converting into Islam as the superior system. But Islam promotes weakness and a lack of innovation, which is why the sons of Christians have been on the Moon, while the descendants of Muhammad will never reach the stars.

There are VERY powerful globalists who are protecting Islam from being destroyed. It isn't ISIS that keeps Muslims safe, but the Globalists who foolishly believe they can control you. When the globalists are gone, the tides will turn again.

The victory of Trump and the right wing in general was a momentary relief from the greater collapse, we will enjoy another decade or so of this victory but it will end. The next president after Trump will be the last white male president.

I'll be dead by then, I honestly couldn't give a fuck.

>Whites in West are mostly a minority
I thought Trump was supposed to fix all that? Is this about a timeline where he wasn't elected?

West collapses. Whites form ethnostates in the south and the northwest and North east in america. Everywhere else is a hell hole.

Most anglo nations have ethno sanctuaries for whites.

Southern europe ends up in a perpetual war with islam for 30 years. The Serbs win all major battles, but itAly falls the muslims. Whites retake Italy and ban Arabs and muslims once and for all. Using any available nukes to glass the middle east.

China uses its manpower to take almost all of South and south east asia. Russia takes a few Baltic states but that's it.

Africa starves. As usual.

By 2070, the west becomes strong again and by 2100 virtually every white nation is a traditional fascist dictatorship. The golden age begins

China is itself facing a demographic death spiral. 30 years of 1 children policy will take it's toll. Plus they have huge debt that can't be paid back with a soon to be declining and aging population. It's issues can't even be solved by immigration because where are they going to find 600 million people?
It can't take over South Asia i.e. India. India doesn't face demographic challenges and is more likely to take over Tibet when China inevitably implodes. Also India, US and Europe will keep China contained out of East Asian.

>Who are the new super powers?

just china.

China is heading for a middle income trap. It will age before it ever is rich.
They have had 1 child policy since 1980 and now even after lifting it, people are still having 1 kid. Their growth is based on building empty ghost cities on debt and selling products mass produced by a low paid labor. Both these things are not sustainable. China will still be a big factor but India will be closing in as well. They both will be bigger economies than US and EU by 2050.

Remember to archive

For every year white population is in decline we should just count down instead of up till Jesus comes back.

When whites in the West are a minority there will be no such thing as a super power.

Whites in the West feed and medicate the world. Without us the world fails.

Results of Chinese 1 child policy are going to hit them soon.

Trump already won, bud

Welcome to the resurgence of Western Civilization, mother fucker

You feed starving Africans not people in Asia. Maybe Poor Africans will starve without you but Asia will only become more dominant without you hogging all the resources.

i hate india

Before California became Mexifornia there was a similar guy elected as the last republican governor.
He also acted all white power and sheeeeeet.
What that did was made sure that no Republican can ever be elected a governor ever again in Mexifornia. Don't confuse the last king of white supremacists to be their savior. Whites are already a minority among new births for 4 years now. And it just going down from here on. It's already baked in the cake.

What did Kek mean by this?

According to some very prominent geopolitical strategists, the US will remain far and away the preeminent superpower throughout the 21st century. China and India will be bogged down in their own internal disunity and chaos while most of Europe will stagnate due to demographic decline. A few nations will begin to "rise" but they won't approach "superpower" status. They include Turkey, Mexico, Japan, and several southeast Asian nations.

Japan’s ‘green card’ welcome for Indian IT professionals, amid US H1B visa reforms
Japan is introducing a new law to accord permanent residency status to skilled professionals in 1-2 years, even as Donald Trump moves to tighten US visa policy

Sup Forums will never admit it, but the west will lose to Islam. and the argument that Muslims are not strong or do not have capability will become moot when Europe itself becomes Islamic. It will be like Turkey, muslims of Europe will be very different from muslims of MENA.

U.S will inevitably face an economic collapse within the next decade

That will trigger a worldwide depression and most likely a third world war or massive civil unrest
The 2030s will be about rebuilding what's left of civilization

>m-muh jew god will,save me
This is why the white race is dying

India superpower 2020 is not gonna happen (my opinion)
India 2050
India 10 years back is way different than now
You never know what will happen in 2050

Islam majority in india will NEVER happen becuase majority of indians are "hindus"
Hindu religion is strong and has good amount of freedkm and has no constraints like other religions...

Pakistan keeps attacking India...
They will soon run out of funds

China and India
Idk what will happen

>China and India
>Idk what will happen

Well, public defecation for starters with those two countries.

stop every poo post is another dead body in the futurewar! don't you see every time you poopost it just makes nonpooers poo?!

Europe in decline. US will still be #1 superpower provided it doesn't fall into civil war again. China stabilizes, India grows.

By 2030, there will be an open conventional skirmish between USA and Russia over some territory, either in the Arctic or the Middle East. It will be very unpopular on the US homefront, leading to massive riots. Eventually we retreat and cede this territory to Russia. We'll have so many people fed up with this loss that USA will eventually collapse into a second Civil War, which will be the biggest civil war in history that will involve all the global powers. Think Spanish Civil War x10000. Foreign volunteers from all over.

After the war concludes, USA is a fractured nation with a terrible economy and overwhelming debt. Weimar times begin. Peak degeneracy ensues, children have sex with their families on the streets for cash. While the US is weak, an "Arab Spring" happens all throughout the EU that ends in sharia-governed enclaves all throughout Germany, France and Britain. Basically like no-go zones they have now, but with official government recognition, their own political power, etc.

By 2040, America and Europe are weak and in shambles. Russia becomes the world hyperpower. Russian media and culture dominates the globe. Russia has total hegemony over Europe and creates its own NATO in North America, surrounding the US with missile shields and troops. America eventually Balkanizes and some state actors like Mexico, supported by Russia, try to cede the leftovers, like California.

By 2050, all that's left of white America are a couple swaths of self-governing territory, essentially reservations. The majority of the country is black and Latino. It becomes less powerful than Brazil. Europe generally stays the same except with a bunch of new countries formed by the Muslims.

China will take a big one on the chin, but you have to look at the fundamentals of civilization in an economic collapse scenario. Autarky is the name of the game. Basically city-states with peripheral resource caches and strong authoritarian military leadership. They can pull it off as well as anyone.

The second biggest hurdle to jump is maintaining control over the population. China has plenty of practice at this.

>China and india
>comparing India with china


Why is India so bad compared with China?

Two things: politics and people.

India has a weak government and a weak people.

>non sequitur
most populace locations not ideal super power. they like cancer are most likely irradiated

It's GDP ranking. That is not a fucking linear scale. Plus China is borrowing 6 dollars to increase its GDP 1 dollar. China has debt and demographic bubbles that are going to burst in next decade or two. We'll see how that turns out.

China will eventually collapse, it's probably already happening but the chinese government knows how to hide shit.
India ? No, the japanese literally killed most of their own culture to westernize and become relevant, Indians can't even bear to shit in a toilet.
India isn't going anywhere.


India started opening up it's economy in the 90s. China did it in 70s. Yea China has had a head start but it also has demographic, debt and mis-allocation of resources issues. So India is starting to close the Gap now. India is now growing faster than China and would do so for foreseeable future.

race wars do not exist

china is just as fucked as us. key word: globalism

gooks are next

>>Who are the new super powers?

Radiation and Hunger

Demographically they are worst off, thanks to 35 years of 1 child lunacy. Their labor pool is going to shrink rapidly while old pensioners swell. Plus they have a lot of debt. All signs of impending collapse.

Whatever you say Gordon Chang.

>Same GDP per capita in 1992.
>China will be 2x India by 2020s.
Kek, also India is experiencing jobless growth and has never grown as fast as China did.


>knowing the year India opened up

T. Bobby Jindal

Kars = Chyna
Esidesi = EU
Wham = Russia

The super powers are corporation, the nation-states are in decline outside of China.

>Its Year 2050. Whites in West are mostly a minority.

Why isn't the city in flames?

Half of saudi s filled with cheap indian labors
And soon us too
So in the year 2050 there will be less white ppl and loads of cheap indian labors!!


China obviously.
As recently as yesterday they were called "the workshop of the world", now they came everywhere and buy everything.